
Chapter 12

Out of nowhere, Sakura stopped for a while, before she slapped her forehead.



"Naruto, your godfather is not just Jiraiya. It's Jiraiya of the Sannin! He's like, one of the few person in Konoha that could challenge any Kage for their title!"

A beat followed Sakura voiced her realization, before Naruto screamed: "EEEEH! I have a relative that awesome?"

"Yes, Naruto!"

Naruto couldn't believe it all. He always believed that become Ninja would make him finally get respected, but it actually gave him actual happiness far before the respect happened. He found so many friends, and now, he had one hell of an awesome family?

Okay, Kakashi-niichan and Jiji were already like his own family, but Jiraiya was the only one who had any legitimate claim as his family.

Unfortunately, Naruto had no time to yell or cried of happiness. The situation alone would not allow him to make such a ruckus. But the foreboding of a certain avenger was the main reason for why he couldn't enjoy the revelation; Sasuke leaked so many thick, unreadable atmosphere, it scared everyone in his vicinity. The intent was indeed unreadable, but it's almost certain that it couldn't be a good thing. The Last Uchiha had no one left for him except friends, and to see Naruto kept getting all the lucks...it could make him jealous.

Both of them became shocked even more, when Sasuke blushed instead. "I hate to say this, but Naruto...can I borrow your godfather for a training sometime?"

"I'll let you borrow him, Sasuke..." Naruto stepped to shake Sasuke's hand, who gave the blonde boy a slight smile in response. But soon the avenger felt something off from Naruto's smile, like he- "BUT NOT BEFORE I SUCKED ALL HIS KNOWLEDGE DRY! First dibs, teme! Nya-hahaha! I'm going to be the ultimate ninja first, you ducky bastard!"

Everybody around them, either waited for their potential prey or fell into a trap, sweat-dropped as Naruto taunted Sasuke, and they sweatdropped even more after Sakura drilled her loud teammate to the ground. Sasuke only scoffed at Naruto's childish gloating.

This is the genin team with supposed biggest potential?

However, knowing that most genius ninja ended up having some eccentricities on their own, most of the rest of the other team leave Team 7 for the rest of the day, didn't want to risk of being eliminated had any of their member met their demise in their hand. Even if they were sure that they could beat them up, the supposed potential made them did not want to take the risk.

So for Team 7, the challenge was to get the other scroll instead of securing their own.


"Now Kakashi...we can do it the right way, or the hard way."

"I'm quiet hard already, so the right way please."

Blushed hard, my snake princess stopped her grinding, and set her cup size to about two sizes lower. I almost shouted about changing my mind (even after she satisfied me for five hours with them before), but she shut my mouth by shoving her fingers first. "Talk, smart mouth. Or this hand will be replaced with one of my snake instead."

"Ah. I see that Hokage-sama did not send instructors the warning."

"What kind of warning?" She intrigued.

"Something about a possible spy, Yakushi Kabuto. We found some...discrepancies about his actual skills. I don't know with you, but I don't think a genin who failed six times know intricate things, like body manipulation to turn arms into air cannons."

This shocked her enough to make her pupils dilated rapidly. Good thing that she managed to recompose herself. "Now you mention it, he nearly always make it to the fighting stage. And he usually failed himself by forfeited. Almost like he's..."

"Already have enough information."

"That, or his fighting ability would look too stiff and raise suspicions that he's hiding his true power."

"Even worse, he might actually have... sadistic streaks that could jeopardized his spy status." Well Kabuto was a true bastard in Part 1.

Anko blinked, before she realized that I was serious. The interrogation force never faced something like this? "Well that means trouble. May I know why he's still allowed to enter the exam?"

"Because we want to take the risk of letting him do his things in exchange to get a raid on his belongings. And it's happening...right now." Anko's flat stare demanded proper explanation, which I happily obliged. "Yugao and Hayate are currently leading a raid team to searching for his stuffs."

"Mmm," Anko suddenly took her coat off before she raised her chest size back to her actual one: A perfect 100, in both literal size and quality."I guess you deserved some gifts after all, smart guy."

As much as I appreciated the softness of her mounds pressed onto my chest, we have to save my team from Orochimaru. If Sasuke got the mark...

"Uh, Anko, I don't think it's the right time. And besides, it's Hokage-sama that laid down all the plans for us. I barely did anything."

"So you want me to straddle that old corpse instead?" She mocked me, and the image of Anko pleasured the wrinkly old man made me mentally shudder.

"...Thank you. Now I know how to kill my boners, just in case."

"Don't try to use it now, Hatake. You're my prisoner, and I command you to pleasure me, now."

"But Anko, we-oh goodness..." I moaned as I felt her hips started to grinded and took off our clothing. Maybe I could convince Jiraiya to create some super seals if I late to save Sasuke? She was soo good...

"Ma'am! We found several faceless corpses from the...grass..."

"Hatake-san, we found these scrolls in the safeplace of genin Yakushi, and we need you to..."

The exam officers looked at our body straddling each others, before they passed out in massive nosebleed. The same happened to Hayate and his girlfriend.


"This is Orochimaru doing." She flatly stated.

"And we found these again. I hope that our ANBU team who sacrificed themselves in solving his traps will rest in peace." Yuugao presented the sealed

I gave a solemn respect for the fallen ANBU, all the while tried my best to not remarked about how ANBU are either super elite like Itachi and me, or one of the cannon fodder for our missions. Then again the most looked aspect for ANBU was always capacity to do the dirty job without being too attached; capable ninjas like Tsunade and Gai won't make it because of their brash personality.

Just when I about to say something, Anko left all of us alone without any word. Obviously looking to stop her teacher at all cost. I would've followed her in haste had someone did not pulled me over. And it was our certain elite ANBU, Yuugao.

"Hatake-san, let Anko do this alone."

"But this is Orochimaru we're talking about! Even I won't be able to take him alone!"

"But we need to decipher the seal, and only your sharingan that can do it safely!"

"Can't this wait? The exam just barely passed the first day, after all."

A coughing man was the one who answered my questions. "Kakashi-san, there are more traps laying there. And the only reason why we're able to infiltrate the place," Yet another cough, "is because Kabuto's practice office guard is called to do something else. If we do this any latter, we won't be able to collect much else."

Damn. This was one of those time when I wish I could just simply explain that I came from a mundane world where this all just imagination. "Shit, what to do, what to do..."

Of course! The stress made me can't think straight.

I bit my thumb, and summoned my trusty little pug.

"Pakkun, follow Anko, and reverse summon me there!"

"Okay, Kakashi. Although you need to feed me the Kobe steak for that. Eh, how am I supposed to follow her tracks?"

"It's kinda like snake." I explained, but Pakkun became scared out of sudden. "What's wrong?"

"Eh? There are two of them, the other one's stronger and more...sinister. You sure you want to do it, Kakashi?"

"Even better. Then go for the strong one!"

"Eh Kakashi? I think I would demand a whole cow if I really met that traitorous snake again..."

"Just go!" I shouted at my little pug, who reluctantly started to ran. I then noticed the other stared at me, obviously terrified by something on me. I growled while trying to suppress my iritation. "What now?"

"Kakashi, your sharingan..."

I looked for any convenient mirror, found one, and seen the mutation of my sharingan. The exact wheel that I received much later. "Well what do you know! All these stress were all you needed to unlock the mangekyo. And they all said that you need to sacrifice your friend or some bull right that. Now what exactly do we have to see here?" This went much better than I thought.


Shit shit shit!

Pakkun, where are you! Why don't you reverse summon me?

Don't tell me that Orochimaru's snakes have eaten you already! Or even Orochimaru himself!


My pug! He's still alive!

Oh no...

There was a snake in his back, its fang still stuck in his body.

My little pug's dying. And it's all my fault...

Wait. The snake's an ordinary one, no sight of extensive mutation. Maybe he's still saveable.

"Summon!" I summoned every of my dog that knew medicine a little, hoping that I still could prevent the other mistake. "Cure Pakkun out of the venom from that snake."

"Kakashi, wait! What happened here?"

"I ordered Pakkun to follow Konoha's worst enemy. You may put me on scrutiny for this. You may even severe our summon link, but right now just save Pakkun's life."

"Kakashi, wait!" My feet just about to take me out of this area before my pug called me out. "This is not your fault. I should be more careful. I knew how dangerous he is, and yet I didn't try to cover me better. Don't let this down like any of your other failure, Kakashi."

I only gave them my eye smile, before I went out to confront the snake bastard.

Thank you for reassuring me, Pakkun.


I was late...

When I arrived, Orochimaru was just about to knock Sakura out.

This meant that I was all alone. And he already planted his curse mark on Sasuke.

All of my plan, still failed to do anything.

"Hey you!" And I still won't waste any chance just to do one right thing.

"Ah, Kakashi-chan. Long time no see." Orochimaru greeted me with his creepy demeanor.

"Fuck you, you snake bitch! Leave my team and my girl alone!" I cursed at the snake abomination while giving him the fingers.

"Oh. How do you know that this body was from female?"

I forgot that even when he was half-sane, the man's already plain weird and just plain unsociable at times."...My creepy instinct was right. Now, will you promise to stop molesting Sasuke for the rest of your life?"

"Me, keep a promise? Hmm, can't do, sorry. Your students here have too great of potential to be ignored, and sharingan is important in my schemes."

I don't know what was worse, the fact that I failed to save Sasuke from being bitten, or the fact that he didn't even try to argue that he's not a molester. "It's immortality, isn't it? You want to live forever to become so strong, no one can oppose you from doing anything you wanted. And with a sharingan, you can" I asked the creep.

"My, my. You nearly nailed it. But do you have such a low opinion on myself to think that I'm just a seeking power madman?" Orochimaru placed his hand on his chest, mocked someone with a hurt heart. "I'm a scientist, first and foremost. It is my ambition to know everything in this world. I have ascended any moral that this world have set. Frankly no one here can follow my lead in that area, and I have no pity for their incapacity to even try, nor will I subdue to their demand to stop going further."

"You can turn the whole world into ink of knowledge, and you may still missed out several stuffs. Alternate dimension, pillars of this plane, the god who truly rule all, or lacks of it. Why don't you just procreate and tell your offspring about your ambition so they can continue it instead?"

"...You know, that actually sounds good." What? "Yeah, yeah. A son can be a good thing. Sharing new knowledge, experimenting together, getting immortal together, even asking to plant my consciousness in his head for safety. Yes, it can work."

...Okay, aside from the last part, that actually sounded reasonable. And does that means Mitsuki would have a sibling? "You actually sounded normal for a while."

"I do? Hmm. Maybe a kid will be a nice change. But I think I need to finish some stuffs before I consider it again. And I'm afraid that one of it involved your team member."

So much for make him leave Sasuke. "I won't let you steal Sasuke from us!"

Orochimaru gave me one of the creepiest giggle that I ever heard. "It seems you mistaken the purpose seal, Kakashi. It's not there to make them a slave of mine. Its purpose is to give them the dose of my power, to show them how powerful they will be under me. I never put them under any true hypnosis. All there is the idea and suggestion of power."

"It won't work on someone with integrity like Sasuke. Anko have one, and she hates you more than the demon itself!"

Orochimaru just laughed again. "Anko had no darkness before I planted the seal. No hatred, no ambition, no rival. She had nothing. Sasuke on the other hand...well, one bad judgement from any of you regarding Itachi would be enough to make him seek for me. One slip of my power, and a failure moment...everyone but me, are walking on the eggshells."

"Well if you're telling me that...is it really worth it to put Sasuke under a seal that have a very big chance in killing him?"

Orochimaru's grin froze after I asked him the logic bomb.

"...Don't tell me you actually don't know about the curse that much." More like a statement than question.

"Another reason for the immortality. And his body." Orochimaru recovered quickly.

"So you're willing to take the risk that Sasuke will be one of the 90% to die? And here I thought I would leave you alive just so you can make your own kid."

"In all honesty, all the people who survived are pretty much qualified to be a prodigy. Sasuke-kun almost definitely will survive. I'm just taken back by how you actually make a good point despite my result."

"In any case..." I reaffirmed my combat stance, showed my willingness to fight him. "I've gotten strong enough to fight you, Orochimaru. Don't ever think of getting away from this easily."

"Don't even think about it."


I adjusted my headband after I crashed into the tree. My leg hurt from clashing with Orochimaru's boots, and my chest felt like it got hammered by a 50 pounds hammer that was from his palm strike.

I guess fought someone who could fight tailed beasts was...not advisable.

"Do you think Anko-chan really loves you, Kakashi?" Orochimaru taunted. None of my attack managed to slow him down. "I'm the first witness of her tried to force me into mutual suicide with one of her jutsu. Seems like her hatred of me will always overwhelm her reason. Is that really the woman you wanted?"

"Have you heard of being caught in the heat moment? Personally I would eviscerate my father's teammates had karma slacked in their job." I retorted.

"And you're just as stubborn as ever." The snake snarked before he landed down.

He cursed as he limped slightly. Did they...

"So my cute genins managed to make you limp? Don't tell me you're getting weak, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru winced a little, before he regained his smug expression. "A little miscalculation on my part. When my informant mentioned her genjutsu, he reported it as if it was a weak stuff that can be ignored. Instead I found such a subtle and yet effective genjutsu, I stepped on a trap she made. Probably lost a little chunk of meat from Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun's attacks in the aftermath as well." "Well I'm not one to judge. You should be the one, seeing that there's nothing you can do now...just like before."

"Man, I remember when you taunted me over Rin's death. Hell, you just taunted me over Anko's suicide attack. Will you ever give me a break for that?"

"You have met nothing but failures and failures, Kakashi. I just reminded you since you always act like you could actually do anything. Where have you ever been successful in your life, Hatake?"

"Let me think...I'm one of the strongest Jounin in Konoha-"

"That's not what I meant, poor you."

"I saved Tenzo, and...that reminds me. Which part of yours that limped again?"

"Huh, it's the left thigh? Why?" I showed him the new sharingan, and before he could even react to it, I already used Kamu on him.

I severed his right leg to the knee. I hoped that I could hit his whole leg, but this was my first try. For that, I thought I did a good enough job. Granted I also took a big chunk of land too, but still.

"OH! OOH! YOU TOOK MY FUCKING LEG! OH, OOOH! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Orochimaru went all out to voice how shocked he was. Every faux grace he usually displayed were gone at this moment, replaced by a great agony.

"Man, for someone who capable of changing body and extensively modifying their new body to look the same, you look overwhelmingly upset over losing a leg." And thanks for showed a very suspicious behavior that could make me suggested about a potential another infiltration!

"FUCK YOU!" Orochimaru threw every smoke bombs on him onto my direction before he slinked/escaped to god know where.

But why would I know? I already losing consciousness before he threw them. My chakra's drained from that Kamui.


"Sensei?" Sakura prodded me with something that awaken me.

"Sakura? You're awaken already?"

"That's my question, sensei." She offered her hand to me. "Can you check on Sasuke-kun and Naruto too? They passed out after Orochimaru slapped something on them."

"Oh, yes. Of course."

"I think it's the neck for Sasuke, and stomach for Naruto."

After checking them for a while (not that I needed to do it), I returned to Sakura who was sitting with Anko. My girl turned away as soon as she saw me. I guess she was still mad to herself over that. I let out a sigh before I approach Sakura

"How are them?"

"Sasuke's is rather obvious. One of Orochimaru's invention is a seal that capable of giving his servants new power. However Sasuke's mental power is great. There won't be problem for him to reject it as long as he stays strong."

"Thank goodness." Sakura let out a sigh.

"I think for Naruto, we won't know what's going on with him unless he went into training. My best guess would be a suppression seal that made his chakra pathway gone awry, but I won't be able to do much for either until you three finished this exam."

"Finishing this exam? Are you sure, sensei? Won't it be better if we just forfeit now?"

"Not really. You alone would be enough to treat them since adjusting with the seal would be feverish at worst. And besides, it would be much better if you three make it out despite all of that, right?"

Sakura looked at her currently sleeping teammates, before she make a decision. "I'll take care of them, sensei."

"Good. I'll make sure that all of you treated as soon as you entered the tower. Now, may I..." I motioned to my angsting girlfriend, and Sakura gave the slip.


"Kakashi, I don't deserve you." Anko slapped my hand away from hers. "I nearly killed myself in a suicide attack against that bastard. How could I fell so hard just for a revenge?"

"Hey, hey hey. If anything, I need more than ever, babe." I wrapped my arms around her body, and she did not tried to wiggle away this time.

"I nearly lost everything again today. You, my team, even Pakkun. Don't be so hard on yourself. If anything, I'm the one who should be blamed over this. I thought I could protect everyone this time. Instead I failed again. So don't dare to hurt me in your self pity!"


I softened my features and voice, but what came out of my mouth was the sound of a nearly broken man instead. "We'll get through this together, okay? Just don't leave me." I asked, and she gave me one of the most beautiful smile in response. Ignored Sakura's squeals, I felt like I could melt into her and-

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately) the owner of that angelic smile's still a sexy devil first and foremost, and I ended up with nothing but my pants, and a woman on top of me who kept grinded her hips onto mine.



"There are children here."

Anko took a glance at where my team rested, and she saw Sakura passed out in nosebleed, mumbled and cursed about her hot sensei and his sexy, crazy girlfriend. Meanwhile Sasuke and Naruto had that weird smile smeared their faces, almost like they gained a perversion clairvoyance. Weirdly enough both of them mumbled about Sakura's thighs and Hinata being super cute. Seemed like some minute time with Jiraiya was enough to corrupt their innocence

Also it turned out that Sasuke did appreciated all those uninvited hugs from Ino, and Naruto sometimes dreamed about skinny dipping with Ayame in ramen river. Go figure.

Embarrassed enough, both of us left the crime scene as soon as we could, but not before I gave their location a genjutsu that lasted for three-hours so the three of them could rest for a while.

Despite all that, Anko did not complain, or even threatened to disqualified them. Perhaps it was her reward for my team who made Orochimaru limped?


Two days later...

"Okay! Let's see what does the actual meaning from that writing!"

All the three of them opened the two scrolls that they got, hoped that they would got the answer from that incomplete writing. Sakura wondered if they got a new puzzle, Sasuke thought they would get a final quiz answer, while Naruto had his mind focused about ramen storm...somehow.

...And instead, they got Iruka, Kakashi-sensei and Jiraiya-sama in a conversation.

"Okay, okay! I'll let you two get summoned to greet them together with me!"

"Jeez, why do we even need to convince you?" Jiraiya whined instead. "They just fought Orochimaru for sake! There's no one who can diagnose any Orochi's victim better than me.

"Because they're still in the exam, and rule said no interference!" Iruka said, not mentioning the fact that even after his almost decisive defeat in the hand of the team, he still felt they were not ready. "And besides, I don't even know if this summoning scroll can be used by more than one people. Now let's check it first!" Iruka explained, before he went to check the teleportation seal that was drawn on the floor, only to found a rather clean tile. "Huh? I swear the seal was there."


"GYAAAH!" Iruka jumped into Kakashi's arms, and the silver-haired Jounin could only wonder if someone did this scene in one of the Yaoi involved them.