
My life after being given a second chance.

A person is sometimes given an unfair life. From birth to adulthood is always afflicted with misfortune until the end. But what if that person is given a second chance after his sad death? That's how I am where I am in that position.

Kamsurik_980 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 39 : Ambush?

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As I thought, when I arrived in this small village… it was quiet there wasn't anyone waking up due to the effects of sleep.

They were all put to sleep, and why do I feel the same way at Ryoukuu High School will repeat itself to the people of this village.

But that was just my wild thought, and Kuro smelled blood…not only Kuro but Jin too, these two puppies smelled something from the front.

"Hey, I feel bad from there," I said addressing the place with a horror atmosphere.

"Hnn...Jin also wasn't calm when he headed that way." Tobio agreed with me.

"We'll be there, and keep our backs safe!" I said they all nodded in agreement and we walked towards the front where Kuro and Jin sniffed the smell of blood.

And it has arrived.

"This!?" Natsume said while covering her mouth with one hand, that we saw a human head rolling in front of her feet.

Yes, we saw piles of human corpses that had been torn apart like being attacked by wild animals.


We heard someone's voice from behind the trees, the sound of footsteps getting louder and clearer.

And we were all already in a position to prepare, except for me…because I didn't feel any intentions from the newcomer.

Instead, I felt a sense of dread from that person.

"Anyone, please!" The voice sounded weak but very clear to us.

Our positions loosened up and I boldly approached the person.

"Hey...come here, are you one of the villagers around the foot of the mountain?" I asked.

The person gasped, then quickly ran away and jumped at me.

"Hueee...help! Help my friend there!" Said the young woman hugging me tightly while shedding tears.

Instantly I felt a chill behind me and saw there was Lavinia who was smiling brightly.

But for me, it's something that gives me goosebumps.

I grabbed the woman's shoulder and pulled her away so she let go of her and hugs me.

"Calm down... breath slowly" The woman complied with my words, and slowly calmed down.

"Good...and tell me who are you?" I asked him.

Her head tilted upwards looking straight into my eyes... slowly her face turned red and steam was emitted above her head.

"Handsome...Eh!?..ah no, not the time for that!...help my friend over there is being surrounded by a bunch of scary people!" She said stuttering while avoiding my sight.

I heard the first sentence she said earlier.

Then I saw my group where Natsume, Tobio, Samejima, and Sae seemed to know this woman.

"Anuuu...are you Nanadaru Shigune?" Natsume asked when the woman saw Natsume. she immediately became shocked.

"AH! Natsume-san! Also Sae-chan?!" The woman said while pointing at Natsume and Sae in turns.

"AH! THANKGOD!"Then she hugged Natsume while crying happily.


I'm now in the forest according to instructions from Shigune, for a moment we know her name then she tells us briefly because she is also worried about her friend who happens to know Samejima and also goes to the same school as Tobio.

With Kuro and Samejima. Tobio stayed with the others calming Shigune who had just joined earlier.

It's a bit worrying to leave them let alone the boys there are only Tobio and Vali even though Vali is still 13 years old but his strength can't be underestimated.

Being the bearer of the White Dragon Emperor and in his veins flowing the blood of the first Lucifer made the child the strongest White Dragon Emperor in the past and present.

And it was the three of us who had to check the situation ahead where one student from Ryoukuu High was found.

The student is named Hyousuke Koga, I don't know the characteristics of the man but Samejima who became his friend made it easy to identify the man.

When we came out of the forest and met in a wide field, we met the same thing as before.

Piles of human corpses that were attacked by beasts were torn apart and limbs were incomplete.

Brutally murdered, and out of it all, we found a man in a shiny black exoskeletal powered suit that had the shape of a dog-like beast and long fur on the back of its head and a jewel in the center of its chest.

Like the main character, Tokusatsu comes out to be real.

"Koga?" Samejima said to someone in the powered suit.

"Hmm?…Samejima!?" A male voice rang out from the man, the person then glowed dimly and revealed a seventeen year old youth with black hair, which had a touch of gold.

Indeed this man was Hyousuke Koga, the victim who was rumored to have disappeared along with the shipwreck of the heavenly aloha.

According to Baraqiel, some students were not found at the Utsusemi Agency's headquarters.

Not many, but it's still a big problem because according to the confession of Hanezu Himejima as the leader of the Utsusemi Agency.

If he had managed to research a weapon against the Fourth God Guardian.

The Four Fiends were four legendary demon beasts that were exterminated in ancient times and whose souls were currently sealed within a Sacred Gear.





Hanezu is looking for a user from the Four Fiends to avenge the Five Principal Clans.

Four Fiends for Four God Guardian.


"So you're the one who asked them to unlock the potential of your Sacred Gear? Are you stupid!?" I shouted to the teenager who was familiarly called Koga.

"Well...Samejima knows how about my personality, even so, they only do little to me and the side? They're just observing there's no big loss they give me as long as they are satisfied with the data they get" Koga explained

The fallen angel Satanael, a traitor to the Grigori Faction under the pretext of obtaining Sacred Gear research data from his students to create more Longinus.

Baraqiel told me that this person like himself is a teacher in a school created by Azazel, especially for Sacred Gear users.

The name of the School itself is Nephilim.

Satanael persuaded his protégé to side with him, and now it's been 6 months since Satanael betrayed the Grigori.

"Hnn...Thanks for the information...now-"

When I wanted to continue my words suddenly a loud banging sound came from the direction of the group that Samejima and I were staying with.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Kuro continued to bark and growl at the explosion.

"I see Kuro, they were ambushed!... Hey Samejima!" I shouted to Samejima, for a moment he turned to me with a nod of understanding.

"And Koga you still have the power?" I asked Koga to which he smirked.

"Of course, I'm not tired to fight them alone!" he said.

Then the three of us returned with Kuro to where our party was.