
My Legendary General System

Rubble moves, and a corpse arises from the dirt. He pushes charred wood off his legs, and scares away the crows that had just been about to peck his eyes. Colour returns to his cheeks so quickly as to terrify the snow from his face, forcing it to melt. The nearby rodents are reluctant to flee. They hide under the charred remains of what had been a town just a few days ago, and they greedily eye the giant youth who had seemingly just returned to life, muttering something about a “System”. Vol is granted strength so suddenly he hardly knows what to do with it. Of course, this strength is not all it seems. He isn’t foolish enough to think that it was given for free. A woman’s voice haunts him, in the back of his mind. It doesn’t speak words, but it reaches for his heart, with dark fingers. It tempts him towards something terrible, and with time, Vol can feel himself slowly slipping towards it. Great power ought to have been the gift of a hero. But heroes ought not have control of corpses like this. Vol is quick to kill, and even murder, but even he draws the line at interfering with the dead. The first time he used his power, and he saw corpses pulled together, and their limbs twisted, and their flesh fused, he felt sick. When he heard monstrous screams and he saw that fleshy mass begin to move, he felt terrified. He falls deeper into the sea of darkness, pulled by a force that he hardly knows. The stronger he gets, the more of his soul he loses. Some part of him holds back against going any further, against becoming even more of a monster. That is, until, one day, he catches a flash of silver amongst that sea, shining like a star. The silver infatuates him, just as it infatuates the many men that serve him. The rarest of all gems, he thinks. He couldn’t bring himself to think of it as human. He hordes it for himself, and in that dark sea of monstrosity that he swims in, he finds himself with a singular source of light, and he dares to go even deeper still, enough to upset the entirety of the continent. Join Vol as he wreaks havoc in the Yarmdon lands, warring for everything that he does not yet have.  

Nick_Alderson · Fantasy
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686 Chs

More Than An Ordinary Man - Part 2

He did not want a repeat of that.

Thirty minutes he spent walking, and he found nothing. Nothing but the corpses of people that he knew. He should likely have felt something as he rolled them over, seeing familiar faces frozen stiff, none of them spared the fleckings of blood, all of them fallen to the sword.

But Vol had never been particularly close to any of them. It was only his brother Jok that he'd truly felt a kinship towards.

He likely should have looked for the body of his mother amongst the wreckage, but he didn't think to. Whether that was sheer forgetfulness, or a more slippery manoeuvring by the unconscious, directing him to avoid potential pain, it was hard to tell. Vol's relationship with his mother had not been good. It had grown even worse when Jok died, and she spent every moment since then spitting on the warrior's profession, and using Jok's death as an excuse for it.

No food, no shelter, no clothes, nothing that Vol particularly wanted. Any scraps of food that he found had already been sitting for a while, and most of it had been touched by the flames. Any clothes he found were either frozen in blood, cut to pieces, or were simply too small for his large frame.

It was after using nearly an hour of precious sunlight, as he made his rounds around the ruins of the town, that he finally made it to the front gate again, one that Oliver had broken down just days before. He stepped slowly in between the corpses, with his clothes hanging off his shoulders, and his skin exposed to the cold air in more than one place.

There was nothing left in Bolrif but death. Oliver had made sure of that. Everything that would have been of use was taken or burned. Weapons remained, left in the hands of the dead, but they would have done Vol no good.

He briefly considered taking a handful of them to sell, but decided against it. He had more pressing concerns than mere coin. The same could be said for the chainmail that he saw peaking through the clothes of several bodies. The air was far too cold for it, and he knew to fear that cold. He'd seen more than a few men die, after braving the winter storms on a night.

North, he decided at the gate. He'd seen Oliver's army go East. He could have followed them, and sought to claim Oliver's head already, but if there was one thing he had learned from his first battle, it was that he was still far too weak, when compared to Oliver.

And so North was what he decided upon, towards another town, and the prospect of food, and shelter.


Vol grimaced at the reminder. Thirty miles. That would be too far to cover in the night.


Listening to the System's reminder, and eyeing the best path through the forest, as he stood at the gate, Vol did not notice the approach of a quiet set of boots, plumbing through the snow. It was not until he heard a branch cracking to his right, beneath all the snow, that he finally noticed.

He raised his axe, in one swift motion, and pointed it in the direction of the man.

"Woahh there!" The man came to a halt, ten feet away.

A bearded man, in his forties, covered in warm furs, with the boots to go with them. By the heavy pack on his back, the man was a merchant, coming to trade in Bolrif.

"Merchant?" Vol asked.

"Aye… Aye, I would be, if there wasn't a man – or are ya a boy? – pointing an axe in my face," the man said, his irritation obvious.

Vol glanced back at the town. He wondered if the man could see the corpses peeking out through the gate. The man followed his gaze, finally noticing the destruction that he had been wrought. From the outer walls, with their solid stone, it was hard to tell – but as soon as one looked at the gate, with its deformed centre, and scorch marks, it was obvious what had happened here.

"By the Mighty… I thought… Gods! Was it Oliver?" The man asked, the terror evident on his face.

Vol nodded slowly, noting the sword on the man's hip, and then noticing the furs that were peeking out through his backpack. From the look of the man, he seemed a hunter. At the very least, he had connections to one, if his trade was what Vol thought it to be.

The System – once again – startled him out of his analysis.









Even as the System spoke in his head, the fur merchant was still talking. "I'd thought… I'd thought with talk of Oliver already being seen marching East, that Bolrif had been avoided. We all did. Though there was no way that he could take a town that quickly…"

His eyes flickered towards Vol's, seeing something there. The youth took a quiet step in the snow towards him, his axe hanging by his side.

His bloodlust must have been palpable, for the nervousness about the man's face was obvious. "Woah there, boy… What's with that look?" He looked to the state of Vol's clothes, seeing the dried blood there, as he searched for an explanation to his hostility. "Ah… You're out of sorts. Been robbed, got nothing, eh? Been there – it's the way of our people. I'll give you some furs, aye? Goodwill. Even Varsharn wouldn't begrudge the disposed of some goodwill."