
The new beginning

A horrible headache woke me up. It was like my head wanted to explode. I grabbed my head in hopes of quenching the pain, but without success. The pressure didn't even allow me to exclaim for help. All I could do was scream, so I did.


Even though this didn't relieve my pain it would at least alert someone to my predicament. And my cries were quickly answered.

A brown haired woman I had never seen before rushed into the room. She seemed concerned and quickly approached me. She frantically tried to figure out what was wrong with me. It took her a few seconds to notice the way I was holding my head.

She calmly touched my forehead with her left palm and just held it there. By this time the pain had drastically subsided. After a few more moments there was a green glow. I tried to keep my eyes open to see what's happening but despite my best efforts, I still dozed off to sleep.

I was suddenly back in a familiar room with a familiar bed. But something was off. I couldn't say exactly what but the atmosphere was different than I remember. In an attempt to figure out what was so off putting I looked around. As soon as my gaze went to the floor I was immediately shocked. There was a body and a pool of blood. It had a face I only ever saw in mirrors and photos, my own. I was shaken to the core. It was horrifying seeing your own corpse.

I woke up, slightly relieved that it was a dream but still concerned. I was frozen contemplating what I had just seen.

"It couldn't be real! It was just a nightmare!" - I tried to convince myself to stop worrying but my heart wouldn't stop pounding.

I had to find definitive proof that was just a nightmare or else I wouldn't be able to calm down. I touched my neck and it felt uninjured. Then I took a look at my hands. They were different. They looked like those of a child, maybe about 6 years old.

This only confused me further. The whole situation puzzled me. It didn't feel like a dream but I had to make sure. I pinched myself, but nothing. I did it again, but still nothing.

"It can't be. Is this one of those bizarre scenarios when someone gets reborn in another world after they die?" - I thought.

"No, no, no, that is just fiction, there has to be a logical explanation. Maybe I was kidnapped, or maybe I am in a coma and this is just some stuff my brain is making up." - I tried to make sense of all this. But then the doors opened and interrupted my thoughts.

A woman whose face seemed familiar, yet I didn't know anything about her, entered. She said in a relieved tone:

"Alex, You are finally awake, I was worried about you."

"Why did she call me Alex, is there someone else here?" - I thought to myself as I looked around.

"You are so silly. I am talking to you." - she said while giggling.

"And who are you?" - I spoke inquisitively.

She laughed and spoke:

"I am your mother of course. You should stop being such a jokester. I will bring you some dinner to eat."

She left the room as soon as she said that. I was left there. The reason and logic I relied on so much as an engineer wasn't helping now. The situation was too absurd to make sense of.

"For now I can only go along until I get more information"