
Day 3

I feel nothing. I sense like dread running through my soul. An auto-pilot, that is what I want to meant. It's all black and white, all white noise, all bland, all nothing...

Every time I wake up, I ask myself, "What am I waking up for?" Is it because I need to graduate? Well, I have decent grades. I don't plan to excel since what is the point anyway? I still graduate even if I am the smartest person on class or not. And besides, what will I gain from it? I'll forget about all of it about a month or two. You do remember the famous gameshow, 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader'? Well it is created to see the kind of education system that we have. The one that favors only the few that gets it and leaves the rest.

It is cruel but it is true. This education system sucks. So why bother...

Let's get back, shall we? Well...

Education... X

Work? Well you have a point. I do need to work though to live, or else you're just reading someone else's memoir. But that choice will leave me to the death chamber. Me doing the exact same ALL HAIL FORSAKEN THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN WILL DRIVE MEEEE CRAZYYY ARGHHHHH!!


Sorry for that mishap. I'm desperately trying to contain myself here. I just wish for something to change in my life. I-I just waited for so soo long...




Love..? That only excites me just at the beginning. After that irrational race of emotion fades, you'll drop like asteroids that extinct the dinosaurs. I promise you, it's not a pleasant feeling... not at all...

So, may I suggest that we don't talk about this? It's like opening up a healed up scar.

So what's next? The future? Heck if my present is in shambles, how about my future, huh?

I was ready to end it all... there's nothing for me to do anyways..

Friends? Family?

They'll just forget about me after a few years anyways...

Nothing will stop me...

...I wish someone was...

...And that someone is me...

Five years from the future.