
My Last Night

"Don't bother" A voice said. He looked up to discover a starved girl bound with the same rope. Although it was dark, he could see her bruised eyes and bloody wrists. "I already tried." Best ranking on Wattpad: 5/138 stories

Aimee_Rothwell · Urban
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6 Chs

The Life of Benji

Walking back from school to get to my house was not something I looked forward too. School was my escape, from the brutality that my house offered. Schools was my safe haven, but to many it's hell. Clearly people have different interpretations of what hell means.

Upon approaching my house, I found all of the lights off. Signalling that my parents weren't home. They were, without a doubt, drinking again. This is a very common occurrence you see, I get home, they're not there, they come home stinking of alcohol and ready to beat me as usual. I was used to it by this point though, so it didn't affect me as much anymore. Of course it hurt, but it's nothing that I'm not used too.

Once I was home, I dragged myself up the stairs to my bedroom and slump on my 'mattress'. A set of springs covered by a thin, yellowing sheet. My 'family' and I don't have a lot of money and can't afford basic necessities, something my peers take for granted. I threw my bag onto the floor, empty all the books and replace them with the ones I need for tomorrow. After a while of staring at the ceiling, my stomach let out a loud rumble. Food..

I slowly get up and make my way to the kitchen, only to meet with a fully empty fridge. I lace up my ratty shoes and make the daily trip to the shop. The shopkeeper's son is my friend from school, their family knows of my struggles with our financial situation, so he allows me to get something to eat for free. They're a lovely family, something I had longed for all my life.

Around fifteen minutes later, I arrive back home to a still, empty house. It was about half past five, so my parents weren't going to arrive home for another six hours at least. To pass some time, I decided to make a start on the homework that is due for tomorrow.

The maths problem was difficult and I threw my head back and groaned in frustration. Looking out of my window, my stomach dropped. A silhouette stood, blackened by the darkness of the night. It must've seen me looking as it shuffled behind a tree to hide themselves. I frantically ran around the house, closing all of the windows and locking the doors. Not forgetting to put a kitchen knife on my wonky bedside table as a precautionary measure.

Sitting back at my desk, I attempted once more to complete my homework. My mind replayed the image of the shadow from the forest. What would anyone want with me? I stared at the blank homework sheet and sighed in defeat. I put it back in my bag and told myself I'd finish it in the morning, but I knew I probably wouldn't.

The next few hours went by dreadfully slowly, I couldn't forget about who I saw earlier. I replayed it over and over in my mind, trying to visualise it again to see who it was but did not get anywhere. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the front door swinging open and the staggering slams of footsteps from my parents. They were practically falling up the stairs and giggling to each other. They went into their bedroom which was next to mine and locked their door. I decided it would be best to leave the house before anything happened. I made my way downstairs, only to be greeted with a stench of alcohol... typical.

Grabbing my coat, I left the house. Walking aimlessly. After about five minutes, I found myself at the edge of some cliff near my friends house. I sat and waited until sunrise. The sun rose at around six in the morning so I hesitantly decided to head back home.

Tiredly, I made my way home and unlocked the door. My parents were passed out on the sofa and I attempted to tip toe past them and into the kitchen. This failed as my mum started stirring and slowly woke up. Well shit! I thought as I ran to my room. My mum grabbed my feet which sent me flying face first into the cold, concrete floor.


My mum yelled in my face.

"I'm sorry, I assumed that you and dad wanted to be alone "


My mum screamed again. My dad had woken up at this point, annoyed by all of the shouting.


She screeched again, following through with her threat.

She raised her hand as I flinched and braced myself for the slap. A familiar burning sensation erupted through my cheek.

I ran to my room, numb to emotion, whilst she followed behind, raging with anger. I reached my room and slammed the door in her face only for her to throw open once again.

I eyed up the knife in corner of my eye, hoping she would not notice.

"Planning to kill us are you? What kind of son does that?"

Oh no..

"And what kind of mother beats their child?"

This hit a nerve as she slashed my arm with the knife. I screamed in pain, shouting curse words left right and centre. I pushed the woman that I once called mother out of my way and threw my belongings into a bag and ran. I ran as fast and as far as my legs would allow until I finally gave in and fell to the floor, letting the tears fall with the blood.

I stayed on the streets that night with my makeshift bandage on my arm. But, I'm just a kid! How should I know, this would be my biggest mistake.

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