
Truth Or Dead

 "We are going to play a game now, and it is called Truth of Dead," Andrew said, one of the people among the crowd tried to correct Andrew "It is called Truth or Dare", but the teen would have wished he stayed down because he was shot in the head for attempting to stand up. Patrick pointed the gun at an elderly woman head " you'll be asked several questions and if you lie then another person here lose their live, besides their blood would be on your hand", Samuel wasn't really comfortable with such term but he knew he wasn't the one playing the cards here, everyone were in pnic because no one knew what Samuel and Stella has done, no one knew whether they would say the truth or not, and another painful thing about the situation was that they were selected randomly. " ok, we'll play your game, but it wasn't necessary for you to have shot the boy, he only felt you were wrong with your statement", they wasn't even a sign of remorse from Andrew part, Samuel and Stella were brought out to the centre chair where Andrew sat, " so, i guess you now know the rule of the game, and don't forget if you don't give us the reply we need from you then what just happened earlier would repeat itself", an old man was picked from the crowd and he was instructed to come out and take a stand, " he's the next in line if any of you lie in these particular turn then these man dies. Okay, for how long have you two been together?" Andrew was the one asking the question, Patrick on the other hand just stood close to Samuel and Stella in case he tried anything funny (trying to escape or if he tries to hurt Andrew), " why bother asking, when you know how long I have known her, what your point in all of these" Samuel asked without fear, Patrick hit him with the loaded gun with him and instructed him to answer the question amicably. The hostage held captive screamed as the gun was pointed at the man's head, " we've known each other since our University days" Stella finally answered, she wasn't sure if they would leave the place alive or not all she just needed was for the proceedings to be finished, "there you have your answer, can we move on to the next question" Samuel asked with so much anger, it sounded like he didn't care whether he left the room alive or not, all he needed was to be free from the claustrophobia. 

 Andrew could sense that Samuel wasn't bothered about everything happening, so he decided to threaten Samuel with Stella's life, "Look here gentleman if you don't give us the answers we are looking for then I'll be forced to kill your concubine" Andrew threaten, Samuel remain claim because he wouldn't dare gamble with Stella's life since Samuel was claimed Andrew knew his trick to get Samuel together worked, " so let's continue with the questions can we" Patrick asked, he continued watching the policemen standing outside the building. " …we repeat, come out with your hands in the air or we will come in with force, let the hostages go and the court will consider your pardon…" said the IOP, no one would be foolish enough to believe what the Inspector of all Police said, it was a false speech " the court would consider their pardon", Andrew and Patrick paid no attention to the noise outside but they knew they would still have to leave the place alive and harmless, but they would cross the bridge when they get there. Stella kept on praying for a miracle to take place in her mind and she knew only God could save them now, the police couldn't do anything because of the civilians in the building and according to the law of the Benicia Constitution only the armed force are the body to take such a decision if Civilians on hostage can be used as a means of redemption to get the culprit out, what it means is only the armed force can decide if the people in there can lose to their just so that the culprit inside doesn't have anyone to use as an hostage. By the time the Federal Military Force FMF came to the scene much commotion had started outside the building as families of the people inside were forced to get inside to save their loved ones, Yes, it was true they weren't thinking straight at that moment but the thing is, most people don't in desperate situations. The Head of the Military collected the loud cooms tool that was used by the IOP, "Listen, let the hostages go or we will be forced to come in with force, I repeat ........, we have full right to take down these buildings regardless of how many hostages you have in there, so submit your or face the rough consequences". The hostages became worried knowing what the FMF were capable of, they could shoot down a whole building regardless of who was in there if care was not taken they could start a war inside the region, the body was over-centralised with power and Denmark Soilders Empire headed it. 

 After minutes of waiting, there wasn't any response from anyone inside so the FMF decided to go into action, the power supply to the museum was cut short and there was a sudden blackout, Andrew and his men tried to gather everyone together but they was these woman Miss Jane a single mother, she visited the museum with her five-year-old daughter, Rachael. Miss Jane who was a reporter at one of the biggest Radio stations was given a job to visit the museum to find out more about the gold necklace found in a woman's neck and buried underground years back, Miss Jane bought another ticket for her daughter so she would also enjoy the great opportunity, they were yet to get to the necklace shelve when the incidence took place, Miss Jane and her daughter were unfortunate to also be in the same room with Samuel and Stella. Just as the blackout occurred, Rachael made use of a little path of the door to escape, although her mother saw her she felt it would be better if her daughter ran away and probably got help.