
My Last Message To The World

 " where could he have gone to, why hasn't he called me, it's been four days now," Stella thought to herself, she was bothered about the fact that she hadn't heard from Samuel since when he went back to Benicia, she had tried his cell several times and it kept saying switch which was unlike Samuel for his phone to be off more than 30minutes max. The idea of reporting the issue to the police came to her head. Still, she was tired of getting herself into police cases so she scheduled a date to do a live broadcast from her home to tell everyone how Andrew hasn't been brought out and also to pass a message to Samuel. Mr Macron was surprised to see a lifeless body in his office, he immediately used the automatic lock under his desk to lock his office before anyone came in, " what have you done?, don't you know this is an office, is he dead?" he moves closer to check up on Samuel, Andrew father with no sign of remorse told Mr Macron to hide the body in his toilet till the close hours. At this point Mr Macron was lost, he allowed Andrew's Father to use him as a puppet, whatever Andrew's Father required from him he would just do it without question, all he needed was for the body to leave his office without them being caught. They knew the job of moving the body couldn't be done by two old men so Mr Macron called few cops he could trust, some were even threatened because they had previous issues with Mr Macron, so for their secret to be kept safe they had to compile with Mr Macron and his accomplice. 

 On the 20th of May, which was a Monday. Stella received a notification from her phone reminder, the broadcast was scheduled 10 minutes after the notification, so she started arranging her stage and gathering everything needed, and 2minute before the broadcast she was ready to go live.

 " Hello everyone, I greet everyone watching these right now." She clears her throat, "I and my lover are the major cause of the incident that happened at Benicia museum some weeks ago. I apologise to the families that lost their loved ones, and also I want to thank the little girl who saved every one of us. But the major reason am here today isn't to mourn the lost neither is it to give praises to the little hero of that day. instead, am here to talk about the lack of justice that is lacking in the Benicia Police. Someone hasn't been reported to the public, as a culprit involved in the incident, he has been kept hidden for a reason whatsoever and I can't sit and watch it anymore. I'm talking about Andrew, one of the biggest basketballers we all know. He was the main accomplice alongside Patrick." she brought out a picture of Andrew and pointed it to the face of the camera, " he is the picture of the man am talking about, he has been kept in the dark for no reason, please I want the press to take up this case and find out why Andrew hasn't been brought to book" she places the picture down, " and also to my love, if you're watching these now, please get back to me, I miss you, and I hope you're fine. I love You", tears row down her eyes as she closed her laptop. 

 The live broadcast started getting different comments and opinions from people all over the world,

some said, Stella was a liar and that Andrew could not do such a thing, others said Stella just needed who to blame for the loss while others demanded the where about of Andrew from his manager, who turned out to be his father. Andrew's Father received a lot and a lot of tweets and messages demanding Andrew's whereabouts and they needed a press conference with him. So Andrew's Father knew he needed to act fast before the case attracted external forces, not knowing that Stella's video had already got to the leader of one of the most powerful organisations established by powerful nations, The UNB. The United Nations Body, the leader Gergor got interested in the case and wanted to be sure Stella's claims weren't true so he instructed the body in charge of the security of member states to send troops down to Benicia and search all prisons to be sure Andrew wasn't in one of the prisons, and he allowed the press to force Andrew Father to bring out Andrew for a press conference in which they haven't still gotten a respond from him. 

 Benicia, USA, became one of the busiest states in the country, and reporters from all over the world started coming in just to get words from the Benicia police officials, the issue made Mr Macron stuck and he could not live his normal life, he started sleeping in different hotels just for him to wake up the next morning with reporters waiting for him outside, even his own home wasn't safe for him anymore. Same with Andrew's Father, knew his son could not get out of jail that easily and one of the culprits would spill out the juice his greatest fear was Patrick, so decided to take Patrick out and let money handle others, so he gave one of the cops set to watch Patrick a poison in which he injected in his drip. One faithful night Andrew's Father was spotted from Camera walking out of a corner, later on, Benicia Police also came out from the same corner, so they knew Andrew's Father was up to something and they had eyes on him ever since then. All his calls and everyone he had contact with were booked and followed by different UNB officials. Until one fateful night, Andrew was to be transported out of Benicia secretly, Samuel on the other hand wasn't dead he was just made to be conscious till they were ready to do whatever that might become of him. 

 " Father, why don't you give me the privilege to waste these for nothing bastard here, now and for all," Andrew said, 

"Son, getting you out of here is the priority, the press has been on my neck and they're everywhere here in Benicia"

 The plane set to transport Andrew and his father was ready to go and the body of Samuel was being brought along, Mr Macron stated that he wanted nothing to do with Samuel. " why can't I just take care of these nenemies once and for all" Andrew marvelled

 " well son, you might have the opportunity to end your nenemises now, first let's get you out of this disgusting and occupied state". 

With the help of some police, Samuel's lifeless body was brought on board, Andrew's Father paid Two million dollars into Mr Macron's account, and the two shook hands and prayed never to cross paths again, Andrew and his father boarded their plane and it left. Just as Mr Macron and his other colleagues knew what was happening, the place was filled with security personnel on white, and only the UNB security officials were allowed to put on white, everything that took place was caught on live camera, Mr Macron and his accomplices had nowhere to escape. Andrew's father had no idea of what happened, he wine and dined with his son on board, not knowing what awaited them at land. 

 Samuel was taken to the best hospital. They had to extract all the drugs that were in his system before they could carry out any operation on him. Stella had to rush down to the hospital to stand by her lover, the intervention took place on time because if nothing had been done Samuel would might have lost his life. Samuel was brought to consciousness but he wasn't awake yet, Stella spent every second close to Samuel, she did not for once take her eyes off Samuel. After two weeks Samuel mysteriously woke up one morning, Stella had gone to get some clothes from the house when she got a call from the head of police, she left the clothes she went to carry and immediately took a taxi. The two were happy to see each other, Samuel was already up, so she jumped on him and they both kissed. After a few days of examination it was confirmed that Samuel was good to go, the two left the hospital with the assistance of some police officers. The press were gathered outside waiting for Samuel and Stella to come out from the hospital, the two kissed in front of the general public and they made known to the press their intention to get married. 

I wrote this book to appreciate everyone who had to fight for the love they shared with their partners. Leave a comment and give my book a vote today. Thanks for being part of my book's successful story.

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