

Sandra's classmates go to tennis courts because they want Sandra to register for a tennis club. When we were on we way to Ray. We meet Ray in the middle tenis court. "One of my friends "said Ray."Sandra want to join tennis club "said Ray."If I don't have any business, I don't want to came to Tennis Court" said Scarlett. " Relax Scarlett, Sandra comes with me "said Ray."Okay"said Sandra. Sandra with Ray went to the office. " Okay, you can fill out the form "said Ray. " Okay" said Sandra. Sandra also filled out the registration form and Ray started the conversation " So what's the reason for you to move this school"said Ray. "Do not be busy with something else"Said Sandra. " I'm asking you not to be emotional said Ray."Well, the form l've been contented, but it's time to keep busy what people can not

do "said Sandra. Sandra went out of office and went straight to her friends."Well , I'm asking for that , but I can feel something that she's hiding. l'll throw secret "said Ray in the heart.