
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


The hours were going slow and time seemed to have been off. But Sae, who was requested by X-6, was walking with X-3 to Levi's office. Minutes before X-3 appeared with a lamp in front of Sae's cell, he had been talking with Aziel who was still suspicious of Sae's disappearance earlier.

During the little interrogation, they were interrupted and as Sae and the woman walked through the hall, Sae repeated a scene in his head. One with his mother whom he hated.

But before he knew it, he had stepped into the office where X-6 held a picture in her hand with a blank expression.

"You really are quite special to my boss, though I can't seem to understand what makes you so...special." X-6 was alone with Sae who leaned his back against the cold steel door, arms crossed.

"You know, you really shouldn't touch other people's precious belongings. Especially when it's your boss's things." Sae stepped forward and took the photo away from X-6, storing it in the desk drawer.

"Well, that photo is of importance. Not necessarily to me, but definitely to you. Am I wrong?" with her voice slightly getting higher, Sae could tell what she was playing at. Digging.

"All I know is where and who I am to serve."

X-6 raised a brow at the simpleton leaning against the bookshelves with his eyes closed and calm speech. 'How boring...'

"Fine. Enough small talk. X-5 asked you questions when we arrived here the other night, and she told me of your answers and manner as the questions were asked. Though, I find your answer about your parents the most fascinating. Tell me, who are they really?"

With a hopeful yet calm look on her face and racing questions popping through her head, X-6 patiently awaited for Sae to enlighten her.

"Once upon a time-"

(- _ -)

X-6 threw a book at Sae but he evaded that too, causing X-6 to start tugging on her hair. But Sae remained quiet as he watched the wild beast pace back and forth for a few minutes.

'what good will it do her?' Sae could only imagine Levi asking X-6 to question him while she was away for business, but even that didn't make sense. Levi would've done it herself, but fail tremendously...

"What I told X-5 behind that door was true. They were assholes, nobodies. They didn't care about the fact that they had another to take care of, they didn't care about each other, simple."

X-6 came to a halt in her steps to look at Sae who had opened his eyes to focus his gaze on the drawer which he put the picture in. X-6, who never met her parents, pitied the motionless slave but still could not fully feel sorry for him.

"I doubt that."

Sae lifted his head to look at X-6. Her words of such despair instantly caught Sae's attention but X-3 and the others barged through the door, X-3 holding a letter.

"X-6, it's Miss Clyde and Blanca. She's there with them."

X-6 and Sae's blood lust spiked in and their eyes showed of hatred and danger like a wildfire burning everything to dust. Whenever there was a "She" in a sentence where Levi was mentioned, it was obvious that Levi's mother was involved and Levi was in grave danger.

X-6 read the letter and started giving orders to her members, "Ready the horses, gather your gear and hoods. We leave in ten minutes." After they all replied with "yes ma'am", X-6 then stepped over to Sae.

"I can see it in your eyes that you're worried, but it's foolish for you to go."

"I don't care if she sees me. If she immediately tries to kill me, so be it. I don't back down to Levienne and I certainly won't for her mother, even if it means I've broken the contract."

There was no point in arguing with a stubborn man like Sae. Aware of how pointless this really was, X-6 only nodded before heading out to gather her gear for the deadly journey ahead. Meanwhile, Sae's fists were shaking as she started making a mess in Levi's office.

Sae flipped over the desk then stared at the glass-covered carpet. Suddenly, Sae knelt down to lift a corner of the carpet and found a lock in the floor but before he could start searching for the key, X-6 walked in and called for him, ignoring the mess.

'I won't be back for this, damn it.' with a deep sigh, Sae finally ran out with X-6 to the rest. Outside, the rain was really coming down and lightning brightened the sky in a horrifying way. The female kidnappers were all each on a horse and hid under their hoods. There was one black horse with a long flowing mane and tail that was neighing loudly, and Sae, was supposed to ride it.

"He's the wildest horse there is. Doesn't trust anyone. Levi wanted to see you ride him but I guess she can see later, that is if she's still alive."

Without hesitation, Sae slowly walked up to the horse and as expected, the horse started fussing.

"If he doesn't get on that damn horse in the next thirty seconds, we leave him here!" X-2 was getting impatient and time was slipping away. Sae stepped over to the side and climbed into the saddle with ease.

Of course, this stunned the others but at the crack of X-6's whip, they all started charging for the gates, and headed down that dirt road.


"You worthless child. On your way to complain to the Blackfords and the young mistress?" Mrs. Clyde held a fan in one hand, fanning herself as she watched Levi twitch slightly on the floor, a pool of blood forming around her with Blanca holding her in her arms.

"Ah, the contract was a good try, Levienne. But I'm afraid you executed it poorly. Just with a simpleton I sent over to steal that contract and leave a note to change the terms, I had controlled your own business with the Blackfords!" Mrs. Clyde had a wide smile on her face as she proudly spoke of her schemes.

But Blanca wasn't listening to the foul woman who had nearly killed her own daughter. "Miss Clyde, please, stay with me!" Blanca's tears landed on Levi's pale face. Levi reached out her hand to stroke Blanca's cheek.

"I won't let you be alone, Blanca. So please, offer yourself to me."

Blanca lowered her head and held onto Levi tightly as if not wanting to ever let go of the woman she admired so much. Levi's emerald green eyes were sparkling with desire as she laid eyes on Blanca's slender, fragile neck. She caressed Blanca's neck with her slender, cold finger that made Blanca shiver.


There was a soft sound when Blanca felt something embedded in her neck. Thinking that she would feel unimaginable pain beyond this or any world, she was dumbstruck when she felt pleasure in having her blood sucked by a night creature.

As for Levi, her wounds slowly started to heal but this wasn't enough to fully recover from the accident.

'Such foul tasting blood. Though, this confirms your feelings, my dear Blanca.' Levi removed her fangs from Blanca and brushed over the bite marks with her tongue. Due to the amount of blood Levi consumed from Blanca, she had passed out but was still breathing. Though, she still couldn't stand.

"Just look at you, killing the one who desired you for all these years. Such a sad, pathetic love story." Mrs. Clyde continued fanning herself while Levi just looked at Blanca lying in her arms.

"Hmm. It is pathetic, isn't it? But it makes this that much sweeter. To have held in those feelings and continue at my side, as my pawn, playing my games. She's precious to me." Levi brought Blanca close, resting her head against her chest as she stroked Blanca's head.

"Levienne, you really are quite the woman. But you are no Clyde. Well, I mean, you are still better than that rat brother of yours."

It was Aziel that suddenly caused Levi to freeze. Though it was unreasonable, Levi cared for that "rat" now, and not even her own mother had the right to speak of Aziel in such a despicable way.

"Azallyn Clyde!" a cheery voice interrupted the deadly silence and Levi was well aware and almost relieved of Sae's presence.

"What an entrance. Though, I find it very insulting yet amusing that my daughter's slave comes on a wild horse to rescue her. Poor Levienne, having to be saved by a man like a damn damsel in distress!"

Sae jumped down and picked up Levi in his arms while X-6 took care of Blanca who was now barely alive. As nice as it may have seemed, this was the worst possible scenario that could've taken place. Sae had left the slave establishment and had dared to show his face to Azallyn Clyde, a woman of high position in society.

"I have laid eyes on you once when you were a young boy when I drank with your parents. Or rather, drank from your parents. It was a shame, they loved you so much. Even as I drank their blood, I could see them reliving memories with you." Mrs. Clyde spoke of nonsense, thought Sae. His parents never loved him, and he had no memories where they seemed like a loving family, so what was she talking about?

Seeing his confused and doubtful face, Mrs. Clyde could only laugh. "Ah that's right, you don't remember. You only remember burying their lifeless corpses! Ha! What a-"

"Will you stop running that loud-ass mouth of yours?"

Sae's words infuriated Mrs. Clyde. How dare a slave even dare to speak in the presence of a Clyde woman. Mrs. Clyde threw her fan off to the side and smiled softly, but enough to reveal her fangs. Sae thought about what Mrs. Clyde had said to him. His good-for-nothing parents letting themselves die at the hands of a foul vampire like Azallyn Clyde, are nothing but fools.

"Forgive me for being so rude, Mrs. Clyde, but we best be on our way. You see, you've caused Levienne to lose so much blood she had to drain her driver. I wouldn't know anything about mothers, but is that any way to treat your child?" Sae put Levi on the wild horse which wasn't so wild when Sae was around.

He stepped closer to Mrs. Clyde who waited to see what the foolish slave would do next, along with everyone else.

'Just what on earth are you doing, Sayrid...' Levi's eyes closed and fell asleep with the sound of someone drawing out their sword and about to swing...