
My Lady and I

19yo Hina inherits a megacorporation in defense industry. Her sidekick, Sin, needs to help her succeed and protect her at all cost. This story is a light hearted romantic comedy between two girls in a realistically reconstructed world of defense industry.

Toobo · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Author's words on the new series

Hi, Toobo here. 

As I said in the synopsis, this is a yuri rom-com but within a context I'm pretty sure most people have not really seen or experienced before - realistic world of defense industry. 

I felt that while there are many CEO type stories, it is not always the case that the business world is portrayed in a believably realistic manner. 

Also, a lot of military geeks and otakus are very well versed in various weapon systems and how they work, the industry itself that produce these systems, and the interactions of these companies with government agencies that result in development and deployment of these products are something quite unfamiliar to them, let alone general public. 

Furthermore, defense industry (at least in many countries) is not a field where you see many women in management positions. 

I thought if I could address these factors in a single story driven with a rom-com narrative, it would be something quite unique and interesting so decided to give it a go. 

As a side note - I think some of you might have noticed that I'm seemingly spamming a lot of stories on Webnovevl at the moment XD. That would not be an unfair accusation as I already have three series running simultaneously here, "I shall wear Jenn's smile", "Are we still lovers?" and "Shu and the Big Boh". How and why am I embarking in another series?

Truth be told, this story is a re-work of something I've written maybe two or three years ago. I already have quite a bit of material written for it so it does not distract too much from my other series. Also, through my recent activities I realized that it is actually good to have many series running simultaneously. There were times when I just focused on one series at a time. It worked well for a short series like "Aren't we lovers?" (that is the origin story of "Are we still lovers?") which had 40 something chapters. But once I got into something that stretched and will run far beyond 100~200 chapters, I realized that there is a danger of forcing the story to progress under the pressure of regular updates. I think that can be actually detrimental to the quality of writing as things start to become contrived and it feels like I end up writing for the sake of writing. 

Once I started to run multiple series simultaneously though, I found it refreshing that I can update the stories as inspiration and ideas naturally come. Maybe today I'm in mood for and have good ideas for Jenn, then I'll write a chapter on that. The next day I've hit writer's block on Jenn but came up with some idea for Lovers, then I work on that. Sometimes I just feel really energetic and my mind is racing & bursting with ideas, then I update all three series in one night. Etc, etc. 

So here it is. This is very different from others stories I've been writing which are mostly based on school settings, so I'm hoping it will offer something that is enjoyable in its own distinct ways. 

Thank you as always and I hope we can enjoy a good run here with the story of Sin and Hina.