
My Kidnapper Loves Me

I must say she is innocent just by looking at her and that just means I can break her more just by thinking makes me hard , but I could also use a toy for now. she started opening her eyes , time to play with my toy (???)= " Hey babe, how was your nap? *POV*tania* what's wrong with him he just kidnapped me ,HE MUST BE A DUMB ASS FOR DOING THAT!!!!!! , Hahah nap...n...a..p I will punch the demon out of him if that's what it takes to make him pay!!!!! (tania)= " you must be stupid, for kidnapping me. My mother was waiting for me and she will call the , police and they will catch you, YOU SON OF A" he has me pined to the bed in seconds and he gets on top of me i...i...i.i. I feel something hard against my stomach (tania)= " y....o..u you are gross!! YOU MANSLUT!!! (???)= " Hey babe, it's not my fault that you are so damn innocent that it makes me hard, and makes me want to take you here so that tomorrow you won't be able to move out of bed " he....he. is scary what will happen to me, I don't wanna be raped by THIS MANSLUT!!!!! but I will teach him a lesson *I grin* (tania)= " oh Ya? babe I am all yours please do of me how you please" (???)= " oh I knew you could not last so long babe " he starting to get in between my legs. And that was bad if he did i can no longer get him off of me and so when he leaned backwards THIS WAS MY CHANCE I tried to kick him in the jaw and he saw through me and caught my leg I tried to get out of his hold and while that we were wrestling my goal was to get out of his hold and I push my self back and he did not see that coming and with that I had him pined to the bed. I have to say it this was fun (???)= " wow you got me there I never knew a girl can ever pin me down" he said in between puffs (tania)= " well of course I am one hell of a girl" (???)= " well if you are one hell of a woman that you should have not let your guard down babe" and with that he grabs my waist and picks me up like I am nothing and just throws me to the other side of the bed and I am dizzy I can't really move and he takes this time to get in between my legs and asks me (???)= " Hey babe, wanna take a shower together??" And with that I jump up and we hit each other (tania)= " NO!!!! I..i. I am not your toy!!!!!" (???)= " look tania I was kidding and you will soon be mine and mine to keep this is your home now see you soon (MINE) " *he winks while laughing* and with that he grabs a towel and gets into the shower while leaving me blushing once again and this is not my home but as if I was going to be his , first we will have to see that because I am not going down easy. A girl named tania gets kidnapped by a handsome man, was he in your past? or is it just your mind playings games with the memories that just aren't clear from 4years ago? Wanna know what happens next, well read, and please leave comments, and give me stones and stars ( tried to not sound like that, but it came out like that sorry all i am saying is wanna be famous in webnoval if i could:)

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*bed time*

After he took a shower it was my turn to take one , and that's when I heard the shower turned off (???)= " Hey Tania baby it's your turn, or I can take another shower, anyways I don't trust you so let me take a shower with you." (tania)= " are you crazy?, not even in a million years would I take a shower with you" (???)= " that's what they all say tania" (tania)= " Hey, can I ask you a question?" (???)= " you already did" (tania)= " don't you even think about doing that little trick, you pervert!" (???)= " oh you think I am a pervert?, well me show you what a pervert does shall I?" (tania)= " HEY!?!? w.wh.what do you think you are doing?!?" He walked tours me , while only wearing this towel he looked so sexy, water running down his abs and past his V~line and into the towel , I looked back at his brown~red eyes and he had a big grin forming on his lips , and with that he grabbed me by my waist and hugged me , and the worse part is that I was wearing a White shirt and he knew damn right if he hugged me it would wet my Damn shirt, and when he let go of me , oh boy


Awww, my little baby thinks I am a pervert, I must say I would be a pervert just for her just to see her body , hahah *grin* I am wet after all and her shirt is white let me do something really fast. I pulled her close and I hugged her knowing that her shirt would be ready to give me a show of what I will be touching soon, and soon I would be hearing her moans, even if she is 17, I don't care I want her and I want her to be mine and mine alone. And I soon let go of her while staring at her chest and I soon found out I was blushing. (tania)= " wh...why are you blushing?". Wow he is so cute when he is blushing , but why is he blushing? (???)= " you're wet babe" he said through a moan (tania)= " you are a real pervert, why did you wet my Damn shirt um???? is it because you are a horny old man??!?! (???)= " baby baby baby look i am not old man I am 20 and I am guessing you are 17 am I right?" (tania)= " h..how do you know?!" (???)= " I was just guessing honey , but man your body tells me other things" He really is a pervert (???)= " Hey babe and please don't call me a pervert because if I was i would have done things to you that you have never done before I believe, but I mean if you want that anytime that of course I would help you out with that" he said with a grin and wink (tania)= " well I am gonna take a shower now, I won't be hearing nonsense from you (old man)" and with that I run for my towel and ran to the bathroom and lock the door (???)= " look tania let's see if you say that when you feel what I am made of, I will make you happy in bed" (tania)= " you are saying nonsense again blah blah blah" (???)= " I will be waiting for you " (tania)= " ok" I turned around to look at the mirror and I start to strip my clothing off and turn on the shower and get in, after 15 mins I get out and I just realize that I don't have any other clothes to change into and I go out the bathroom with only my towel on me , and when I open the door I see darkness and I go fine the light switch and someone grabs me and throws me to the bed and gets in between my legs and that's when I realize he still have his towel on and I don't have anything to cover me from his eyes only the darkness (???)= " look who got in between your legs babe" (tania)= " stop please stop playing and turn them on" I grab his neck and bring him more close to me and hug him , I am scared of the dark it's different if there are little lights but full dark I can't take it so I start to cry and lock my legs around his waist (???)= " Tania why are you crying?" (tania)= " I

....a..am scared of the dark please don't let go" (???)= " shhh, don't worry I am here baby , now sleep and stop crying I don't like it" we lay in bed hugging and I fall asleep .


We lay down and she falls asleep in my arms. She looks so beautiful sleeping. I grab her chin and hold it up and I kiss her , and a Bridge of saliva holds our lips still connected while I leave her soft lips (???)= " I have you again in my arms where you need to be my tania this time your are mine my love good night" *kiss forehead *