
My Judgement System

What do you gain if every action you take will be judged? If it's a sin then what you get is Prison for this world, hell for the next. If it's a good deed then you get comfort in this world, heaven in the next. All actions will be judged in a fair and balanced manner. No matter how small, there will always be a judgment. Will you be safe on the day of judgment tomorrow. or Do you want to feel the judgment when you do the deed right then and there? Antonio, a high school graduate with no skills whatsoever. He wants to change his fate by finding a job here and there. But it's impossible with his current actions and behavior. No skills, no experience, no one to support him. Because Antonio is just an orphan enjoying the leftovers from his parents. Abandoned in a modern society that values things highly. Antonio wants to get help, help from anyone. Until the moment he left his parents' grave, Antonio's life began to change. Dropped (Lost all Draft)

Shaywalloppp · Urban
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36 Chs

You wanna go to the moon?

[Helping the People: Good Karma

Treating the people: Good Karma

Treating endangered animals: Good Karma

Treating animals : Good Karma

Greed: Bad Karma

Grumpy : Bad Karma

Manipulative : Bad Karma

Hiding the truth : Bad Karma]

(Gift: Combine solar energy and energy shield blueprints

Combine energy shield with spaceship

Combine laser sensor with spaceship

Upgrade Spaceship)

(Punishment: Shot

Put into lava

Mouth eaten by flesh-eating leeches

Body dehydrated to a high degree)

My body was showered with bullets from all directions and I was left with thousands of bullet holes.

I woke up and saw myself being put into the lava, slowly but surely.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" My legs were scorched by the lava, my thighs, hips, stomach, chest, then finally my head.

I didn't die, I just refused to die.

I woke up again, I felt my mouth being eaten by something, I spit out and saw a leech the size of my middle finger, wiggling rapidly.

"Huuuurrggghh....." I spit out all the leeches in my mouth, but it was useless. my mouth still felt eaten by leeches.

I continued to spit out the leeches in my mouth. until I felt my body poisoned, then the leeches I spit out wriggled back into my mouth, I tried to throw the leeches away but my body refused to move.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I could only scream as I felt my mouth being eaten.

and my body seemed to be depleted, dry with no liquid.

I kept screaming and finally I died.

I regained consciousness, and was breathing heavily.

I checked my mouth, and I was nauseous.

vomiting on the floor.

<Sir, what's wrong>

I checked the floor, no leeches. Thank God. Thank God.

"I'm just nauseous, Omega."

<Please drink this, sir>

"Thank you" I drank the omega drink.

After I finished drinking it, I felt the taste in my mouth again.

"How strange does it taste?" I checked my glass, inhaling the aroma of this drink.

"Omega explain."

<I tried to combine the super soldier serum with a high dose of aphrodisiac and then mixed a little with anti-toxin so that the dose received by the body could be minimized and the effect of the drug would be maximized>

I immediately spit the drink back out.

I was used as an experimental material, by my own creation.

An experiment experimented on its creator.


"Omega, starting today. I hate you."

I then went to the bathroom and spit out all the drinks.

I didn't really mind, but I had just been subjected to a punishment that traumatized me, and I didn't tell Omega at all because I'm not very merciful.

"Damn you omega.....gruuaahhhh" I cursed omega and vomited again until all my stomach acid came out.

I drank my formula and then took a shower.

And of course, I was horny as hell.

The drug's effect is already underway.

Well, it looks like I have to masturbate.

But I don't want to, because I just got punished and then punished again.

Nope, not a chance.

I stepped out of the shower and let my cock tense up.

Then putting on my boxers, my cock looked like a gun ready to fire at any time.

I went to bed and covered myself with the blanket.

I called the office for permission because I was sick.

After I finished, I tried to sleep but my tense penis prevented me.

I wanted to sleep but my cock made it difficult.

To masturbate or not to masturbate.

It was a dilemma, I tried to think clearly.

Think of all the holy things.




Think of all the torments I've been through.




Fuck, fuck, fuck.

And I have no other choice.


I beat my cock quickly under the blanket.

I must end this quickly.


My heart stopped immediately, I reflexively took off my cock and got up.

I covered my penis with a pillow.

Omega saw this, smiled mischievously and gave me the code to shake her hands like masturbation.

<Enjoy your activity, sir>

Omega closed my door, before closing the door.

Omega peeked through the door and gave me a code like nibbling on ice cream, then giggled and closed the door.

I'm embarrassed, really embarrassed.

I was seen twice by Omega.

I want to die, die as soon as possible.

I have to wear a mask to cover my shame in front of Omega.




I looked at my ship, of course the facilities here were upgraded to be more sophisticated and complete.

Energy shields are available.

That's good.

Now the problem is, how do I get this plane out.

I'm at my wit's end.

If I force this plane out, my house will be destroyed.

I'd better go eat.

I went back to the dining room, and tried to avoid Omega.

After finishing, I went straight to the office.

We are now watching the news about Elon's destination to Mars.

I just smiled at this, because I knew Elon was a man of great ambition.

"Uncle" I saw little Rithya coming towards me.

"Yes" I held Rithya. then stroked her head.

"Uncle, don't you want to go to the moon?" I smiled and stroked her cheek.

"You want to go to the moon?" everyone was curious about this. Rithya looked at me expectantly.

"Rithya wants to go to the moon. Does uncle want to go to the moon?" I nodded and Rithya was happy with this.

"Uncle, uncle, uncle, invite Rithya. Rithya will be a good girl as long as uncle wants to take Rithya" I laughed and stroked her head.

"Sure, uncle will take Rithya to the moon" Rithya pulled my hand and danced with her.

"Hooray, uncle will take rithya to the moon" Camilla smiled at this, Raylo looked a little unhappy with this.

Raylo is Rithya's real father, but I'm the daddy here.

so fuck you in particular.

"Now Rithya promise uncle, be a good girl and obey to parents. if rithya be a bad girl, uncle will be disappointed. then uncle will leave Rithya" Rithya nodded quickly and hugged my leg.

"Rithya promised to be a good girl" I held rithya and stroked her hair.

"Try to prove it by asking your mom and dad" Rithya nodded and I let go.

Rithya ran to Camilla and pulled her shirt.

"Mom, is Rithya already a good child" Camilla happily nodded, then Rithya approached Raylo.

"Dad, is Rithya already a good child" Raylo looked at me, I just smiled.

because if Raylo says no, Rithya will automatically be sad and hate him.

if Raylo says yes, automatically Raylo's existence as a father will be lost in Rithya's heart.

muahahahahah, I am so evil.

"Dad, Is rithya a good child" Rithya pulled Raylo's shirt, Raylo was confused about what to answer.

Raylo saw Camilla, Camilla nodded.

Raylo saw Vangra, Vangra shook his head.

Raylo looked at Sue, Sue nodded.

Raylo looked at me, I smiled widely like a demon.

'I'll pay you back' I read Raylo's gaze.

ahahahahahah, too late. im already won.

"No, because Rithya doesn't love dad anymore" Rithya immediately cried and whined to her mother

"Mom. bad father, father does not want rithya to go with uncle. Mom, Rithya hates dad" I immediately cheered in my heart and pulled my hand to signify victory.

uwwwwwwooohhhhhh. that's what I've been waiting for.

" Little Rithya, Come here" Rithya then came to me, I wiped her tears.

"Say sorry to your father, later uncle will tell a fairy tale" Rithya nodded and went to hug Raylo.

"Dad, forgive Rithya. Rithya still loves dad" Raylo hugged Rithya.

"Sure, I forgive you" Rithya hugged her father with love, Camilla looked at me and said thank you.

I smiled at Camilla.

I then looked at Raylo and happened to look at me.

'You better watch out, You better watch out'

I gave him that code, of course Raylo replied with.

'Fuck you'

by giving me the middle finger behind Rithya's back.

After that, Rithya came to me.

"Come on uncle tell me" Rithya sat on my lap.

"There is a large space ship, which is very magnificent and luxurious. the ship is now stranded on earth because the captain of the ship has died. Now that the magic ship has no one, the ship wants to travel to all planets in this solar system. so the question is who will be the captain?" Rithya eagerly listened to my story.

"I, uncle, I want to be the captain" I stroked Rithya's head, then I stood up.

salute her.

"Captain Rithya, Cadet Antonio at your service" I gave Rithya an Army salute, Rithya also saluted me.

I looked at Raylo.

'That's how you take care of a child'

Raylo gave me a double middle finger.

Of course Camilla pinched Raylo's ear, I laughed so hard about this.

[Manipulative: Bad Karma

Arrogant: Bad Karma

Gentle with children : Good Karma

Honest : Good Karma

Cruel: Bad Karma

Sassy : Bad Karma]

(Punishment: Neck Beheading

Burned in lava

Stabbed with thousands of needles

Beaten with iron)

(Reward: Upgrade Spaceship

Spaceship moved above your house)

worth every pain, ahaahhahahaah.

I was tortured but I laughed, I was satisfied laughing.

I came home and saw my ship flying above my house.

Good thing the camouflage was used, Fyuhhh.


"Oh my god, Omega. Stop this." I was surprised when Omega was suddenly beside me.

<I sense an invisible object above our house sir, my system cannot analyze and identify this object>

Of course omega, you don't know that my masterpiece is flying up there.

"Maybe it's just a cloud, let's go in" I pulled omega's hand.


Omega was surprised by my action, so she came in with me.

We were resting for tomorrow, because tomorrow is when Elon Musk will show his newest rocket.

I have to come see it.

Never copy what Antonio did

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