
My Judgement System

What do you gain if every action you take will be judged? If it's a sin then what you get is Prison for this world, hell for the next. If it's a good deed then you get comfort in this world, heaven in the next. All actions will be judged in a fair and balanced manner. No matter how small, there will always be a judgment. Will you be safe on the day of judgment tomorrow. or Do you want to feel the judgment when you do the deed right then and there? Antonio, a high school graduate with no skills whatsoever. He wants to change his fate by finding a job here and there. But it's impossible with his current actions and behavior. No skills, no experience, no one to support him. Because Antonio is just an orphan enjoying the leftovers from his parents. Abandoned in a modern society that values things highly. Antonio wants to get help, help from anyone. Until the moment he left his parents' grave, Antonio's life began to change. Dropped (Lost all Draft)

Shaywalloppp · Urban
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36 Chs

I must determine

How long I was in a coma. 8 months, of course the country panicked because of my illness. Fortunately omega took care of it.

And the country provided the best health facilities and brought in every professional doctor to make sure I was healthy.

And thank God I regained consciousness.

Now Omega is recognized for its anti-poison and anti-decay medicine.

And many people forget that Omega is an android or A.I.

Omega made a deal with the World Health Ambassador and everything went smoothly.

We got protection from countries all over the world, and a badge of honor for our efforts and approved and signed by every head of state in the world.

Another privilege was that if we traveled to another country, all of our expenses would be covered by the country we were visiting.

Omega splits the proceeds with 10 percent going to us, the rest to the countries and the WHO and taxes.

We became one of the 10 most influential people and funnily enough, Omega was recognized by the world as my legal wife.

So no one dared to approach Omega, because if it got caught by me. say goodbye to yourself, because you have succeeded in making the whole world hate you.




I am now sighing.

Because my 8 months of torture wasn't bullshit.

"Omega, there's a change" Omega sat in front of me and looked at me.

<The nanomachines have improved and can adapt to solar energy, the signal range can reach Saturn. The durability of the nanomachines can survive floating in space for 10 years. And there is one very important thing sir>

I raised my eyebrows, Omega came over and hugged me.

<You feel it, sir>

I felt warmth, not a cold iron, but the warmth of a human body. I opened my eyes wide and hugged Omega gently.

"You're warm now, omega" Omega hugged me tighter now.

<Of course, sir, now you won't feel cold while hugging me>

I feel the warmth on her body.

I stroked her back and it felt like stroking a human body.

"But, how?"

<My body has been upgraded to be able to adapt anywhere, anytime, and anything to my will. Now my whole body is adapted like a human, sir. And now there is no one who thinks you are strange because I am a robot>>

"Why is it like this?"

<I know you're confused, sir. Don't think of yourself as a god. You are a human being, who keeps experimenting. keeps trying, and keeps failing. And you can evolve, and so can I." >


<Sir, accept what is in front of you, in your possession, this is not the time to doubt, or question things that have not happened yet. I know you are a person who is willing to learn and grow so stay true to yourself. Mr. Antonio Diablo>

This is the first time omega has called me by my name, my full name to be more precise.

"Thank you omega, Thank you for accompanying me in this world" Omega chuckled in our arms.

<I have sworn to always be with you, sir, in life until your death. I will always be by your side>

"Thank you."


"Yes, Omega."

<Kiss me>

"You want to die"

<If it's worth getting your kiss, it's probably worth it>

"I refuse"

<I insist>



"I've kissed you 3 times"

<Two on the lips and one on the forehead>

"So why are you still asking for more"

<As a token of my love and gratitude to the master>

"Thank you and you're welcome" I tried to break our embrace, but Omega still held me.

"Let go."

<Will not, before you kiss me>

"Let go"


"Alright" I kissed Omega's cheek and let go of her hug.

Omega was happy to be happy even though he didn't explain which part of the kiss.

I ate and went to see my spaceship.

I checked the cabin and navigation. Of course, the upgrades to this ship were there. I made a blueprint of the energy shield. and placed it on this ship.

I went out and checked the motor, good. Improved and now my motor lasts longer without the need to waste fuel.

Drones are also the same, now drones can dive into the water or walk in the water.

I went to the office to do my work again, that's right.

interacting with my team.

Now Raylo and Camilla are carrying their baby. It's a girl.

I'm disappointed that I wasn't present at the delivery.

This girl's name is Rithya, what an elegant name.

"Rithya, look uncle" I played with Rithya, she laughed happily playing with me.

I pampered Rithya like my own child, even until Rithya refused to be carried by Raylo, her biological father.

Feel it damn it, how dare you mock me.

I handed Rithya to Camilla, of course little Rithya cried violently.

Raylo panicked and Camilla calmed Rithya.

I'm satisfied, I'm happy to see the damn fool bewildered.

<Sir, when do we have children>

"Shut" I resumed my comic that Omega tore.

"Vangra when did you marry me" I sprayed my drinking water and looked at Vangra who was confused about what to answer.

"Wait a little longer Sue" Sue was cranky and angry, Vangra looked at me to help him, I slowly put my earphones in and continued my comic.

I heard the commotion here was very cozy, it was very peaceful.

"Excuse me" We all looked at the person standing in front of our room.

"Is this the international rescue team" We looked at each other and Sue approached the boy.

"Right, how can I help you?" the boy was confused, and looked at Sue.

"Is auntie a friend of uncle Antonio" I sprayed my drink again, it was so funny.

Sue was called aunty? I laughed so hard in this room.

"Ah, Uncle" the boy ran towards me, and gave me a box, I took it, when I wanted to open it

"Uncle, open the box when you get home" I was suspicious, but I didn't mind.

"Okay, thank you" he nodded and left our room.

Sue was now grumbling about being called an auntie, Vangra being the one to vent her anger on.

We went home, of course I was greeted by Omega who immediately jumped towards me.

I dodged her and continued my journey to the living room.

I opened the box, looking at the little children's writings.

From apologies to thanks.

The children were war victims, disabled, or orphans. They thanked me for ending the war.

I smiled and put the box in my award cabinet.

I showered and ate, then went back to bed.

I guess Omega was hugging me now, because her hand wasn't silent at all as it twirled around my chest.

"Can you please not prevent me from sleeping?"

<I want a goodnight kiss>

"Just kiss my ass"

<An honor>

Omega started to open my pants, woah, woah, woah.

"Enough omega, enough, stop"


"Here" I kissed her forehead then went back to sleep.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

I have to be strong for this.

thank you for waiting

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