
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Run!! ..... Part 1

*17 minutes ago*

"Look let me tell you something, you wield great power you know nothing about, which can come in handy for us here at the academy" what nonsense? The principal doing this to me for power? is this something I shouldn't have expected?

"Me? Great power, quit joking, and tell me the truth. Now that you are keeping me here, can you at least tell me why I am actually here, It must be a lie, now what you should tell me is the truth, so what is it?"

"No, I can't, I can't imagine if what I tell you will give you your memories back, so the only thing you get is this jail."

"People will notice I am missing and when they find out where I am, they..."

The conversation between me and the so-called shitty principal went on.

"I have to stop you there, nobody will find out that you are here because all they will know is that you dropped out and that's all" All I know now is the principal knows something about me but I don't know what it is.

"You are evil, I will get you when I am out of here"

"You can keep your hopes up but I assure you, you are not getting out"."

"I didn't come here to be chatting with you, now tell me where is your second grimoire cos I went to your room but they said you have never come to the room"

"I don't know and if I knew I wouldn't tell you for sure"

"oh really that's how you want to play the game"

principal "we got you, we just need Serena"

"So you do know what my dream was about"

Principal " of course why do you think you are here, for a cup of tea?".

"hmmm, then who is Serena?"

"Okay let me just tell you this. A boy was known 9 months ago in this realm and he was feared because he had a great and immensely powerful ability, he called himself THE DEATH INHABITANCE and he allied with a woman called Serena who wielded magic and MATTER MANIPULATION, no one has seen him using his abilities but his brute strength along could stop a thousand army"

"Huh and what does this have to do with me?"

"you will see"

"if you are not useful to me now you can as well go to your office, I thought you didn't come here to chat"

That pissed off the principal and he went.

"you will regret what you said Anon if that's your real name"

" if that's my real name? What does that maggot-brain mean"


"Well that explains it all and I could have sworn that I saw your grimiore in his office, how will I get you out of here" All we needed now was a way for me to escape.

"well the key to this lock is with one of the guards"

"which of the guards"

"It is with the guard that.."

"Who is over there?" Jump scare!! Looks like the guard found out.

"you need to find a way out of here, it wouldn't help if we are both locked up in here"

" that's true, oh Laura could help you out, take"

She gave me the creation grimoire which I hid behind my back as I quickly sat against the wall facing the bars, she ran towards the opposite direction of where the guard was coming from, luckily for her there was a gate leading out and there was no guard there too.

"Who were you talking to?"

"a young man isn't allowed to talk to himself"

"I heard a female's voice"

"Looks like someone is going to visit the psychiatric hospital"

" who were you talking to?"

"I told you no one you can check for yourself"

The guard checked the dungeon fast and came back to his cell in the next 3 minutes.

"I couldn't find anyone"

"like I said no one is here, as for the female voice you heard I think it is a sign that you should get married *laughs out loud*"

" stop that right now, a prisoner should know his place"

" And a guard shouldn't have mental issues hahahahah!!!, I am so funny right?"

"No you aren't but you are surely annoying and that is why I will never leave this post again unless my shift is over"

"Well no one asked you"

"GRRRRRRR... well no one asked for your reply too "

I laughed that off.

Well, this is a big problem, now that I have a grimoire the problem is how and when to use it.

Everything sucks.

Well, he said he wouldn't go away, let's see about that, what if there is an event or a disaster where all guards are needed how will he handle that all I have to do is to find a way to interact with Angel.

*27 minutes later *

*Stomach groans*

Anon" looks like someone wants to feed the toilet.

" Don't get your hopes, this is not my first groan on.."

*stomach groans harder*

"Sorry excuse I will be back, don't perform any mischievous act," Guard said as he ran towards the exit.

"So communicating to Angel would have been unnecessary "


Laura appeared.

"Why did you summon Laura," she said

"I am in danger"

"And how does that concern... Concern Laura?"

"it concerns you a lot because you need me to find Lucius"

"No Laura doesn't need your help"

"As far I can see it you need to be awakened to track down Julius, the person that knows where Lucius is, I assume that because you mentioned his name the first time we met and for you to be awakened you need someone to say your magic word which is me, so without me you are just a mere book which is useless, so, therefore you have to listen to my every command."

"hmm!! What do you want Laura to do then!!" Laura was getting furious,

"I want to get out of here."

"open your grimoire Laura has granted you a spell you just have to cast it

"hope you are not trying to trick me cos you know if am gone, meanss bye-bye to Lucius"

"Laura knows, now do as she says"

I opened it and as I did that the spell started appearing word by word until when done it was fascinating but this word was different compared to the other spell on my light grimoire and I couldn't read it.

"why are the words different from other grimoires but they were still understandable it is like an old gen English"

"you are so pathetic, how do you expect the language used during creation and new languages to be the same, just repeat after Laura"

(*the spell* FREEDOM)

"Okay repeat now" Laura






"Now you know the words And pronunciation now say that altogether"


In an instant, the lock on the bars came off.







Frees trapped mage or creates an escape route


A-class spell


30 percent complete


As long as the Mage has enough strength in him.


" that is a freedom spell used when someone is trapped," Laura revealed, this made me glad.


minutes after my escape, I met Angel at the sick bay

"Angel I have to get out of here" I was so desperate

"how did you get....."

"Get him!!!!!!" A guard has noticed a presence.