
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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52 Chs


"Don't cry, Angel, please don't... I'm a fool for not listening at first. Knowing you, there shouldn't be an issue if you would have told me. But considering you didn't, there must have been. Please forgive me for just realizing that now," I held her hand as I knelt to the wooden floor, pleading, for I knew I had made a mistake.

"I'm sorry I... I didn't tell you. Anon, I am truly sorry for not telling you," she also said, while holding my hands tight, kneeling towards me and then placing my hands on her chest, weeping. It pained me gravely that when I looked into her eyes, she still had the sorry look, and my last action caused her pain. I couldn't bear it.

"I'm sorry, I'm..."

"SHUT UP!!!! JUST STOP IT, ANGEL!! I said it was fine. What's with all this now? Or do you prefer me ANGERED?!" This was truly the first time I shorted at her.

"No... no, I don't!"

"Then stop this attitude of begging me, please stop it."


"Thank goodness you know it doesn't fit a soon-to-be-queen at all."

"Shut your damn mouth, CALLISTA!!"


"Sorry, I will speak..." she said as I cleaned her tears.


"It all started roughly four years ago..."



It was a big round room with large triangular prism windows that reflected the bright rays of the sun... Red and blue curtains dropped from the top of the ceiling, ornamented and filled with pieces of diamonds and gems... The floor was shining and well-designed to bounce off the reflected prism light around. Everything was bright and exquisite. And there, right in front, bore 6 beautifully stunning thrones, the two in the center, having rare gems attached to them. Yes!! My father's and mother's throne, and also there they sat, staring at me, who stood right in the center of everything...

"But father... I don't want to be the queen," I said.

The king replied, saying, "Angela, I don't want to have this conversation again. You are old enough to know how things work here, and you know that this very throne I sit on is your birthright."

"You guys should reason this."

"And what should we be making a case for?"

"Don't you think it would be wise for a male, a man, a really strong person to be the ruler of the common realm, just like Prince Jasper, he can e.."

"SILENCE!! Don't you ever speak such abomination from your mouths, EVER!! You of all people should know that the throne only accepts female royal blood, and you of all people should know that if your brother dares try to ascend it... I don't need to talk, you know the consequence."

"But I don't have that urge or motive to be any kind of queen, talk less of a whole realm."

"Hahaha-ha you said 'urge,' my dear daughter, your feelings don't matter as for this is not a choice you take but a path you must follow for the betterment of everything and everyone in the realm."

"That's a tough thing to do, can't I just be the sorcerer I want to be, and you guys be happy for me."

"Really?! And who would ascend the throne in your place?" he asked.

"Umm... Your Majesty, the MYSTIC WE.."


"But how do you expect me not to dare to alter those words, FATHER I'M JUST SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, WITH ME JUST TURNING TWO MONTHS AGO!!"



"Don't be too hard on her Alex, just as she said, she's just a child. Let her get going now; we would continue this later." Speaking to subside the whole thing, My Mother, AURORA SILVERMAN.

"But... but... listen to what she's saying, she's being a brat," he said.

"She's a little girl; that's what little children do. Let her be for now," I have always known my mum for being very soft and sweet. She was like an antidote to my father's rash attitude.

"Thank you very much, YOUR HIGHNESS, I will be on my way now," I bowed as it was a custom of respect. Children or relatives were not exempted.

"Don't be in a hurry, OLIVE, (a name for a beautiful tree that naturally spawns I'm front of the castle) I can't talk to your father and not reprimand... ('huh?! 'I replied) Don't speak to your father in that tone ever, rather, with respect."

"Yes, Your Majesty," and just like before, I bowed before I turned to leave for my room.

"Your Father is right, though, just wanted you to know before you leave," Damn!! Even the sweetest mum in the world would choose power over my happiness.


Pushing the door forward to leave and then noticing CALLISTA.

"How did it go? Miss Angela?" she asked.

"No progress at all *weeps* not even a step off the throne for a moment," it was never like this, though. I would have never been a candidate for the throne. Oh!! My bad, yes, I was a candidate to ascend the throne, but this was only for the worst-case scenario, and sadly for us, that very scenario came to pass.

In the Silverman family, we consist of five children with three being candidates to ascend the throne, and then our very mother and father, Aurora and Alexander Silverman. The three candidates were; My elder sister and also the first child, Flora Silverman, I, Angela Silverman, And then the very last candidate, Isabella Silverman... My second half

In the family...


"What do you mean by your 'SECOND HALF'?" I, Anon, put a question to.

She replied, saying, "My twin sister."