
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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52 Chs


"How did it vanish?!" Queen Aurora asked. "I don't know. I only came to get a nice bath after the little fun in the garden. *Sobs* Water can't wash it away, right?! Mother, what... what do I do?!" Sister Flora replied. As I said, this case is only noted in the books, and it was just once. It's more like a fable with myths and kinds of stuff, and it has never happened before. This is a case of REJECTION.

"Like I said, all I did was to take my bath!! I... I didn't do... Anything WRONG!!" she wept even more in agony. It was a very hard thing to watch.

It may seem like being unworthy, but NO, in the case of being unworthy, You will never get the Mark IMPERIAL MOKO. As for the IMPERIAL MOKO!! This is a classification for being the next Queen to be. There were no rituals attached. All you just have to be is worthy and a primary descendant of the royal blood. As this IMPERIAL MOKO is a classification, if you lose it, you can't ascend the throne again except you get it back, but no one has ever received it back after losing it. Like I was saying, if a person is unworthy, the mark wouldn't appear at all. But if you are, you are sure to get the throne unless the candidate dies or is pronounced missing by coronation day, and that was the issue here.

FLORA had gotten the mark from birth, playing her role well as upcoming, meaning she was worthy. Flora isn't dead and isn't missing, so the Big Question was, 'WHY DID THE IMPERIAL MOKO LEAVE HER?'

She cried for minutes, and hours and cried till her tears dried. It was a painful thing for us to watch, since we all knew the effort and all she dedicated to being the successor.

Back to where I stopped. My Mother (Aurora Silverman) ordered all of us out IMMEDIATELY, but Isabella and I wanted to help. "Your Highness, we may have attributes that could ease Sister Flora," Isabella proclaimed. "Yes, Your Majesty, we might not be..." "OUT!!" she yelled, didn't even give me a chance to help my sister.

"Yes, Your Majesty," we obeyed. Then before we left, "Oh!! Don't forget to wash off that awful smell, children," she added. "Yes, Your Majesty," we obeyed once more and left.

"Angela, what do you think could have caused that?" We were heading for the shower room when Isabella asked. I didn't know, so that was the answer I gave. "This has never happened before, we are of the same age, how do you expect me to know?!" "Hmmmm..." she came to my front and stared at me furiously. "It was a joke, boss, calm down and sorry, it was just a silly joke."

"Hmmm... cheers to you that still have jokes to play even at a period like this," she replied. "I didn't mean to be like that!! It's not like I don't want to help, but... but you saw what Mother did, she sent us out already. She doesn't want us to get involved."

We got to the shower room and were ready to have a shower. We pulled out clothes and entered before we turned on the shower. We were doing just fine, until, "Ahh!! I can't reach my back, Angela, please can you help me wash it," she asked very politely. So I replied, saying, "I will do yours, and you also do mine," which she accepted. I also had trouble reaching my back very well.

I stepped backward, facing her back, and helped her wash off her back very nicely and hygienically. Then when I was done, I alerted her that it was my turn, and I was set.

"Okay!! Thank you, sis, I will wash you now... I still feel bad for Sister Flora, if it were me, it would be very rough for me too!!" "Yeah, I can't imagine how I would feel if something very important to me gets taken away in seconds, and then having no connection to how it was lost... That would be very sad."

"Like me, y'all know I am going to be the strongest Royal Mage, I wouldn't remain the same if that goal was made unreachable for me, and with all these..." *GASPS!!* "What's wrong Isabella, did anything happen?!" "Something is wrong, Angela, something is seriously wrong, this can't be possible, this is not possible in any way!!"

Confused, I turned to get more clearance on what my sister Isabella was saying. "There has never been a record of stealing or transferring, so why now?!" "Stop speaking in parables, Isa, and tell me what the problem is," I couldn't even describe what the look on her face was inferring. All I knew was she had seen something, and it was on me.

Quickly, as she couldn't speak, I rushed to check out what could make her run out of words in a short period.

I entered, locked the door to my room, and faced the mirror. I didn't see anything strange, then the thought of her staring at my back came to me. I turned and slowly tilted my head to see the reflection in the mirror. "EHH!! WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?!!" My greatest fear just came to pass; the IMPERIAL MOKO had somehow managed a way to shift to my body.