
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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52 Chs



"so what are you saying?" Callista asked out of curiosity.

"What I am trying to say dear is, You have gotten yourself a competitor 'SIS', Let's have a dance, and baby girl, Now Meet Your DEMISE!!."

Yes within that criticism attitude of Dorothy, there also lies a psycho.

Reassembling her sword...

She ran towards Callista to strike


she strikes!!.

But again Callista dodges it..... Easily.


Striking again, and again, and again and again...

But just like the last time and before it, Callista swerves again, and even easier.

"Oh!! You are good!!" Dorothy acknowledged.

"but I wouldn't accept that from..."

"NO!!! CALLISTA STOP!!" Angel screamed.

It appears that Callista used her speed to her advantage, playing a fast move on Dorothy, in the blink of an eye, Callista moved and decked Dorothy right on her neck. Knocking her out right before she could complete her statement.

Back then...

When we were adventurers, we were succeeding so fast and in a short period, we were the best around due to The Affinity Chemistry we had.

-Affinity Chemistry-

-this is when a duo or group of mages or sorcerers have magics that can be of benefit to their fellow mages-

-this is a powerful way of fighting, and very effective-

-It can also be used into a combo, that combines two spells into a more powerful one-

-For example; Angel's plant magic with Dorothy's water magic, in the case where water makes plant germinate, Making Angel's attack even stronger and powerful-

-And for me and Dorothy, light and water, making prism or reflection spells-

"it is of my own will and I said I am not coming back!!" Angel was so angry, she ran towards Dorothy who seemed pretty much very unconscious...

"Why put my friends at this risk!! They didn't do anything"

"I'm sorry Miss Angelica but it is By the king's orders to bring you back" Callista announced.

"The king?" I replied.

I will feel fully recovered and agile.

She is pretty strong I will try to play smart here.

"Angel, Seems like we will have to teach this your friend a lesson and she shouldn't play with us," I said.

"Good idea Anon" Angel stood up and took her stance.

"use -Healeth and I will use -foresight"

"That's an even better idea"

" let's go," We said.

"pdf- I will give you guys the luxury of casting the spells, solely called Magicians, not you Miss Angelica"

"Planning your debacle, pathetic!! I will show you that I am not the weak Angel you used to know"

"alright Miss Angelica, didn't mean to annoy you."

" You know it's Angela right?"

"Oh sorry Miss Angela, being a while"

" your business, -with seeds invading through ths veins making the weak healed Accord to his pains-"




" your business, -with seeds invading through ths veins making the weak healed Accord to his pains-"


grants mage fast recovery and healing/regeneration.


Utility: healing


B-class spell


40%(still very effective)

At 70% a new spell will be unlocked


Lasts 10 minutes

[Angel rarely uses her Summoning Magic, same with me using the Creation grimoire]

Immediately after the spell...

Angel started glowing, emitting a green Aura around herself as green beautiful grass appeared anyway she moved.

"It's your turn baby boy," Callista said.

"Oh yeah, it is"

-"Gracefully moving more sheer than a hare, My glorious light will witness before becoming clear"





-"Gracefully moving more sheer than a hare, My glorious light will witness before becoming clear"


grants mage fast vision in which mage can see fast moves slow by infusing light into eyes permitting him time to react.


Utility: Divination


B-class spell








the spell activated

with my eye glowing bright pale-yellow...

"Done?!!" Asked Callista,

"Angel, let's show her she is messing with the wrong kind, then you will explain why the king wants to see you"

"Okay stop the chitchat and come at me"

We casted a spell that gave us each sword, I got a light sword and Angel got a sword made out of firm plants.

"That's something you don't see every day, glad it's over and let me get this over with" Callista stated.

We ran towards her for a first strike.

Oh!! an image...

Callista has moved but Angel hasn't noticed yet.

But to where?

I was trying to ping her location or let me say 'her presumed point of attack'

...Behind Angel


Swiftly, Angel weaves to the side and then launches her first attack.


By a small chance, Callista dodges.

She moves again but this time towards me, Foresight is very effective, and Callista was seeming less of a threat again.

She is launching a punch.

Her second physical attack.

I bent to dodge.

"You are good but not smart" Callista whispers in my ear.

"Ah!!" the moment I docked, Callista hurled a kick at my head, the punch was a means of getting me to dock and then making it impossible for me to dodge her, I have realized Callista can adapt and be a threat, A COMBAT CHAMELEON

"AH!!" The kick launched me far into the wall and outside the building.

That was a feel fast one, a pain in the ass.

She realized how my technique works.

"ANON!!" Angel screamed out.

"Miss Angela, please let's go, dont want to hurt you"

"Gush, you have some nerves, CALLISTA!!"

Angel didn't want to give up, she was persistent on bringing Angel along, but Angel didn't want to, Where could she want to tell Angel?

I was outside and couldn't see what was happening anymore.

"I have to aid Angel but I have to be very smart"

"Callista is a skilled fighter, how do I stop her?"


"Oh!! It hurts"

I returned through the hole of my impact on the wall.

Seemed like she and Angel were talking about it.

I will sneak behind her and strike.

Reassembled my light sword and rushed to an ambush.

"You are too dumb to wield a good magic like yours" Callista had noticed me, I wasted a lot of time recovering outside that my Foresight had worn off.

I was not able to realize she had noticed.

"I don't have time to waste again, will finish this,", Angel replies saying"don't try anything silly Cynthia."

"This whole fight is silly, Miss Angela"

"Angel, don't worry she..." right in the middle of my sentence.

-"ZEPHYR!! DEVOUR!!" She declared,

"I don't feel well, Angel"

"Callista, what did you do?" Angel was worried.

"AH!!!!" From blood to veins to limps to muscles, all torn apart,


right in front of Angel and Callista, there goes my body bursting and scattering into pieces...