
My Journey as a Turtle

Ehe_Te_Nandayo · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Unexpected End and Beggining

Living with a rare disease with only 0.89% chance of survival, in 5 billion people 1 person can only obtain this disease, this disease prevents a person from developing a private part, though he was identified as a male no private part was developed.

Ace Pique was born from a famous family of gambler geniuses that he was not proud of and even made a business of casino with 10 branches, out of all of his family he was the only one who was unintserested in it and being the youngest of the siblings right after his sister and brother he is very treasured, though Ace is not a bit interested in gambling his parents suprisingly treasures him for they believed good will come if they do.

Ace did undergo a certain surgery to put a male part on him but sadly the operation was unsuccessful and it can only do enough to make him live, no one can do a deep surgery on someone who has a fragile and weak body like he's.

His parents doesn't really care in his siblings even though his siblings like gambling very much just like his parents, compared to him currently his sister is arrogant and dumb and so his brother while he is quiet clever.

Because of his disease, Ace was shut in his white looking jail room, it is bullet and sound proof room, getting up from his bed he grabbed a book from his white bookshelf and layed in his bed while reading it, the room was full of books and board games, Ace live mostly in his room, well he can only leave his room during his birthday, though his parents treat him like this they did genuinely loved him, they were very protective when it comes to Ace due to his fragile and frail body, a slight wound would make him unconscious, all maids and butlers are highly trained and the security is strict and tight.

Tommorow is the 18th birthday of Ace, his parents wanted it to be special so they held a party where they can have a view of Ace, invitation was spread and the news was spread everyone was busy making preparations.

As the sun go down and the moon rises and all lights were off, Ace was thinking about his birthday tommorow and how excited and nervous he is to finally meet a lot of people until he felt unconscious.

The day finally come, in a house full of people waiting for a person, many people were very curious about this person called Ace Pique, many rumors were spread that he is looking monster some said that he looked to handsome, some even said that he is a girl.

Suddenly the room turned dark and a soft music played and lights were focused in the stage, and then a boy with a white hair, pale skin came out wearing a white tuxedo and smiled, he then began a speech with a soft voice, even though Ace looks so confident he was actually very nervous in the inside and wanted to scream because this is the first time he experience this kind of event because his parents usually just give a lot of books as a gift.

When the speech ended everyone applauded and was amaze by him many woman was in love and many man was envious of him.

Ace was very happy and was about to go down on stage but then unexpectedly something terrible happened, he collapsed and loss conciousness without knowing the reason why, he fell down the stairs and many panicked and shouted, the house was in chaos and that is the most terrible thing that happened on the family.

Once Ace wake up he finds himself in a dark place filled with 5 the same doors, he first called for help but it was hopeless, he was confuse at first and slowly standing up then suddenly a voice echo in his head said "Young human, having a dull and lonely life, I will give you another chance to live for you died without knowing what life truly is." said by a strange figure with a shabby voice and chuckled a little, silence was filled in the atmosphere, "Hello sir, I am sorry but who are you?" Ace said in trying to be polite.

Unexpectedly the entity laugh in a majestic way and said "Young man I am so called one of the Gods, allow me to introduce myself, I am Enigma God of Mysteries, I am 793 years old." and as he said that he step out of the darkness and said "I am also a supreme lich." with the appearance of a skeleton cover with a violet silk like a cocoon, a black bloody cape, a one pointing crown covered with a dark blue fabric that symbolize a thorn and icy blue loose sleeves that covered his arms and "And how about you young man kindly introduce yourself from me." the entity said.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself first sir, my name is Ace Pique, I am 18 years old and a human with a lifeless life.

Ace was unexpectedly calm but he must confirm something first "God Enigma sir, may I ask a question?" Enigma was quiet amaze of Ace due to his calmness despite his situation.

"Young man you don't have to be so polite and sure you may ask anything." the shadow figure moved and snapped his fingers and suddenly a throne made of ice appears, "Am I dead, sir?" he said in a hesitant tone.

The entity said "Yes you are and unfortunately you died due to poison." Ace was shocked because he didnt expect to die in a poison, "Who poisoned me?" he ask saddened, the entity then said "It was your maid." after hearing that he then felt relieved and slowly regain his composure and proceeded to ask more questions...

Sooner and later his question was finally answered but sadly some can't be answered so easily, what he learned so far was that he died and was summoned in the 'Oblivion Realm' by Enigma, it's a place where a soul will be transported when the soul is neither bad nor good, those souls that had transported there will become oblivion means all who know him will completely forgot him, he who did nothing bad nor good was one of those souls, looking back it's TRUE that he did nothing good or bad either and that's why his soul that's been transported here , also souls that transported here are to be given a second life in another world so that he the soul will finally do good or evil, by choosing one of the 5 doors you'll be transported in another world, you get reincarnated by anything that lives and by the way all the doors have magics in it, of course that is what he's excited about.

Ace was contemplating on what door to choose, and then he finally decided what door, " Hey sir Enigma, may I choose now?" he said.

"Sure young man, you can go now." he said while pointed his bony finger in the doors, "Then I'm off goodbye Enigma sir!.

Ace opened the middle door and was suddenly sucked in like a smoke, he then said his last words "Thank you!." he smiled and was completely sucked in then the door closed gracefully.

The entity then waved off.


It's been so long right now since I got here and here I am playing in the sand, I am so bored since I am still a young turtle and couldn't protect myself from danger I decided to wait for a while since I don't have a watch or clock and I don't even know how many days since I got here.

Playing in sand is also helpful since I can practice how to move and most importantly I find treasures, just like this black round stone, though it doesn't help me with anything I think it's fun hunting treasures.

So here's what happened, after I was sucked in a portal I lost consciousness cause of a dizziness and when I finally regained consciousness I found myself in a dark place again, so I tried to stand up but my body is so heavy I only can crawl and I then tried to break out cause the space is so small and I don't like small or tight spaces so tried to break out by punching it but sadly my arms didn't do anything and I used by body to barged out surprisingly it worked and before I knew it a floury substance got in into the hole and poured my face, I then panicked and tried to get away from the hole as fast as possible.

After a while I finally decided to be brave and finally decided to finally go to the thing that's floury and tried to touch it so that I can get a clue on what is this and then I recalled a substance that has the same texture as this... Sand!, I shouted to myself and break more of this walls for its said that sands aren't dangerous when touched, and when I finally break enough wall to go out, while sweeping the sand using my hand the sand is surprisingly easy to sweep off, and when I made my way out I found a familiar structure that I had read in a book about turtles, I then recalled that its the same as the turtle's hand I was excited that I can finally touch it in person but when I tried to touch it I found out that the hand I'm using to touch the turtle's hand is a turtle hand I was shocked but then recalled what Enigma said;that I can be reincarnated anything living, so that means I reincarnated as a turtle not a human oh well there's nothing I can do about it but be thankful,

I then tried to do anything magical when I recalled that I can use magic in this world but ended up embarrassing myself, I tried to chant some weird words like what I read in fantasy novels like 'Parry Totter' and stuff but then I had a theory that I cant't still use magic because I am too young for it so I decided to stay at the sand till I grow up enough to use magic so I tried to dig a tunnel down, while digging a tunnel I found this strange small black thingy that looks like a stone or it is a stone, and then because it looks cool I tried to get it and play with it since I found it, it's small enough for me to carry it using my cute tiny turtle hands or what the book called flippers.

So here I am bored of playing with sand, because of by boresome I then tried to become creative so I then experimented myself with my treasure, I touched the treasure and tried to bite and expected it was hard and no magically happened, I then tried to say anything magical again like; transform!, spin shell!, and eye beam! but sadly nothing work so I though of giving up however i must not give up, I will try anything and everything...

It's been a while since all those chanting and out of all thousands of chantings I said only one works and if is called ×Open Shell×, though it is the only chant that works it is very worth it because it's too convinient and I believe this chant is a space or spatial one.

What I currently learned about this chant for now is it makes a small hole in my plastron, I can put anything on it by just by saying the item's name, I can't force the item to go in by using force in my plastron, I can't put the item if I don't know its name no matter what, I can only put an item within sight,putting an item in my ×Open Shell× can make me let it appraise and by making my head go in my shell I can see all the items that I put in my shell.

Just like the sand I was not able to put any of them before I learned the name which is 'Soft Sand', I tried plenty of names before I got the right one, in the appraisal it is said that they are pretty hard to find and also very dangerous especially for living creatures to touch since touching the sand will automatically absorb any fluid in the body.

I was a little shocked that I'm not dead yet despite the danger that the sand posses which I've been playing with since I got out of my egg and I made another theory that I don't have any fluid in my body which is confusing cause there would be no way a living creature doesn't have a fluid in their entire body or this is magic and I didn't yet find the name of this round black thing, I did what I did and called out any possible names but nothing works.

While Ace was thinking deeply on his situation and digging at the same time suddenly a quicksand appeard and was caught in it and before he knew it he fell into the quicksand hole together with his black thing.

Preparing for impact he hide his arms, legs and head in his shell in a fast speed, he was terrified thinking that this is the end of his second life though it is short he still thanked it for it is enjoyable too.

Hello everyone sorry for the typos, this is the first story that I write and I'm so nervous, feel free to correct me and I am okay with constructive critiscm but if you can't take my bad grammar I'm sorry I'll try my best next time.

Ehe_Te_Nandayocreators' thoughts