
The beginning

my name is dave escalor(i am bad with names) I am what you would call an otaku, I am 19 years old and I do not have a job a yet, so I am living with my parents. We are not the most well-off family but we are getting by and you are probably wondering why I am telling you this is because I am dead and the most awesome thing happened to me, it all started this morning.

I was on my way to the store to buy me some snacks when a man came in the store to rob it, see I am not a saint so I mind my own business, that was until he got the money and was trying to shoot up the store so I ran up to him tackled him but I forgot he had a gun so he pulled the trigger and shot me and ran away.

Here I am in a dark place for what felt like years and then a person with no face nor gender appeared in front of me. I was so scared I almost shitted my self(that was assuming I had a body) so I started screaming and he just stood there and wait for me to be done after a minute I stopped and he said

"are you done?"-faceless thing

"yes I think I am, now who and what are you"-dave

"I am the god, not a god but the god got it"- self-proclaimed god said

"Sure you can be what you want. I just wanna know why am I here, is this heaven or hell"-dave. I know I am dead so i'm asking what i'm doing here.

"The thing is you've won in a game I was playing while bored basically its roullete I spin whit the faces of the people who would die in an hour while playing and you won. You get to make 5 wishes and I will send you to another world with magic"-said god

"What kind of world is it, is it a world with other races like dragon's and stuff?"-dave

"Yes there are elves, dragon, demons, and stuff, don't wish for a system because that world does not have and I will not give you one. In that world magic capacity and control is everything"-god

" that sucks but whatever here are my wishes

1. Make my race a shapeshifter that can transform into things it kills and absorbs their mana and lifeforce and make it my own.

2. Give me the highest elemental affinity with all elements special elements included.

3. make my mana regeneration almost instantly.

4.make my mana capacity increase infinitely as I use it.

5. I want to have almost instant magic control."-dave

"That's doable, i'm glad you did not ask for infinite magic or something because that's not possible."-God

" that's fine. Can I choose how I look?"-dave

"Since I am in a good mood I'll let you do it and you can also choose the age you'll be when you get to the world."-God.

When God said that my body appeared in front of me so I can change it. I chose to make myself look handsome with gold looking eyes and white hair after I am done, God said:" I'll send you now have fun."

Is it me or did god sound really cheerful there. meh, whatever.

God waited till the mortal was gone to bust out laughing and said: "entertain me well mortal". Hahahahahaahahahaahaha.