
My jealous act

Jane have always been a girl who had always wanted a serious relationship, her sister jeneth would take away any guy from her no matter what it takes, unfortunately for Jane she met a guy she truly love, she's in a relationship with him but the guy never had her time....... Let's see her fate....

Daoist6YyFMo · Urban
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5 Chs

Unexpected enemy

Good morning, janeth greeted her sister jane, stand up and get dressed, Simon is taking you on a date, really? Jane said in surprise, so tell me how did you do it? Jane asked, anyway as I've said, leave everything to me and don't worry, you know I love you and I can't harm you cause your happiness is my happiness, so make sure you wear a pretty dress, I mean a gorgeous one, she said as she stood up to prepare her sisters favorite meal. When janeth got to the kitchen she smiled to herself as she said "now my new plan begins" only God knows how she knew something wanted to happen yesterday cause she did not eat the meal I prepared for her, anyway, that's the old plan, my new plan is working she said aloud as she laughs so loud, immediately mrs. Richard entered and asked her if she was okay? She then replied yes, so what's the new plan you are shouting is all about, mrs Richard asked.

Mrs. Richard behavior is a kind of similar to that of jeneth, talking about pretence, jealousy and so on. Mrs Richard loves janeth much more than jane all because she's jealous of jane's progress, can't even imaging having a mother who hates you all because of your progress but pretend to love you.

So tell me, what plan do you have against your sister? Mrs. Richard whispered quietly into janeth's ear, mom I have no plan against her janeth replied, are you daft ? mrs. Richard shouted at janeth as she dragged her quietly to the backyard, don't you want something good? she asked, yes mom I do, I want something good, janeth said, are you not aware that all the good things Jane has are meant to be yours, Mrs. Richard said, I know mom so what will I do? She asked, don't worry Mrs. Richard said we will have to set her up in all manners of ways, we would destroy everything about her, not even her life would be exempted, talking about her respect in the society, her business and that so called James Mrs. Richard concluded.

With this janeth already knew her mom was serious then she decided to tell her mom about her plan, mom talking about that guy called James, I love him but I don't know why he chosed my sister instead of me, but I have been working on how to separate them janeth said and she then told her mom all her plans, her mom was surprised she then had to praise her by saying I knew you where not a bastard, u will surely take after your mom, I can't let one stupid girl take all fortunes and goodlucks all to herself, over my dead body. Thus word alone made janeth ask her mom if she was the one that gave birth to jane, Mrs. Richard answered yes, she then concluded by saying when you are less busy come to my room we need to discuss more about the plan.

Jane was really happy all because she knew she was not alon, her mom was now by her side so her plan would now bring up a good effect.

Pinp, pimp, Simon was at the door pressing the knock botton, jane was the one who went to open the door, when she opened and she saw Simon, she was a kind of shy, Simon too was short if words cause jane's blue gown was enough for him to take an unexpected step but that was their first day in the relationship so everything still had to be in order, jane held Simon's hand and gave him a tight hug, i'm so sorry for all what I've caused you, jane said silently into Simons ears, its nothing Simon replied, let's just go out to discuss Simon concluded, they both went out and started discussing alot if things one of the topic they discussed about was the kind of love janeth has for her sister, "she almost got on her kneels all because she wanted me back into your life" Simon said, jane smiled then changed the topic by asking how he was?

Jane's sister and mom on the other hand were discussing about their new plan and their expected outcome,Mrs. Richard cuts their discussion by saying I remember what I dud to my big sister back then, she wanted to proof as if she's smart, my mom and every other person loves her much more than me, some will say they hated me all because I'm wicked but my mom said she hates me all because I was way ward, there's this guy my bIg sister loves and I love him too, I tried expressing my feelings to the guy but he never wanted to listen to me, then that day I decided to set my sister up with her lovers brother, I told some boys to get her kidnapped and to rape her, I also told them to give me the video of whatever happens, it was this video that I went ahead to show my mom and her so called lover, when mom saw the picture she was disappointed and then she asked me where I got it from and I told her a guy sent me the video, I pitied my mom that day with the way she was behaving I pretended as if i pitied my elder sis and then I promised her to make sure the video never gets to anyone else phone. When her lover saw it he was highly disappointed in my sister although he never dated me but I achieved my aim, since the guy can't belong to me, so also I can't let my sister have him, so me and my sister would just remain like that.

Mom you are really wicked, jeneth said, its not wickedness my dear, what I did was not bad because when you sitting and watch good things pass you by is not good, you have to do everything, I mean take all risk to have them Mrs. Richard said, really? Jane asked, yes my dear her mom answered, are you thinking what I'm thinking mom? She asked, is it about we using the same tactics for your sister? Mrs. Richard asked, exactly mom, it should be in a twisted way.