
My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

As a video uploader who owned a model aircraft online store, Tang Rui suddenly discovered that the model aircraft he made had an upgrade panel that allowed him to add upgrading points to it. [Item: Fixed Wing Model Aircraft] [Experience: 35/100] [Sources: 0.1] For a couple of hundred yuan, Tang Rui upgraded the body of the aircraft to a proportional level, perfectly replicating the dashboard in the cockpit. He also added some enhancements, turning its EPO body into an aviation-alloy one. Tang Rui said, "System, show me your limits." From toy model aircraft to high-altitude, high-speed drones, and then to small-scale orbital shuttles... With the system panel in his hand, it would be too unambitious of him to just be a video uploader on a small website instead of creating a military weapons company and becoming famous.

Wolfberry is not Tasty · Sci-fi
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368 Chs

The Lion Wants to Buy a Great Killing Weapon

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A group of military enthusiasts were all dumbfounded when they saw the Crimson logo, their minds buzzing.

"Look at this fighter jet."

"F*ck... the F-22 Raptor."

"Look carefully before you speak."

"Uh... G-33 Big Bird fighter jet?"

"There's also a D-6 transport plane."

"Are these serious designations?"

"The numbers don't matter, I just want to know if these planes can fly, whether they are real fighter jets or just models."

"Nonsense, they're definitely real. If Crimson Corporation can build sixth-generation aircraft, why can't they make fifth-generation ones?"

"Then why don't they display their own planes? They have vertical takeoff and landing transport planes and sixth-generation aircraft, why aren't they showing them?"

"Is there a possibility that it's not that Crimson doesn't want to show them, but that they're not allowed to?"

"What would America think if they saw this? Would they go crazy?"