
My IT Empire is in India

"My IT Empire is in India" follows the extraordinary journey of Raj, an Indian boy who finds himself transmigrated back to the year 1980, armed with a unique advantage—an advanced hard disk containing a plethora of software, including innovative programs and clones of popular websites like YouTube, WhatsApp, and Twitter, among others. However, the crown jewel of his collection is his private AI, meticulously trained for coding and research. Initially starting as a humble software developer and seller, Raj utilizes his knowledge from the future to revolutionize the technology landscape of India. With determination and foresight, he strategically introduces groundbreaking software and applications, gradually carving out a niche for himself in the competitive market. As Raj's reputation grows, he catches the attention of influential figures in the industry. Leveraging his newfound connections and the power of his advanced technologies, he begins to expand his influence beyond the borders of India, aiming to dominate the global tech market. However, Raj's ascent to success is not without challenges. He faces opposition from established players who view him as a threat to their dominance. Additionally, navigating the complexities of business ethics and morality becomes increasingly difficult as he strives for greater power and control. Throughout his journey, Raj must grapple with ethical dilemmas, personal sacrifices, and the weight of responsibility that comes with his unprecedented technological prowess. Will he maintain his integrity in the face of temptation and adversity, or will he succumb to the allure of unchecked power? "My IT Empire is in India" is a captivating tale of ambition, innovation, and the ethical implications of wielding advanced technology in a rapidly evolving world. It explores themes of morality, ambition, and the consequences of playing with the fabric of time and technology.

Learn_FasterThanMc · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


With the funds secured from their lottery winnings, Rahul wasted no time in springing into action. He knew that building a strong team was essential to the success of his ambitious project – the creation of a chain of discount malls that would revolutionize the retail industry in India.

Gathering Chandu by his side, Rahul set out to conduct interviews for key positions within his organization. Armed with a clear vision and a meticulous selection process, Rahul was determined to handpick individuals who not only possessed the necessary skills and expertise but also shared his passion for innovation and customer satisfaction.

As they arrived at the designated interview location, Rahul couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Each candidate that walked through the door represented a potential asset to his team, a crucial piece in the puzzle of his grand vision.

The interviews commenced, with Rahul and Chandu carefully scrutinizing each candidate's qualifications, experience, and demeanor. They asked probing questions, seeking to gauge not just the individual's technical abilities but also their cultural fit within the organization.

One by one, the candidates came and went, each leaving a distinct impression on Rahul and Chandu. Some were impressive, boasting impressive resumes and polished presentation skills. Others fell short, lacking the passion and drive that Rahul sought in his team members.

Throughout the process, Chandu remained by Rahul's side, offering his unique perspective and insights. Though his intellect may have been limited, Chandu possessed an innate ability to judge character and read people – qualities that proved invaluable in the interview process.

As the day drew to a close, Rahul found himself seated across from the last candidate of the day, a young woman with a determined expression and an air of confidence. Despite her lack of experience in retail management, her impressive educational background and unwavering enthusiasm had caught Chandu's attention.

Rahul, feeling weary from a long day of interviews, was initially inclined to wrap up the proceedings and send the candidate on her way. However, Chandu had other ideas. With a persuasive gleam in his eye, Chandu convinced Rahul to give the young woman a chance to prove herself.

Reluctantly, Rahul agreed, albeit with a hint of skepticism lingering in his mind. As he began the interview, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was wasting his time on someone who lacked the necessary qualifications for the job. Nevertheless, he resolved to give her a fair chance to make her case.

"Good evening," Rahul greeted, his tone polite but tinged with weariness. "Thank you for coming in today. Could you please start by telling us a bit about yourself?"

The young woman straightened in her seat, her eyes alight with determination. "Of course," she replied, her voice steady and confident. "My name is Priya Sharma, and while I may not have extensive experience in retail management, I bring a fresh perspective and a strong drive to succeed. I hold a degree in Business Administration from a prestigious university, and I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills to the challenges of this position."

Rahul listened intently as Priya spoke, her words resonating with a sense of earnestness and conviction. Despite his initial reservations, he couldn't help but be intrigued by her passion and determination.

"And what specifically draws you to this role?" Rahul inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Priya's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she responded. "I believe that this position offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the retail industry. While I may lack experience, I am a quick learner and a hard worker, and I am confident that I can rise to the challenge and exceed your expectations."

Rahul nodded, impressed by Priya's confidence and self-assurance. He couldn't deny that there was something compelling about her, a spark of potential that hinted at greater things to come.

"Tell me, Priya," Rahul continued, "how do you envision contributing to our team and helping us achieve our goals?"

Priya's expression lit up with excitement as she outlined her vision for the future. "I see myself playing a key role in driving innovation and growth within the company. With my strong analytical skills and creative thinking, I believe I can identify new opportunities for expansion and develop strategies to capitalize on them. Additionally, I am passionate about fostering a positive work culture and empowering team members to reach their full potential."

As Priya spoke, Rahul found himself growing increasingly impressed by her ideas and enthusiasm. Despite her lack of experience, she possessed a keen intellect and a genuine passion for the industry – qualities that he knew were invaluable in a team member.

After a thorough discussion, Rahul concluded the interview, thanking Priya for her time and promising to be in touch soon with a decision. As she left the room, Rahul turned to Chandu, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What do you think, Chandu?" Rahul asked, his voice contemplative. "Do you believe she has what it takes to be a valuable addition to our team?"

Chandu nodded emphatically, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Absolutely, bhaiya," he replied. "I think Priya has a lot of potential. She may not have the experience, but her passion and determination are undeniable. I say we give her a chance."

Rahul considered Chandu's words carefully, weighing the pros and cons of hiring someone with limited experience. In the end, he couldn't ignore the sense of promise that Priya exuded – a promise of fresh perspectives and untapped potential.

With a decisive nod, Rahul made up his mind. "Alright then," he declared. "Let's give Priya a shot. I have a feeling she's going to surprise us all."

And with that, the decision was made. Priya Sharma would be the newest CEO of the mail.