
My Intoxicated Love

Maan a charismatic and lively Rj at Fm 92.6 love music, friends hangout and parties.. He is heart throb of his listeners. Son of Khurana Construction CEO Mr. Yash Khurana. Roshni a sad, depress girl, A daughter of Mr. Surve Bajaj has lost her finacee which makes her cursed. People consider her jinx so she isolate herself from the world in a single dark room. Would her cursed life ever change after meeting with Maan Khurana? Which she ever love again or change people mentality? A sweet, spicy, naughty love story which has shades of reality chord with incidents which everyone experience in life.

author_mishu · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 28: Its a Yes

Maan steps back and forwards his hand.

Maan: Hold this hand once Roshni. Forget everything. I promise you will never regret it. Just one step Roshni...Just one step.

Roshni looks at Maan with a lost face. She was speechless and fail to found any more stupid logic. Deep down she knows she deserves it. His words are powerful but true. She deserves a smile and love again.

She silently turns and opens her room door and moves towards the hall leaving Maan behind sad and tense.


Everyone was worried about Roshni's behavior. How she angrily runs towards her room after hearing Maan's name.

Ranu *apologize* I am sorry Mrs. Khurana. Roshni is not like that. I don't know why she suddenly behaves differently.

GrandMa console Ranu.

GM: its ok Ranu. It happens. Kids nowadays have their own life rules and they are strict about it. You don't need to worry. I am sure Roshni has her reasons. We should not force them.

Ranu *with tears * Forgive us, Mrs. Khurana.

Grandma holds her hands. It's ok Mrs. Surve. Let the kids talk and wait for their decision. if their destiny meets, we will definitely hear good news.

Yash: Ma is right. We should not think badly about Roshni. Daughters are angels.. But I can't say about my son Maan.I know that irresponsible idiot...he must have done something.....

Dev and Annie stopped their father to abuse Maan more.

Mr. Surve: We are lucky that you have asked for my daughter and accepting her ignorant behavior. My daughter was not always like this. Actually 2 years back...

Just then Surve about to narrate Roshni's Past. Pinky Interrupt..

Pinky: Uncle Roshni and Maan are here..

Roshni came into the hall silently

GrandMa: Come Roshni dear.. We are waiting for your decision and before anything plz remember no one will force you. If you have any reason to reject we will not question about your decision. Its your life.

Roshni and Maan look surprisingly at all faces.

Maan was about to say something but Roshni started.

Roshni: Papa, Ma I dont have any problem with this proposal. "Yes " from my side.

All looked at Maan who was least expected Roshni to accept. He was shocked and confuse but too happy in his heart.

Annie: come on bro.. Tell us whats your answer.. Do you accept Roshni too?

Maan: Yes Yes Yes..How dare i reject such beautiful girl. *he wink at roshni*

All laughed and Yash gave a fire glare to Maan whose happiness knows no bounds. He feel himself at seven sky.

All congratulated them and Roshni hug Pinky.

Pinky *excitedly jump* Rosh I am sooo happy. *she hugged* I knew it no one could resist MK fever. He is just the best..

She hurridly moved and hugged Maan with a whisper "You are Magician MK, Thank you so much for coming to my bestie life".

Maan: Thanks to you Pinky Sister-in-law. It would not be possible without your help.

Roshni noticed Pinky and Maan whisper but couldnt understand.

Annie hugged Roshni : Congratulations Roshni. I am lucky to have such beautiful sisters-in-law. Meeru, You and Me would have great fun together. Now Dev Brother wedding would be blast. I am so excited.

Roshni smile and hug Annie.
