
My Intoxicated Love

Maan a charismatic and lively Rj at Fm 92.6 love music, friends hangout and parties.. He is heart throb of his listeners. Son of Khurana Construction CEO Mr. Yash Khurana. Roshni a sad, depress girl, A daughter of Mr. Surve Bajaj has lost her finacee which makes her cursed. People consider her jinx so she isolate herself from the world in a single dark room. Would her cursed life ever change after meeting with Maan Khurana? Which she ever love again or change people mentality? A sweet, spicy, naughty love story which has shades of reality chord with incidents which everyone experience in life.

author_mishu · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 14: You, Me and Love Ride

Pinky: Go Rosh...whats the big deal. He is MK every girl desire to sit with him and you are throwing tanturms.. Me and Rohan have plans and I know you dont like to be with us....You know Privacy for To-be-Married couple. She hug Rohan by side...

Roshni: Oh Madam. .Uncle still dont accept Rohan.. So dont built castle in air..

Rohan: Not Fair Pinky.. She is your responsibility.. We will drop her.. No problem..

Pinky: Rosh plzz na why you are ruining our private time.. plzz na Go with MK. he will not bite you. I am sure. Right MK.


Maan: My car always welcome hot and pretty girls.. Just like Me...

Roshni: Eewww such a cheapo.. How many girls .....

Maan: *laugh* I lost my count..Lets go..I will tell during our way..

Roshni has no other option except accepting the offer because Rohan and Pinky already slip away while Maan and Roshni were argueing...

Roshni start moving towards the door and Maan follow her until they reach near his car.

He move forward and open car door for Roshni and she silently slide in and close her door with bang.

Maan scared at sudden reaction and then teasing smile crept on his lips.

He took his seat and start drive..


On the other had.. Roshni mom was worried as she was late.

Ranu: why this girl is so late...even not answering calls..

Roshni Papa was worried too and trying to contact Roshni phone .

Ranu desperatedly look at the main door with phone in her hand. She call Pinky no again as it was out of reach from couple of minutes..

Pinky: Hello Auntie... Have Roshni reach home..

This worries Ranu more and she start crying on phone...

Mr. Surve immediately took Ranu mobile and inquired..

Mr. Surve: Pinky dear where is Roshni.. What happen to my chirpy..

Pinky: relax uncle.. Rosh is fine.. She will reach home at any minute. She is with MK...Rohan friend.. We have other plans so we requested MAan to drop her home. Dont worry uncle Maan is very sober and nice guy.

Mr. Surve feel he have heard Maan name somewhere but didnt remember.. He cut call after confirming...

Ranu: I told you..Roshni act mysteriously.. We forced her for marriage so she run away and will sucide now.. She start crying loud and cursing her life..

Mr. Surve: Ohh Stupid.. Roshni is not going anywhere... she is with Rohan friend. Pinky has other plan so she asked some guy Maan to drop her home.. You always overreact and scared everyone.. Now wait and she will reach soon.

Ranu become confuse at name which she heard from his husband.. She think...but remain silent because his husband already scold her for her overthinking and curse.

she look again towards the door and silently pray that she heard the right name.


Maan and Roshni were silent during whole drive.

Maan remembering their dance moves. He side gaze at Roshni who was looking out of window and lost in thoughts.

Maan start playing music on his car sterio which irritates the Roshni but she ignore.. He raise volume and start singing.

She quickly low the song volume and again look out of the window.

Maan: If you dont like song than I could change the other track.

Roshni: * without looking* No Thanks. I dont like music

Maan: * surprise* Are you serious..how could anyone hate music. Music is remedy of life.. if you are happy, sad, depress then just listen music and you will feel like heaven..It...

Roshni interrupt.. I dont want your essay on Music.. plz speed up your car.. I have to reach home. its already very late..

Maan stop and slow his car speed more..
