
Round down

Hello, i'm Dtagon. An blue fox that is purple on the tip off my fur, looks like i'm gloving purple around me. I have lived for 1 000 499 years. More like 499 years, the 1 million years have only to absorb the creator off the galaxy's power. Yes, the creator off the galexy. You wanna know how this happened, sure listen here. I wil start from the beginning and say fast what happened.

I started my life in sky continent. we have 3 continents, earth, sky and then heaven/hell, heaven and hell is the same place, but it happens so mutch there that someone call it hell. And we have one secret one, that only one know off, and that is the creator's home.

The sky continent is chill, and nothing but cold wars is happening, so i lived and was getting stronger every day. After 2 years, i was so strong that people begin to take me as a challenge to kill. Spoiler, no one had a chance. Everyone got killed on the spot when they started to ruch me. After that, i was called the "Blue Demon Fox". My lifespan expanded and i was still chilling, no one dared to attack me, they have learned there lesions. (Funfact, only humans attacked.) I chilled in 10 more years, and got my human form, blue fox- ears and tail. But my power in that form was only 1/4 off my real power. Still beat everyone that challenge me. I was so powerful that the continent wanted to kill me, but they was scared.

One day i woke up in a different place, i have lived in 50 years, and have been transported to another place, and another continent. I was new and carefully. I first found out that other creatures lived here, and stronger to. And i did the same as in the sky continent. slowly getting stronger every day, some near deaths, but survived.

100 years, and i was strong enough to kill an real adult dragon in my human form, with bare hands. Insane, i know.

200 years after that, i was the strongest animal in the continent.

149 years later and i got transported to a new place. The creator's home. It came like a chock to me that it was one more continent. But to my suprise, the creator was so happy. He said i was the first and only creature to get to him, and said he wanted to give me his powers. I asked why and got a reasonable answer. He is bored and wil take a break that wil never end, to die. He wanted to die. And he needed someone to take over his powers to die. so he made it possible to get to him if you got strong enough.

I accepted, and i could feel pain and power almost instantly. It felt so bad that i needed all my concentration to go to absorb the power.

It fealt like eternity, 1 000 000 years and almost done. The creator is gone and it's only his power in the air. It's only one year left, and i wil have every singel power and knowledge the creator had.

Wonder what i shuld do with it?