
To Awake With Nothing

The dark sky is alien to me. I fell as I lay in the moss below me, that I have not seen this sky a day in my life, and that the ground below me is unfamiliar. Theor is no light in the sky. So odd...

Ah. I see now. It is a room;I roll over and get my hands my body, pressing up I find my self unsteady, my wrist feel frail and unstable as my weight is dragged from the moss below me. Faint light shines from a source I can not see. Making it to my feet I walk, in the blackness the light can not reach; I walk for who knows how long arriving to a wall that gently crumbles in my hands, my strength gone, but the light seems to grow behind my eyes as I feel my self pulled. I continue to move my hands over this loose wall, the crumbling echoing softly like sand as the wall gives way and turns to dust.

Pressing ever onward I feel myself self chasing now, chasing this feeling, chasing this light and pressure, it is right there, it calls to me...

Before I can blink the wall collapse all at once, and before me lies the true night sky. Illuminated with auras I have never seen, the shinning sheen of a multicolor of infinity swirl up into the stars, I can look and see the various moons, orange hues glowing wrapped in the soft greens and brilliant reds. This... I remember none of this. For I would have remembered a sky like this; I would have rembered the moons and this forest, and the moss and the... the room? I turn then to see the path behind me, it's darkness suffocating as I look away from the world set before me. The great mountain ranges I can see as turn back, I am caught onto how cold I feel in the night, my lack of cloths eliminating any hope to brace myself against the lack of heat.

With the light spread over the world almost seeming to fade as I turn away from the brilliant land scape before me, I head back into the tunnel, to get back to room I awoke in, to hopefully find something of use, something I can use to keep my body well and protected. Only now I take not of my state of dress, only a pair of rough hewn trousers, ripping at the lowest seems and fraying, causing them to barely reach my calves.

Reaching the room with the trousers swaying over my legs I attempt to investigate in the dimly lit conditions, the light varying every which may as I attempt to find useful things to procure. The dull glow nauseating in the way it swims in my vison, making my world seem fluid. Until my hands find a lever; pulling it down I hear a hiss, and just like that I feel my stomach drop, I can not shift the over back down. My mind screams to me and in that moment my other opposite hand finds a button, with a push, their is light. But more than that, there is heat, and fire, and it swirls from a source close to my side, throwing my back as I feel my body wracked with terribly pain. Burns along my body, but the glow is almost gone now, and dully in the pain I find a soft comfort. My head aches from hitting it, and I can't find it in me to rise. Suddenly I am light, I am weightless, and I drift to sleep. Not a thought to be had as I drift away.