
My Infinite Potential System

"Let's see how this works!" Ethan Bourne said after release a high pressured wind, slashing millions of soldiers to death.

PracticeMakesShit · Fantasy
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3 Chs

But I'm weak as hell...

"Hmm?" I open my eyes.

'Why am I on the floor?' I looked around groggily.

'Ah, I remember' I open my eyes wide

'This body is shit! Just one! no not even one...even a half lunge-' I cried fake tears as slowly and shakingly stood up.

'Deep breaths! Again!'

Put one foot forward, lean towards that foot a little bit, and then lean back up to starting position. *Huff *Huff *Huff

'Okay *huff that was doable *huff not bad *huff' I did the process again, then after standing back up I saw my old friend. 'Hello darkne-


The next day, Ethan can be seen in a space beside his bed, huffing puffing his breath, making lunges. He's mumbling numbers like '9 *huff, 10...'

Then he stood up, breathing roughly, he thought '10! I did it! Fucking weakshit body! %@#%'

Now he sat on his bed, to take a rest. Now you might ask? Only 10? Well, Rome was not built in one day. So yes, only 10.

The servants, specifically his butler, James, came in and offered him his nutritious but bitter yucky medicine soup.

Yesterday when James when in to find his young master lying on the floor, he panicked!

Rushing towards his young master Ethan, he noticed tons of sweat on his clothes, unconscious. James relaxed after checking his pulse and using world essence to identify his body's condition. He carried his young master back to bed and reported it to the King and Queen.

The Queen got worried and waited for Ethan to wake up.

"My dear baby boy, what happened to you yesterday? James found you on the floor unconscious and sweating" his mother asked worriedly. His mother began spoon-feeding him the oh-so soup he'd hate and love.

Ethan scratched the back of his head and shyly replied "I-I was just exercise mom, haha..."

His mother and his butler's eyes widened 'Exercise!?'

As a child, Ethan Bourne, the first prince of Slevania, was born with a weak physique. His parents doted on him and always gave him what he asked, seeing that their only child was weak, they always fed him highly nutritional medical soups, hoping that he'd get better in the future. But alas, for 12 years after his birth, his body is still weak.

Now one might ask, why not teach him to cultivate. Doable, but the prerequisite for cultivating or absorbing World Essence is to first have a strong body. A container can only handle so much liquid. A fragile container could break or worst explode.

Therefore, Cultivators always begin by strengthening their bodies before absorbing World Essence.

But the King and Queen of Slevania never gave up hope, they gave him his books, which he always like to read. Due to his body being too weak, he only stays inside his room in the Royal Palace with nothing to attend to but his books.

Over time, the King and Queen got worried. He was their only child, their heir. Mind you, the higher the Cultivation Stage, the harder it is to conceive a child. The Queen always opted to help his husband find another Concubine to conceive a child with, but the King only love his one and only wife.

Both the rulers of this Kingdom are King Realm(4th) Cultivators, this was the requirement to have their land be entitled with a KINGDOM in their name, as well as at least 9 Cities in their domain.


'Fuck this medicinal soup tastes bitter and goey!' I tsked after cleaning after every last drop in my bowl. Somehow my mother asked me yesterday after I passed out from that one shameful half lunge I did yesterday.

After I replied to what I did, they both looked at me in disbelief. Then after my mother kissed me after tucking me in my bed they, my Mother Queen Anastasia, and my Butler James left.

The next morning, they began feeding me more of these yucky soups saying, it's good for the body. With nothing else to eat, and do, I repeated doing lunging exercises until I collapse, then when I awake I always find myself back in bed, with soup and a letter 'drink this'

I always feel warm after drinking it so I guess that were those high and expensive medicinal soups I've read in those novels. Hehe plus one for being a prince!

After feeling good and brimming with strength, I stood up.

'Okay next, Squats, let's aim for 10!' I hype myself by clapping my cheeks, then started the motion.

"7 *huff... eeighth *Huff... Naaynn!! *Huff TEEEN!!!* HUFF" after doing 10 I collapse on my but.

'Hey! *Huff not bad, *huff at least I didn't black out *huff'


The door went open with my mother looking at me worriedly, holding a bowl of soup. Her face was a mixture of concern and pride...

This made me warm inside.

I drank the bowl of soup and comforted my mother for a bit, then went on to the next exercise.

The classic Push up...