
My Inauspicious Life

Seo-jun finds himself in another world in the body of a minor antagonist character of a book he's read before. What happens when he discovers there is more to this minor character than the book let on to? *Rewrite available. It's called 'My Not So Auspicious Route'. Excerpt: Once he deemed his hair dry enough, he quickly rubbed the dye into the tips of his hair. The shower beside him turned off. He changed into his uniform and stepped out at the same time as the person in the stall beside him. "Oh, how heartless of you to leave me," Mikyle teased Seo-jun as soon as he saw him. Of course! The other person just had to be the prince! Seo-jun was ready to spit out a reply when he realized the prince was only wearing a bathrobe. . .a loosely done one at that. Seo-jun caught a peek of toned pecs and chiseled abs. He quickly averted his eyes. The prince really was unfairly good looking. The prince chuckled at his reaction. "Not the usual reaction but you must have liked what you saw, your ears are burning." "They are not!" Seo-jun snapped, snapping his eyes to the prince in anger. Mikyle leaned down, bringing his face closer to Seo-jun's. A hand came up and brushed a piece of hair away from his face. "They are." Mikyle was so close that his breath fanned across Seo-jun's face.

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19 Chs

Renmada Part 2

Seo-jun's eyelashes fluttered as he slowly woke up. He was met with the beautiful sight of a shirtless Mikyle sleeping in front of him. A smile unconsciously graced his lips as the memory of the night's events came to the forefront of his mind.

Bringing one hand up, he gently brushed his hand through the soft golden locks. His hand then dropped lower to caress Mikyle's cheek and jaw.

He had been right to wait until the holidays. Mikyle had more stamina than he had ever imagined. One round had turned into two and would have three if not for it being Seo-jun's firs

Seo-jun removed Mikyle's hand from around his waist and slowly sat up. "Shit!"

He started to lean forward before deciding to fall back down onto the bed when a sharp pain tore through the lower half of his body. "Too much stamina," he grumbled angrily. It looks like he will be spending the day in bed recuperating.

"What's the matter?" Mikyle asked sleepily, waking up from Seo-jun's shout.

"Sore! That's what's the matter!"

Mikyle bolted upright and gazed down at Seo-jun's haggard form. He brought a hand up and started messaging Seo-jun's hip and thigh. "Sorry. I was a bit too excited last night."

Seo-jun didn't say anything and just shot him a glare. The good feelings from the night before were completely gone now. Warmth began to seep into Seo-jun's skin, all the way down to his bone. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to see if I can heal you."

Was that even possible? "Is that even possible?" He voiced his shock out loud. That would be a major cheat card and bad for his health if Mikyle can heal him of the after effects of sex.

"Don't know," Mikyle shrugged. "Doesn't hurt to try."

The white glow around Mikyle's hand grew brighter. Seo-jun felt his eyes widen in shock when he felt the pain subside a little. He slowly sat up when Mikyle removed his hand. The pain was still there but it was bearable.

"Better?" Mikyle asked.

"I feel like I should lie," Seo-jun mumbled out loud without meaning to.

Mikyle grinned and placed a kiss on his lips. "I'll be gentler next time," Mikyle said softly, a loving smile on his lips.

Oh, Seo-jun was in deep trouble. He should have kept his mouth shut.

Mikyle climbed out of bed and helped Seo-jun up. Now that he was up and not in pain, he realized that he had been cleaned and dressed. "Thank you."

"Hmm?" Mikyle hummed.

"Thank you for clea-" his voice cut off. There was no way he was going to finish saying that out loud. He fumbled with his shirt as he looked down in embarrassment.

Mikyle chuckled and placed a kiss on his temple. "You're welcome."

Seo-jun felt his ears heating up. Never will he pass out again. It was just too embarrassing.

Turning his back onto Mikyle, he headed for the closet for a change of clothes. Upon opening, he found that some of Mikyle's had been added. It was a repeat of when they had first started dating. With a shake of his head, he grabbed one of his at random and then walked into the bathroom to change.

Mikyle was already dressed when he re-entered the room. Seo-jun came to a stop upon seeing Mikyle in casual wear for the first time, not counting the times when he exercised in the mornings. Mikyle was dressed in casual white dress slacks and a long sleeve yellow turtleneck.

"I don't think I've ever seen you in a turtleneck before."

Mikyle fixed the neck of his shirt with a smile. "How could I not wear one when I found out who was behind the idea." Mikyle walked over to where Seo-jun was standing and wrapped his arms around his waist. "We match," his voice sounded pleased.

Seo-jun dumbly looked down at the random outfit that he had grabbed. He had mechanically put it on without really looking at it. He was wearing off-white slacks with a black turtleneck. Huh? They really were matching. Though to be honest, most of Seo-jun's clothes consisted of this type of casual wear, meaning lots of turtlenecks.

"I guess we are," Seo-jun said with a smile.

The two of them walked down to the dining room for lunch since they had missed breakfast.

Tessia was sitting down at the table, sipping a cup of tea. She looked up with a smirk gracing her lips and a knowing glint in her eyes. Seo-jun was surprised at how open she had become after being away from the Count. She was less reserved and more playful especially after revealing the truth behind Adrien's birth.

Nadeline stepped forward and placed a tea cup in front of Seo-jun. A rich and robust smelling brown tea poured out of the tea pot and into the cup in front of him. His nose crinkled up at the smell, it was a tea he had never had before.

"To help regain your strength," Tessia informed him. "I remembered Lia had to drink this blend frequently."

Seo-jun sputtered right before he could take a drink. His ears turned red and he placed the cup down with a light cough to cover up his embarrassment.

"Oh?" Mikyle raised one eyebrow as he smirked at Seo-jun. "Drink. You shouldn't waste the tea that had been especially prepared for you."

"Shut up," Seo-jun growled as he smacked Mikyle's shoulder. This only caused the blonde to laugh harder.

"If you feel up to it," Tessia spoke once the two of them had calmed down. "I was hoping the three of us could spend the day out in town."

Mikyle gave her a warm smile. "I would love to, if Seo-jun is up for it."

Seo-jun gave them a small smile of his own. "That sounds fine." The combination of the tea and Mikyle's healing was doing wonders on his body so he should be able to walk around for a few hours.

Tessia gave a nod of her head, looking pleased. She then looked at Mikyle and seemed to realize something. "We may have to cover your hair. Your blonde hair and red eyes stand out. Especially the eyes since they're so jewel-like."

Mikyle's smile widened. "I already thought of that. I had an alchemist make some brown hair dye for me. There should be enough for Seo-jun too since I don't feel comfortable with him being spotted with you with his hair black after hearing the details of his birth."

Tessia nodded in understanding. "I think that would be for the best."

"I also have something for my eyes. I wanted to be able to go out on secret dates with Seo-jun so I asked Marx, the alchemist I know, if he could invent something that could temporarily change one's eye color.

. . . . .

Street stalls and vendors lined the city center. Various smells of sweet, salty, and greasy foods filled the air. Booths with various games dotted the streets in-between the food vendors. The food and games reminded Seo-jun of foreign festivals.

Tessia walked in front of them with a bright smile adorning her face. She was dressed in a simple pale blue skirt with a matching petticoat. Mikyle was walking beside him, his larger hand holding onto Seo-jun's smaller one. Mikyle's golden hair was dyed a chocolate brown and his eyes were colored a dark green. Seo-jun had been surprised when he saw the small case Mikyle had brought. Inside the small glass box was a liquid solution and two clear colored contacts.

"Oh?" Tessia came to a stop in front of a booth that was positioned in front of a dead-end alleyway. There was a line painted on the ground and positioned ten feet away, down the alley, was a hanging dart board.

"Two coppers to play," the vendor said with a wide grin, one of his front teeth was missing.

Tessia looked back at them. "Do you boys want to try?"

Mikyle looked down at Seo-jun. "Do you?"

"I never shot a bow before." Where the hell was he supposed to learn that kind of skill on earth? He grew up in the middle of South Korea in a middle class family, he had never even seen a bow in real life before.

"I'll teach you," Mikyle said confidently.

Seo-jun agreed and Tessia placed two copper coins in the vendor's hand.

The vendor put the money away before grabbing a bow and three arrows. "You get three chances. The center of the target is worth twenty points. The center ring around the target is fifteen, the middle ring is ten, and the outer ring is five points," the vendor explained.

Seo-jun lifted the bow like how he saw in the movies and stood in a stance that felt comfortable. A chuckle rumbled behind him. Mikyle placed a hand on his leg. "Move this one in a little bit more." Once Seo-jun did as he was told, the hand on his leg moved up to his stomach. "Twist just slightly." Seo-jun did as instructed. "Good." A warm chest leaned into his back. Mikyle placed his hands on top of Seo-jun's hands and adjusted his grip. He grabbed an arrow and placed it for Seo-jun. "Look at the target."

"Kyle, I can't concentrate with you this close."

Mikyle removed his hands and held them up. "Sorry." His voice did not sound like he meant it.

Seo-jun gave a light shake of his head. He then lined the head of the arrow at the topmost edge of the center of the target then released. He rapidly docked and shot off each arrow.

"Thirty-five points," the vendor told him, after the last arrow hit. The vendor then picked up a small brown teddy bear and handed it to Seo-jun. "Here's your prize."

The three of them continued looking around the festival. Seo-jun stopped at almost every food stall, happily trying the new, and sometimes familiar, dishes.

Mikyle, not having many chances to sneak off to go to festivals, played several of the games there. It was unnatural with how good he was at the games. He gave his prizes to Tessia and Seo-jun, much to Seo-jun's ire since one of them was a pair of black cat ears. Why were animal headbands in another world?

The three of them decided to rest their feet at a small bakery that wasn't too busy. Seo-jun took the headband off and sat it down on the table.

"May I take your order?" A bored looking male server came over to their table.

"A black tea, please." There was a twitch in Tessia's smile. She probably wasn't used to being treated like that with her being the daughter of a rich merchant and a former Countess.

"I'll take a coffee," Mikyle ordered.

"One passion fruit tea and a slice of your orange pound cake."

The server left after taking their orders.

Mikyle, who was sitting beside Seo-jun, poked his belly. "You're going to gain weight with all of this eating you're doing today."

Seo-jun puffed out his cheeks and stuck his tongue out, knowing full well that Mikyle was teasing him.

Mikyle leaned closer to him, close enough that their foreheads were almost touching. Seeing the green eyes up close gave him a weird feeling. "Keep sticking that tongue out and see what happens."

"Ahem," Tessia cleared her throat, startling the two.

Mikyle pulled away from Seo-jun who was blushing slightly from embarrassment. "Sorry, Lady Ratcliff. I seem to have forgotten where we were."

"That's fine. I understand the need and pull between young lovers." The server came right then and placed everyone's orders in front of them. "Thank you," she told the server before turning her attention back to Mikyle. "I also seem to remember telling you to call me Tessia, since you insist on not being so formal."

"Right," Mikyle rubbed the back of his neck, ruffling the dyed brown hair. It was unusual for Seo-jun to see Mikyle like this. It gave him a weird feeling seeing Mikyle so docile.

Silence fell between them as they sipped on their drinks. The silence wasn't awkward but surprisingly comfortable. Seo-jun wasn't used to being around Tessia but he found it at least tolerable, even enjoyable.

The three of them headed back to the manor after their small respite. The carriage had been filled with mostly prizes that Mikyle had won.

The rest of the week flew by in a similar manner. Seo-jun had gotten to know Tessia better and even Mr. Ratcliff. It had come to the point that he no longer felt weirded out when he called them 'mother' or 'grandfather'.

"Make sure to write," Tessia told him as she gave him a hug. It was finally time for Mikyle and him to return to Tris Academy.

"I will," he promised.

Mr. Ratcliff came out of the manor. He had been late seeing them off because he had been looking for something. "Here you go, my boy." He placed a silver locket in Seo-jun's hand. "It belonged to your mother."

Seo-jun clicked it open to find a picture of a young woman with long, wavy black hair that sparkled like a starlit night sky. She wore a beautiful grin that made her eyes crinkle into half crescents. Standing beside her, looking down at her with a loving expression, was an elegantly dressed young man with blond hair. The original Adrien's birth parents. Liona Shigaron and Savion Ratcliff.

"Thank you." Seo-jun could not stop the tears that formed in the corners of his eyes. After hearing numerous stories of them during the past week, he felt a connection to them.

. . . . .

Candle light flickered across the brick wall stained with dried blood and other bodily fluids. On the wall farthest from the door, strung up halfway by chains was a broken body of a once beautiful woman.

Her hair was matted and missing in spots. Her hands, which we're strung up above her head, were bruised and bleeding with multiple nails missing. The clothes she wore were ripped in tatters, exposing a bruised and broken body underneath them.

Blythe lightly tapped the side of the prisoner's face with her fan. "Thanks for the info, sis." A wide smirk graced her painted red lips and a triumphant glint sparkled in her black eyes.

Turning around with a bounce in her graceful step, Blythe left that horrible smelling place. The metal door to the cell closed with a rattling bang.

"So. . .I have a nephew," her voice floated out, bouncing down the dimly lit corridor. A cackle escaped from her lips. Soon. Soon, all obstacles that posed as a threat to her were slowly being eradicated. Just one more left to go.

Joshua, her trusted knight and favorite lover, stepped forward, revealing himself to her. "Shall I carry this task out, myself?"

Blythe playfully tapped her closed fan against his hard chest. "Yes. The child must be with the husband's family. I believe they were Mallorne's?"

"Yes, my Queen. The now former Count Mallorne of the Velron Kingdom had been exiled to the countryside with his sons."

"I see you've been keeping up with the current news." Blythe nodded, expecting no less from the man. "Wipe the Mallorne's out. If the child isn't among them, then find him."

She marched up the steps that led to the outside of the dungeons. It will take two weeks for Joshua to gather everything needed and to sneak into the Velron Kingdom undetected. Two weeks. She couldn't wait to celebrate her success. Maybe she should have Joshua bring the boy back so that she could kill him in front of her sister. Her tongue darted out to lick her lower lip in excitement.