
Episode 2

8 am. The next day in the Ling Family Mansion, everyone in the family gathered in the mansion's garden for a short meeting before meeting Ling Lie's fiancee.

"I heard from grandfather that your fiancee will be introducing herself today. I thought you hated marriage," Ling Zhelan said as he looked at his half brother who was standing behind their grandfather.

"Yes," he said.

"Well, if you hated her that much you could always give her to me. I'd take care of her, and I'll lift a heavy burden from your back. What do you say?" he smiled while drinking his juice.

Ling Lie remained quiet behind his grandfather.

"I'd rather not, brother. In fact, we both spoke with each other last night and the marriage is in both our mutual interest. For short, we both agreed. They're coming here to introduce theirselves today. I suggest you behave yourself," Lie said as his expression darkened.

Feeling his half brother's cold gaze, he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Very well. If ever you change your mind, brother. You could always give me a call," Zhelan said he stood up and left the area.

"Father, Zhelan is the most suitable for that marriage. Why would you give her to Lie? Zhelan is the eldest son," Ling Ken asked.

"Lie is considered the Emperor in the business world. It is only right I give him the Empress of the business industry," the old man simply said as he gently munched down on his breakfast.

"But father, Lie is very busy with the company. He can't take care of his wife. Women also needs to be taken care of," Ling Meizhi said, Ling Lie's stepmother.

"I suggest you keep out of this, MOTHER," Lie said as he emphasized on the word, mother.

"LIE! How dare you disrespect your mother!" Ling Ken roared.

"If you don't want to be kicked out of this household, I suggest you sit down and shut your trap, Ken. Or else I will disown you," the old man firmly said, trying to control his temper.

A maid came running towards them, as if she had important news to tell.

"Sir, Madame! Master Lie's fiancee has arrived," she said quickly.

"Oh, they're early. I should go meet her, grandfather," Lie said as he quickly left to meet his fiancee.

As soon as they entered the Ling estate, she couldn't help but admire it. She has a lot of estates back in South Korea but none of it were to be this beautiful.

She said that she will be bringing her fake parents, but unfortunately, both actors ran off with her money. She sighed.

"Is there something wrong, Miss?" Kyungjae asked.

She smiled to the man sitting beside her.

"Nothing. I've never been this excited in my whole 600 years," she smiled.

She had never been married. She was too afraid to commit because if she ever marries, she knows she would have to watch her husband and her children die while she stays young. It was already hard for her watching Kyungjae's predecessors die while serving her. She had witnessed her father burned at the stake by the late king and her mother accused of witchcraft as she was discovered that we wouldn't age. After her whole family was executed, her loyal servant and her escaped towards Japan. There she established a new life. After spending the last couple hundred of years in Japan, she spent her life building a new empire that she would only rule, a business. Her company grew, from an employee of 10 to employees of a hundred. After spending 5 years as the CEO of her company, she hid where no one could ever see her and limited to a couple people who can only meet her personally. She appointed her loyal servant as the new acting CEO of the company and it has been like that for a century.

Kyungjae smiled at her.

"Of course, it's your first time marrying," he said.

Kyungjae has been with her ever since he was a kid. He was practically like her son. He was his most trusted companion in the world.

She saw Ling Lie standing at the entrance of their house, waiting for her to arrive. As soon as the car stopped in front of him, he quickly opened the door and welcomed his beautiful fiancee.

"Where's your parents?" he asked, pertaining to the actors she was supposed to hire.

"I changed my mind," she said as she walked past him.

After she sat down, a maid approached her but Kyungjae stopped her.

"A glass of champagne for Miss Sooyeon," he said.

As the rest of them arrived at the living room, Meizhi's face darkened as soon as she saw the woman standing beside their huge glass window.

"Ahh, Miss Sooyeon, please take a seat," Elder Ling invited.

"Ahh, Mr. Jung is also here," Ling Ken said as he gestured for Kyungjae to sit down.

"I'd rather stand, thank you, Mr. Ling," Kyungjae said as he received Sooyeon's glass.

"Is she your sister?" Ling Ken asked enthusiastically. He has been trying to get the Jung's attention to his own small company and this was the perfect opportunity to get his favor.

"No, I am her servant," he calmly said as he put a jacket on Sooyeon's shoulders.

"Servant?" Ling Ken asked.

"She is the real CEO of the Jung Holdings," Lie casually said as he refilled her glass.

"She is too young to be the CEO of the Jung Holdings," Meizhi laughed.

Elder Ling shot her a death glare.

"Watch your mouth, Meizhi," Ling Ken said.

Sooyeon laughed at Meizhi's comment.

"Well, her comment is quite true," she laughed.

"Miss Jung, I'd like to present some ideas for our partnership in the near future," Ling Ken said.

"Sooyeon is not here to discuss business," Lie said as he stood beside his grandfather. "She is here to discuss our marriage," he added.

Ken and Meizhi was shocked at the news.

"I thought we discussed this earlier," Lie said, noticing his parent's surprised faces.

"So, she was the one you were referring to," they asked.

"Yes. Father, stepmother, this is Jung Sooyeon. She had traveled from South Korea to meet with us. Please, treat her nicely," Lie said as his eyes focused on his stepmother.

Zhelan who was standing silently by the door decided to speak.

"I am the eldest son of the Ling family. I should be the one to marry her," Zhelan spoke.

Elder Ling, Sooyeon and Kyungjae remained quiet.

After seeing Sooyeon's beautiful face, Zhelan was determined to get her. She was the richest woman in the entire Asia continent, it would be a shame if his half brother gets to marry her.

"Yes, Zhelan is the eldest. He should be the first one to marry in this family," Ling Ken said. He thought Zhelan was so gullible that it was easy for him to control him. While his other son was too smart for him to control.

"Yes, I agree with him. Father, Zhelan is your eldest grandson. Don't you think he should be the first one to marry before Lie," Meizhi said. If her son marries this rich girl, she would have money to live all throughout her remaining life.

The Elder Ling scoffed at the idea. Although Zhelan was his eldest grandson, Zhelan was too carefree and doesn't care about the company. He has too much free time on his hand.

The Elder Ling stood up and asked Sooyeon who was silently sipping her champagne.

"Let's ask Miss Sooyeon whom she'd prefer to marry, is it okay, Miss?" Elder Ling asked.

Sooyeon who was casually drinking champagne looked at the old man.

"Who? Me?" she pointed to herself.

They all remained quiet.

She looked at Zhelan from head to foot. It was obvious he was a spoiled kid. And from one look, it was obvious he was no emperor of a great business empire. And she was looking for someone who would rule the business industry together.

"Can I ask one thing?" she said as she handed her glass to Kyungjae.

"Yes, you can ask anything," Zhelan said.

"What is your greatest achievement in life so far?" she asked.

Zhelan thought for a while. He thought long and hard but couldn't come up with anything. He hasn't graduated from college yet, he was still dependent on his brother and father.

"Nothing?" she asked again.

"My mind has been set to marry the Ling family's best son. It is obvious Ling Lie is the best candidate," she said.

"So, who do you choose?" Zhelan asked.

Sooyeon took one last look at Zhelan.

"I'll marry someone who knows how to rule an empire. I am a queen, a queen will only rule with a king. Do you know how to rule an empire?" she asked.

Zhelan felt ashamed. He was the eldest son.

"Then, it is all settled. Lie will be your husband," Elder Ling said as he tapped his cane.

"Good, anyway. I'll send Jae to deliver the wedding plans here when he's free. He still has a long day ahead today. Farewell," she said, wearing her designer shades and stood up to leave.

Kyungjae rushed to open the backseat door of her car. Before stepping inside the car, she turned around to look at the old man.

"Take care of your health, old man. I don't want you dying on me," she said as she smiled at him.

After she left, Meizhi, Zhelan and Ken was frustrated.

"I'd leave early today, grandfather. I still have a bunch of meetings to attend, including with the partnership with the Jung Holdings," Lie said as he mounted his bike.

"You're not going on a car?" the old man asked.

"Nope. I left my car back in my unit," he said as he drove off to his company.

"Grandfather! I am the eldest. Why would you let him marry first?" Zhelan demanded.

"Oh, you want to marry first?" the old man asked.

"Yes, it is an insult if he marries before I do," the young boy said.

"Well, arrange a marriage with the Dong family. I heard their 2nd Miss is already at her ripest age to marry," the old man said.

"Dong Family? You mean, you want me to marry into a lowly family?" he angrily asked.

"The Dong Family has been a great help to our family. Why would you call them lowly?" the old man asked laughing.

Zhelan couldn't believe what he heard so he stormed off towards his Lambo in which his brother had bought him.

The old man shook his head of disappointment. He once had high expectation of Zhelan, but with all his expensive parties and his very low interest in managing the family business, it only bought disappoinment to the old man.

"When will he learn?" the old man muttered to himself as he retired to his room for the day, shaking his head.