
My Idol My Wife (GxG)

Harper Wilson, an attractive and imaginative YouTuber, leads a seemingly uncomplicated life on the road with her campervan, documenting her travels and thrilling her loyal audience. But unknown to her followers, Harper carries a secret that only a select few are privy to - she is married to Rachel Lee, a charismatic and very famous K-pop idol. Behind the glitz and glamour of Rachel's public persona lies a deeply personal and private life that she guards fiercely. Amidst the glimmering world of fame, Rachel and Harper have discovered a refuge where they have nurtured a secret bond shielded from the intrusive gaze of the public. They carefully manage through the complexities of their contrasting worlds, where the temptation of celebrity clashes with the peacefulness of a nomadic life. However, as the unforeseen danger of being discovered approaches, Harper and Rachel are confronted with a devastating choice. Will they dare to expose the truth, potentially putting Rachel's career and their precious relationship at stake? Or will they continue to live in the shadows, protecting their fragile, yet profound connection?

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Chapter 7. Let's Get Lunch!

As Rachel and Harper roamed the busy streets of Los Angeles, their rumbling stomachs reminded them of their need for a satisfying lunch. Rachel had spent hours focusing on her audition, while Harper had been passing the time nervously waiting for Rachel's turn. Harper's hot dog had not satisfied her hunger, and now their appetites pleaded to be fed.


After asking around, they discovered a local favorite that had stood the test of time: The Golden Grill. This classic diner exuded a retro charm, looking back to an era of nostalgic glamour. Its vibrant neon sign beckoned passersby, promising a taste of culinary excellence and a slice of the city's rich history. Intrigued by an enthusiastic recommendation from the locals, Rachel and Harper couldn't resist the unique establishment.


Stepping through the doors, they were transported into a world of 1950s splendor. Gleaming chrome accents, cozy red vinyl booths, and the timeless tunes of Elvis Presley playing softly in the background created an atmosphere of pure nostalgia. The air carried the mouthwatering scent of sizzling burgers and hearty comfort food, instantly whetting their appetites.


Settling into a cozy booth, Rachel and Harper perused the extensive menu, which showcased a range of delicious-looking options. They couldn't resist the allure of The Golden Grill's signature dish, the 'Golden Deluxe' burger. The 'Golden Deluxe' burger, a masterpiece, featured a perfectly cooked thick, juicy beef patty, crisp lettuce, tangy pickles, ripe tomatoes, and a special secret sauce, all nestled between two gently toasted sesame seed buns. It was a timeless combination that promised to satisfy their cravings and transport them to burger paradise.


As they placed their orders, the anticipation grew, knowing they were about to taste a delicious burger that the locals had recommended to them. The friendly waitstaff, dressed in period-appropriate attire, ensured that their dining experience matched the nostalgic charm of the restaurant.


As Rachel and Harper savored each mouthful of the Golden Deluxe burger, they never ate any burger that was as magnificent as this one. The juicy beef patty, cooked to perfection and seared to a delightful char on the outside while remaining tender and juicy inside, is good for the price. The flavors exploded on their taste buds—a harmonious blend of savory, tangy, and slightly sweet notes.


The freshly toasted sesame seed bun acted as the perfect vessel, cradling the burger and preventing any precious juices from escaping. The crisp lettuce provided a refreshing crunch, while the tangy pickles and ripe tomatoes added a delightful contrast to the richness of the meat.


But the secret sauce was the real star, a zesty and creamy concoction that tied all the components together in a symphony of taste. Each bite left Rachel and Harper wanting more as the flavors lingered on their palates, begging to be experienced again.


Harper, still feeling a bit peckish after the burger, asked the waitress for the menu once more. The loaded fries, a mountain of crispy golden fries smothered in melted cheddar cheese, crumbled bacon, and a drizzle of tangy ranch dressing, immediately drew Harper's attention when the waitress brought her the menu.


"Let's get an order of those loaded fries," Harper suggested, her voice laced with anticipation. "I'm still feeling hungry after that burger."


Rachel eagerly agreed. "Just the fries?" Rachel asks; she remembers that whenever they're on the phone and Harper is eating, the older girl has always eaten a lot of food.


Harper flashed Rachel a sheepish grin. "No, I'm going to order one more burger and the mac & cheese too. Oh, and a Caesar salad—it sounds amazing."


Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Sure," she replied, anticipating the impending feast.


The waitress nodded with a knowing smile, jotting down Harper's extensive order. Within minutes, the table was adorned with a veritable feast: the towering plate of loaded fries, the juicy burger with its sesame seed bun, the creamy mac & cheese, and the crisp, refreshing Caesar salad.


The aroma of the dishes wafted through the air, tantalizing their senses and awakening their appetite once more. Rachel and Harper eagerly dug in, savoring each indulgent bite and reveling in the comforting flavors that transported them to a bygone era of classic American diner fare.


As they continued eating, Rachel couldn't resist the temptation of the loaded fries in front of her. Being thirteen years old and far smaller than Harper, she ate really slowly, scooping up the melted cheese, crispy bacon, and creamy ranch with each golden fry. Rachel, in between bites of her burger, enjoyed the taste of the melted cheese with the salty, crispy bacon inside her mouth, mixed together.


"Wow, this is heavenly."


"I know, right? Good thing, we asked around." Harper smiled, staring at Rachel. "Eat more, Rach; you've done well today."


"Thank you, Harper! You know, thank you for everything! I love you so much, Harper!" Rachel smiled brightly.


"I love you too, little Rachel."




As the clock struck 5:30 p.m., Rachel and Harper hurried back to the audition venue, eager to fulfill the staff's request. The line was noticeably shorter than it had been earlier in the day, and they were able to easily find a spot on the floor to sit and wait.


Harper had brought along a refreshing cola, which she sipped on as they settled in. The atmosphere was slightly more relaxed, with some people still lingering around, chatting, and passing the time. To Rachel's surprise, several people greeted Harper warmly, engaging her in friendly conversation. Curious, Rachel inquired, "What did you do when I wasn't around?"


Harper grinned sheepishly. "I just talked to them," she replied, her hands filled with more snacks.


Rachel's brow furrowed as she recalled the hot dog Harper had been holding earlier. "The hot dog you had when I came out of the room, did you buy that yourself?"


"No, someone actually gave it to me," Harper admitted, her smile widening.


Shaking her head in amused disbelief, Rachel chuckled. "Wow, you really do make friends easily, don't you?" She couldn't help but remember the times they had spent gaming together, when Harper's ability to connect with others had often proved invaluable. It's always Harper who solves the problem in the guild and talks with others.


Harper nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. "What can I say? I just have a way with people," she said, leaning back against the wall and taking another sip of her cola.


Rachel couldn't help but feel grateful for her friend's outgoing nature and social skills. The next thirty minutes passed by quickly as Rachel and Harper engaged in a lighthearted conversation. Not long after, the same person who's asking Rachel to come at six in the afternoon was walking closer to her along with four other people. Harper's sharp eyes suddenly noticed the same person who had asked Rachel to come at six in the afternoon, walking closer to them with four other people. Recognizing the importance of this encounter, Harper gently nudged Rachel and urged her to stand up to greet them.


As Rachel rose to her feet, the four people turned out to be the judges of the audition. They smiled warmly at Rachel, and with a polite gesture, she bowed and greeted them respectfully.


To Rachel's surprise, the four judges each handed her their business cards, informing her that she could choose any of the four companies to represent her. They explained that they were ready to proceed directly to contract discussions and other formalities the following day, without the need for further interviews.


Rachel's eyes widened with excitement as she processed this unexpected development. "I just need to choose," she asked, her voice brimming with disbelief.


"Yes, just choose any of the four. We both want you to be our trainee," one of the men, who had a distinct diva-like aura, stated confidently.


"Choose, and we'll proceed with the contract and everything tomorrow," another man, holding a pink business card, added with a warm smile.


Sensing Rachel's state of urgency and pressure, Harper gently patted her shoulder, then politely introduced herself as Rachel's guardian. She requested one night to allow Rachel to consider her options and consult with someone more knowledgeable about the contracts.


"This is about Rachel's life and future," Harper said in a calm and measured tone. "I want her to shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. And I don't want your companies to feel let down or experience any negligence if we are rushed into a decision."


The four men nodded in understanding, acknowledging the wisdom in Harper's words. "That makes sense," one of them replied.


They agreed to meet again the following day at 11 a.m., and Harper shook their hands with gratitude. As the judges departed, one of them turned back and asked, "Why don't you audition? You have a way with words."


Harper smiled warmly. "No, I already have a plan for my future," she replied, waving goodbye to the departing group.


Turning to Rachel, Harper said, "Now, we have a night to think about it. Let's make some calls."


Rachel stared at her friend with pure adoration. "Thank you, Harper. I don't know what I'd do without you."


Harper grinned, her eyes shining with affection. "I'll do anything for you, Rach. No worries."

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