
My Idol is my Husband


Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Reuniting with Alish's Parents

<p>IN ALI AND ALISH'S LIVING ROOM - EVENING<br/><br/>Ali and Alish enter their cozy living room after a long day at the office. They exchange smiles, relieved to be back home. The room is warmly lit, and there's a sense of comfort in the air. David, the family's trusted assistant, has already prepared dinner for the guests.<br/><br/>As they step inside, they are greeted by the presence of Alish's parents, who are sitting on the couch, nervously awaiting their daughter's reaction. Alish, still a bit wary, stands by the doorway for a moment.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(whispers to Alish)<br/>Remember, love, we agreed to give this a chance.<br/><br/>Alish takes a deep breath, nods, and walks toward her parents. Her father, and her mother, look up with a mix of hope and apprehension.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(trying to sound calm)<br/>Hello, Mom, Dad.<br/><br/>Linda and John stand up, tears welling in their eyes. They rush to embrace their daughter.<br/><br/>LINDA<br/>(teary-eyed)<br/>Oh, Alish, we've missed you so much!<br/><br/>Her father <br/>(voice choked with emotion)<br/>We're so sorry, sweetheart. Can you find it in your heart to forgive us?<br/><br/>Alish hugs her parents tightly, overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment. Ali watches the touching scene, filled with a mixture of relief and happiness.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(smiles)<br/>I think this calls for a celebration. David has prepared a special dinner for us. Let's all sit down and enjoy it together.<br/><br/>The family gathers around the dining table, and the atmosphere gradually lightens as they share stories, laughter, and forgiveness. It's a moment of reconciliation and healing, as Alish's parents start to rebuild their relationship with their daughter.<br/><br/>IN ALI AND ALISH'S LIVING ROOM - EVENING<br/><br/>Alish's parents sit at the dining table, and David serves them a delicious homemade dinner. Ali warmly greets Alish's parents, trying to maintain a friendly atmosphere.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(to Alish's parents)<br/>It's been a while since we all had a meal together. Please, enjoy the food.<br/><br/>Alish, still feeling a bit hurt from their past actions, quietly makes her way to the dining area. Her expression is tense as she joins the table but avoids making eye contact with her parents.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(murmuring to herself)<br/>I can do this. It's for the best.<br/><br/>Ali notices Alish's discomfort and gently touches her hand, trying to comfort her.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(whispering to Alish)<br/>Remember, love, this is an opportunity for healing and reconciliation. Let's make the most of it.<br/><br/>Alish takes a deep breath, acknowledging Ali's support. She finally looks at her parents and offers a hesitant smile.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(to her parents)<br/>I'm glad you could join us for dinner.<br/><br/>Alish's parents, realizing the tension in the room, try to make amends.<br/><br/>ALISH'S MOTHER<br/>(apologetic)<br/>We're truly sorry for everything that happened before, Alish. We hope we can rebuild our relationship.<br/><br/>Alish's father nods in agreement.<br/><br/>ALISH'S FATHER<br/>(apologetic)<br/>Your mother and I, we've missed you so much. We'd like to be there for you, especially during this time.<br/><br/>Alish, touched by their words, softens her stance.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(softly)<br/>I appreciate your words, Mom, Dad. Let's try to move forward together.<br/><br/>The atmosphere at the dinner table starts to relax, and the family begins to share stories and laughter, mending the bonds that had been strained. With Ali's unwavering support and understanding, Alish takes the first step toward rebuilding her relationship with her parents.<br/><br/>As the evening progresses, Ali, Alish, and her parents enjoy their meal together, hopeful for the future and the new chapter that awaits them as a family.<br/><br/>Scene: Heartfelt Conversation<br/><br/>IN ALI AND ALISH'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT<br/><br/>Ali guides Alish's parents, John and Linda, on a house tour. They explore the beautifully decorated rooms, filled with photographs of Ali, Alish, and their cherished moments. It's a quiet moment for the guests to appreciate the life their daughter has built.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(smiling)<br/>And here's the living room where we spend most of our evenings. You can see our family photos all around. Alish has a great eye for decor.<br/><br/>Her dad and mom smile, but there's a hint of sadness in their expressions.<br/><br/>JOHN<br/>(softly)<br/>Thank you, Ali, for letting us back into her life.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(nods)<br/>She's my world, and I know how much she loves you. It's only fair that you have a place in her life.<br/><br/>After the tour, Ali decides to give Alish and her parents some space. He walks back to the living room with a contemplative expression.<br/><br/>Her mother <br/>(as Alish sits on the couch)<br/>Alish, sweetheart, we're so sorry for what we did to you. We should have been there for you when you needed us most.<br/><br/>Alish looks at her parents, her eyes welling up with tears. She's heard these words before, but hearing them now, seeing the genuine remorse in their eyes, it touches her heart.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(voice trembling)<br/>You left me when I needed you the most, Mom, Dad. Ali was there for me when you weren't. I... I couldn't have asked for a better husband.<br/><br/>Her father<br/>(teary-eyed)<br/>We were so wrong, Alish. And Ali... he's been more of a son to us than we ever realized.<br/><br/>Ali, discreetly listening from the living room, smiles with a sense of contentment.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(whispers to himself)<br/>They'll find their way back to each other.<br/><br/>Alish's parents continue to speak, expressing their deepest regrets and their desire to make amends. Alish, while still wounded, begins to open her heart to the possibility of reconciliation.<br/><br/>Her mother <br/>(earnestly)<br/>We'd like to be a part of your life, Alish, and Ali's too. We've missed so much, and we don't want to miss any more.<br/><br/>Alish's tears start to flow freely now. She reaches for her parents, and they embrace once more.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(crying softly)<br/>I missed you both so much.<br/><br/>The room is filled with a mix of emotions—forgiveness, reconciliation, and the promise of a new beginning.<br/><br/> A New Morning<br/><br/>IN ALI AND ALISH'S KITCHEN - MORNING<br/><br/>Alish's mother, Linda, is bustling around the kitchen, preparing a hearty breakfast. The table is filled with dishes of various kinds, from savory omelets to sweet pastries. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air.<br/><br/>Ali enters the kitchen, wearing a sleepy but contented smile. He takes a deep breath, savoring the delicious scents.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(in awe)<br/>Wow, this smells amazing!<br/><br/>Linda, surprised by Ali's presence, turns around, beaming with motherly warmth.<br/><br/>Her mother <br/>(sincerely)<br/>Good morning, Ali. I thought I'd treat you both to a special breakfast.<br/><br/>Ali, touched by her gesture, walks over to Linda and hugs her. He hasn't experienced a mother's cooking in a long time.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(gratefully)<br/>Thank you, Linda. I can't remember the last time I had a meal like this.<br/><br/>Linda pats Ali's back affectionately.<br/><br/>Her mother <br/>(softly)<br/>You're like a son to us, Ali. We're just sorry it took us this long to realize it.<br/><br/>Ali's eyes glisten with emotion. He releases Linda from the hug and takes a seat at the table.<br/><br/>ALI<br/>(smiling)<br/>Well, I'm glad you're here now. This is more than I could ever ask for.<br/><br/>Alish enters the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She's greeted by the sight of her husband and mother bonding over breakfast.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(surprised)<br/>What's all this?<br/><br/>Her mother <br/>(motherly)<br/>A special breakfast for my special daughter and her husband.<br/><br/>Alish, overcome with emotion, hugs her mother, and Ali smiles warmly at the sight.<br/><br/>ALISH<br/>(teary-eyed)<br/>Thank you, Mom.<br/><br/>The three of them sit down at the breakfast table, sharing not only food but also their love and gratitude. It's a heartwarming scene of newfound togetherness, promising brighter days ahead.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>