
My Idle Immortal Path

Lin Hang never thought he would be able to cultivate become an Immortal. He thought his path to immortality would be arduous and full of hardship. But, the truth is always surprising to know. You have broken Spiritual Roots? No problem, you could refine it yourself till Divine Roots. You have worst aptitude in cultivation? No problem, there is Heavenly Book that upgrade yours. You have a small Sea of Spirits and its absorbtion is too slow? No problem, there is Mantra. You afraid of Heaven Tribulation would struck you? No problem, there is pill for every realm tribulation. You don't have skill to do that? No problem, each level of skill is compiled in one book. This is My Idle Immortal Path. _______________ Donate Link: https://linktr.ee/RyuzakiRIN

PathfinderForest · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The difference between Martial Arts Cultivation and True Spirits Cultivation

03.10 PM.

Ratu Arum had already waited at least 10 minutes. But, she still haven't seen any shadow of that cheat-user boy.

"Hmph. He is late."

When an onlooker heard this sentence, they broke in chaotic gossip. A part of them feels ached for their Goddess, she has to wait someone like that. Another part feels jealous toward the one she waited.


Lin Hang made another report for chemistry, as always. If not for the Class rep. giving a helping hand for him, he would need to obediently sit and complete his task for a good hour.


Is she still waiting there?

When he went out of the school building, a lot of sinister look directed at him at once. If look could kill people, he'll be killed with a few dozen of holes all around his body.

To think, as soon as he stepped his foot outside, all hatred would gathered at him. Is he changing to Tank class this morning? At this rate, even tank class would be more relaxed than me in taking an aggro.

As I thought, I need to have a Luck Aura to be able stand on side by side with those main characters to handle a situation like this.

"Did you wait me?" ignoring their sinister gaze, he directly asked Ratu Arum.

She harrumphed without answering him. Then, she took a few steps leaving him behind before turning her head to give him a hard glare, as if to say, "follow me!".

"Okay, okay. Don't give me that look. I've a full stomach from that look on my back already." Lin Hang answers her in a low voice.


They walk toward white SUV in parking area hundred meters away from Sixth High. It was her car given by her family for daily use. While she could only ride it herself in another two months, her bodyguard act as her driver these days.

Her bodyguard seems only in her twenties, wearing neat black suits, and stern face.

"Young Mistress, are we go to somewhere before return back?" asked her before opening the door of the back seat.

Ratu Arum nods, then took the last seat. She pats the seat beside her, "Hurry up!"

"Ah? O, okay..."

She immediately ordered her bodyguard after Lin Hang took his seat, "Nana, we are going to that place."

"Alright, Young Mistress."

On the way.

He couldn't handle his impulse and asked her, "Where are we going to go?"

"We are going to Srikandi's Tea House, the cafe I opened on Tuparev Street."


Though he feels a bit surprised, but more than that, he felt so nervous.

What she gonna do to me? Is she going to beat me? I've been ignoring her and today, I made she waited for quite some time. Who would be in the right mind asking someone they hate to merrily eat at their own Cafe?

If the boys in Sixth High heard his thought. They would beat him to the death.

Their SUV arrived at Srikandi's Tea House while he fell into deep thought. He imagines that she would take a lot of her bodyguard who is an expert in Martial Arts to beat him. If it was just one or two, he could beat them with his overwhelming power. But too many of them would make him powerless, as he doesn't have any experience in crowd battle.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Get down! We've arrived at my cafe."

"No, please don't beat me. I am sorry for ignoring you and made you waited before... I, I'll do anything you want, just don't take your bodyguards to beat me." Caught off guard, he shouts in flustered manner.

"Pft, Puhaha~"

Ratu Arum held her little cherry lips while laughing at him. Even Nana, her bodyguard almost laughs at him too.

"Um, um. I might forgive you, if you answer all my questions..."

"Eh? Okay, if it just that." told him absentmindedly.

"Good. Remember that!"

Sigh~ It seems like I freed from disaster...

"Come on, follow me!"

"W, wait a second..." he wear on his hood before left from the car.

Under asthonished expression of the guests and staff, they directly entered the cafe straight to the staff room before entering her personal space in the third floor.

Lin Hang took a seat near the front window and look at veranda outside, "You have a good place here."

"Of course. It took all my saving from primary to junior school. This Cafe just opened a month ago." Announce her proudly.

"Wow..." Just how much your saving in the last nine years?

She enjoyed his astounding expression.

Humph, you made me surprised and shocked over and over again from your advancement in cultivation. At last, you still got shocked only with the fact about me owning this cafe.

"Bumpkins... It's just a small matter, a few of my friends already earn their pocket money from small business and own a company."

"Hmm, you are right." Murmured him while thinking for himself, "It should be good if I have my own business company."

"Let put it off at that," she paused for a while.

"Lin Hang! I wanna ask you about something..." asked her in a serious tone.

"Umu, then... Let me hear your question."

"Before that... Nana, get us iced tea and a few dishes for lunch." she told her bodyguard to send her away for a while.

"As you wish, Young Mistress."

She turned at him closed her eyes while saying, "Alright. Let me start with this question..."

"Are you a cultivator or a martial art practitioner?" she smiled as if understands everything.

Oh, right. She knows I broke through before... But, she never knows what I am practicing in.

"Huh~ Didn't you already know? Or you just aren't sure about your guess?"

"Of course I know. But, no matter what did you practice, be it true spirits cultivation or martial arts cultivation. No one would be able to advanced their cultivation like you. So, what are you cultivating in?"

"Eh? Is there any difference between them?"

Ratu Arum looks at him like seeing an idiot. Even in stories, they would divide them on different term, not to mention their intrinsic is actually differs so far each other.

Is he really doesn't know anything or just lied to me? If so... Let me see, if you still keep that facade.

She smiled and say, "Yeah. There is very much different between them. Martial Arts are trained physically and True Cultivation train in spirits."

"Oh. That is true but, when I read those novels. How come they gained similar power?" Ask him confusedly.

"Wait, martial arts should be weaker than true cultivation. Is that right?"

Her brows knitted while holding her anger. "Are you really know nothing about Practitioner World?"

He smiled wryly and could only nod in succession. With no option, she begins to narrate a long secret behind cultivation and its practitioner.

"There are a lot of wonders in this world. The practitioner is one who learns and try to obtain those wonders. We practitioner trains our body and, or spirits to reach higher states of human bodies limit. Afterward, we overcome it and try to reach longer and stronger life. One could manipulate nature energy like cultivator of true virtue or manipulating inner energy within body like a martial artist."

She took a seat opposite him.

"Martial Arts Cultivation means a way to cultivate physical energy to enhance their body and power. They could turn physical energy into inner energy, when it reaches to a later state they could enhance their longevity. As for True Spirits Cultivation means a way to cultivate our spirits into immortality which could enhance our longevity directly in early phase."

At this moment, Lin Hang suddenly utters his confusion.

"Isn't that similar function in the end. They could still enhance one's longevity either way."

Ratu Arum shook her heads. "You should underline here at the meaning of cultivating our spirits into immortality. It literally means as it says, you could reach Immortality in cultivation of true virtue. While Martial Arts cultivation regard physical energy more important as it was garnered within the body to enhance our physical body directly."

"As the Martial Artist train with energy garnered inside their own body, they relatively easy to advance in the early stage so long you could gain the way to enhance your physical body. While True Cultivator could only advance relatively fast in a higher density of nature energy, that is why they would rarely be seen in the society. As Cultivator would find it hard to advance here than in those mountain range formation."

Lin Hang nods his head, accepting all information poured to him.

"From what I know. The stage in Martial Arts Cultivation, the stage is divided as; Physical Refining, Martial Disciple, Martial Practitioner, Martial Master, Martial Grand Master, and Martial Spirits. Physical Refining or the First stage is to refine physical body that could garner physical energy. Martial Disciple, the Second stage is the phase where you change physical energy into inner energy. Martial Practitioner, the Third stage is the phase to contain the inner energy within dantian, so you could utilize inner energy outside the body, only at this stage you could be called True Practitioner of Martial Arts."

"While Martial Master, the Fourth stage is to refine dantian into inner core that could hold inner energy that much higher in density and quantity, their lifespan would reach the highest state of man which at least 120 years or 200 years at most. Martial Grand Master, the Fifth stage is to refine life-bound weapon, others also called it as natal weapon, with it ones could increase longevity by twice the ordinary man means around 240 years to 300 years at most. The last but not the end, Martial Spirits the Sixth stage, at this stage one need to refine spirits within the life-bound weapon. They could increase their lifespan at least to 500 years."

Is this all true? Thought him.

"Are you sure they could live that long and not exaggerating like in those novels?" He asks a bit agitated.

Ratu Arum only smiles at him while vaguely say, "Of course. Even the legendary Seventh stage of Martial Arts Cultivation, Martial Lords rumored to have lifespan at least 1.000 years."

"Isn't it just a rumor... Even you aren't sure yourself." as he said that, Lin Hang suspiciously looking at her.

She hides her little mouth, while cutely laughing at him.

"Who know?" shrugs her.

He could only sigh, then asked another question, "Then how about the stage of True Spirits Cultivation?"

"Aren't you know it already?"

"Come on, we already on this topic before. Just tell me!"

"HMM?!" she gives him an annoyed glare.

See her reaction, he could only lower his heads, "Could Princess Your Highness, Ratu Arum, tell me what you know about it. Please~"

Even though, when someone calling her with "Princess Your Highness", she would enrage each time. Rather than it, she prefers to be called as Young Mistress. But, at this time you could see a satisfying smile sprouting on her face.

She happily said, "Good. What did you want to know again?"

Ahh... Woman hearts could flip easily like a power switch.

"It's about the stage of True Spirits Cultivation?"

"Right. The one who practice True Spirits Cultivation usually called as Immortal Cultivator or just Cultivator. There are Nine Stages of Cultivation which I know. First Stage, Body Building; 2nd Stage, Qi Gathering Realm; 3rd Stage, Foundation Building Realm; 4th Stage, Golden Core Realm; 5th Stage, Core Transformation Realm; 6th Stage, Nascent Soul Realm; 7th Stage, Soul Formation Realm; 8th Stage, Void Refinement Realm; 9th Stage, Great Ascension Realm."

"Is the last stage really Immortal Realm?"

"Yeah. Body Building is simply building the body as foundation to gather nature energy, it's divided in 2 smaller stages as Physic Refining, Energy Sense. Qi Gathering Realm, as it says to gather Spiritual Qi of the world within the body and opened spirits channel, it's divided into 3 smaller stages as Channel Opening, Energy Refining, Spirits Gathering. Foundation Realm means building Sea of Spirits as foundation to store energy as a whole, it's divided into 3 smaller stages as Meridian Building, Sea of Spirits Opening and Core Refining."

"Golden Core Realm is forming a core inside dantian to contain Sea of Spirits, it's divided into 4 smaller stages as Early Stage Ethereal Core, Mid Stage Corporeal Core, Late Stage Gold Core, Peak Stage Purple Gold Core. Core Transformation Realm is a transformation within Golden Core. That is all I know. Don't ask more because I only know till this stage as my cultivation only at the Late Stage of Qi Gathering Realm, which could be on par with Peak Martial Practioner Stage. You could say, I am rather powerful among my peers." She said last sentences proudly while sticking out her in-developed breast.

So basically, she could handle any rogue practitioner. To be able to reach Late Stage Qi Refining Realm, she should be really talented and has a good technique to cultivate right.

He got a lot of information at once today and fell into contemplation.

Although there is a bit different in cultivation stage, he could be sure that what he learn truly a way of Immortal Cultivator. If someone at Late Stage of Qi Refining Realm has similar prowess with Peak Martial Practitioner Stage. Then, Early Foundation Realm should be on par with Martial Master Stage.

Thud, thud, thud.

"Excuse me, Young Mistress. Drinks and foods are ready."

It was Nana, her bodyguard voice.

"Alright. Come in."

She left Lin Hang who fell into deep contemplation and let her bodyguard enter with drinks and foods. She was sure about him, that he would come looking for her on his own initiative. Like him who sparks a light of interest in her, she lights up that in him as well right now.

Nana and two waiters enter the room, bringing a lot of her favorite dishes. As a foodie, after talking so much, she feels so hungry.


05.00 PM.

Lin Hang has already come out from Cafe.

He already toils inside for a good hour before having his left over feast. Before he left, he said mysteriously at her.

"Though it was a bit insincere to give a guest left over from your feast. I am still grateful for your treat. So next time, I would be the one to invite you. Um, don't worry, it was a good place too..."

"By the way. The more you looked, the more I feel you are beautiful." He sincerely nods and immediately left her who nailed on place.


At home.

Lin Hang is still pondering on the information he got from Ratu Arum while waiting he mother making a celebration feast for his first date.

His foster parents naturally asking him, from where he had been all this time to only return home at half six. When he tells them the truth, that a friend which is a girl invite him to a cafe. Then, they said, if it wasn't a date what else? He couldn't answer them as it was a secret from ordinary people.

So in the end, both of them merrily celebrating their beloved son first date this night.

Lin Hang planned to check if there is a Storage like item that could contain things and retain its condition before gather that Milky Spiritual Marrow.


[Merit Store]

<Skill Hall>

Secret Tome (ATK); Sutra (HP); Physical Spell (DEF); Shift Skill (EVA); Mantra (Qi Absorption); Heavenly Book (Cultivation Efficiency); (Price: 1-1.000)

<Pill Hall>

Foundation Pill; 10

Golden Core Pill; 50

Soul Wandering Pill; 100

Nascent Soul Pill; 250

Soul Formation Pill; 500

Nihility Pill; 750

Ascension Pill; 1000

(Price: 1-1.000 Merit)

<Weapon Hall>

Weapon Lv.1 Set; Defensive Gear Lv.1 Set; Weapon Lv.2 Set; Defensive Gear Lv.2 Set; Weapon Lv.3 Set; Defensive Gear Lv.3 Set; (Price: 100-1.000)

<Alchemy and Smith Hall>

Alchemy Lv.1 Formula (10 Merit); Alchemy Lv.2 Formula; Alchemy Lv.3 Formula; Alchemy Lv.4 Formula; Smith Lv.1 Plan; Smith Lv.2 Plan; Smith Lv.3 Plan; (Price: 100-1.000 Merit)

<Treasure Hall>

Spiritual Ginseng (10 Merit); Void Ring (Advanced Version); Cauldron Lv.2; Furnance Lv.2; Golden Essense (1 Merit); Wood Essense (1 Merit); Spirit Stone (10 Merit); Spirit Jade (100 Merit)... (Earthly Treasures and Heavenly Materials); (Price: 1.000 Merit)

[My Merit: 69]


[Golden Trade]

<Treasure Market>

Storage Ring (Small); Spiritual Ginseng (Spirit into Body); Cauldron Lv.1; Furnance Lv.1; Golden Essense (1); Wood Essense (1); Spirit Stone (10); ...(Earthly Treasures and Heavenly Materials); (Price: 1KG Gold)

<Exchange Market>

***** (Need to be Soul Wandering Stage)

<Sect Market>

Yellow Grade Sect Referral; Black Grade Sect Referral; Earth Grade Sect Referral; (Price: 10-1.000KG Gold)


There is Storage Ring sell for 1 KG of Gold.

Ah! Isn't she already at Late Stage of Qi Gathering Realm? How about I sold foundation pill to her? Would she be willing to pay me for a few Kilograms of Gold?

