
The Secret Marriage Contract

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Kimberly never dreamed that she would get married so easily. She held the bright red marriage certificate in her hand and was stunned for a long time before she looked at James and asked, "We're getting married...?"

He replied with a smile, "Yes, we're now legally recognized as newlyweds."



Kimberly looked at him in disbelief. "Why did you agree to marry me? I don't think any normal person would agree to it."

"I don't think normal people would...um...propose to me on the street." James explained as he led her to the parking lot. "Just think of it as a reward for helping me out last time."

"Marriage as a reward?" This sentence also made Kimberly understand that he did not have any intention of marrying her. It was just that he was not acting sensibly suddenly, but at the same time, it made her feel more at ease.

"Because you looked like you really needed to get married at that time, didn't you?" James went around to the passenger seat and opened the car door to invite her to sit down. "Out of convenient? When you don't need it, we can still get a divorce. After all, it's just a formality."

Kimberly got into the car and realized that these reasons indeed made her unable to refute. She even felt that this might be the best solution, so she could only nod. "Okay, then should we sign a contract?"

"No problem. It depends on your needs. Where do you want to sign?" James reversed the car with one hand. When he heard this, he turned a corner and stopped by the roadside, waiting for her answer.

"Uh...my...cafe? But there's no printer..." Kimberly wished she could slap herself twice. Every time she spoke, she didn't think before she spoke, hence making the atmosphere rather awkward.

"Is it okay to go to my house?" James suggested. "There's a computer to write a contract, and there's also a printer to print it out."

"Hey, just...Just go to your house?" Kimberly seemed to have thought of something. The blush slowly crept up to her face, and she retorted in a mosquito-like voice, "Isn't that not so good?"

"It's 1:30 in the afternoon. Don't worry, I won't do anything out of line."

"No, no." Kimberly hurriedly waved her hand to interrupt him. "That's not what I meant. I definitely believe you. Let's go now."

The corners of James's mouth curled up slightly. He lightly pointed at the steering wheel with his index finger and said, "Okay."

Kimberly realized that James lived in a decent neighborhood when she got out of the car. She praised, "As expected of the entertainment industry, you're earning quite well."

James glanced at her with a half-smile and understood what she meant. "Yes. After all, even a mediocre actor like me can afford to live in a house in this neighborhood."

"That's not what I meant. Don't find fault with my words. After all, I'm planning to record a variety show. You're still my senior." Kimberly put her palms together and begged him for mercy.

"Variety show? Which variety show?" James didn't seem to expect her to be on the show. "Are you planning to debut?"

"I don't think so. I'm just planning to go on a love variety show to see how it works," Kimberly replied casually and followed him into the house. She didn't expect that the next moment, she would be amazed by the decoration of the house.

"Wow, is this the sofa that I saw in the magazine last time? I remember it's from an Italian brand, right?" Kimberly fondly touched the designer sofa and turned her head to ask him excitedly, "Can I sit on it?"

James shook his head helplessly and told her, "This is meant for people to sit on."

"Yay!" Kimberly cheered and threw herself into the soft sofa. She pouted and said, "I really like the style of your house. My house is that kind of Chinese wood style. Only my parents are particularly fond of it and are reluctant to change it."

"The Chinese style is also very suitable. Your parents must have good taste." James walked to the bar counter and asked, "What would you like to drink? Coffee, milk or some cold tea?"

"Drinking water is fine. Thank you, thanks for your trouble!"

"It's okay, you don't have to be so courteous." James handed her a glass of water. "Shall we discuss the contents of the contract?"

"Okay, I think the first thing is to keep it a secret from the public. Also, if one party wants to divorce the other party, the other party must agree to it unconditionally. Er...There's something else I need to think about..."

Kimberly held the glass of water in her hand and pondered. "After marriage, all property belongs to the individual. In public, we have to pretend that we don't know each other. This should be good for both of us..."

James nodded. "No problem. Is there anything else?"

"Um...if there's anything else...I haven't thought of it yet." Kimberly looked at James and suddenly felt that she had said a lot of things. "I'm sorry, I've said a lot. Do you have anything to add?"

"It's okay. I think you're very thoughtful. Should I follow your instructions to draft the contract and print it out?"

"Okay, thank you." Kimberly looked at his figure as he walked toward the study room and suddenly felt that this was a good thing. She felt that she would have a very peaceful life.

"Ah, no." Kimberly patted her face. "You are a career woman."