
Getting Married? Okay.

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Ding-dong...Ding-dong...Ding-dong" the continuous text message alert sound annoyed Kimberly, and she threw the cell phone on the carpet. Without looking at the phone, she knew it was Keith, who sent her messages asking for peace.

Keith had been giving in to her as if he was possessed these days, and even said the sweet words that he had never said before. This made Kimberly feel like an idiot for currying favor him before.

Puzzled, Kimberly decided to go downstairs to get some water to clear her mind. However, she did not expect to meet her mother who happened to be cutting fruits.

"Kimberly." Annie placed a beautiful fruit plate and asked, intentionally or unintentionally, "What are you planning to do recently?"

Kimberly thought for a moment and felt that there was nothing to hide from participating in a love variety show. Thus, she replied casually, "I'm going to participate in a love variety show. I intend to get into the entertainment industry."

"What? You really want to go?" Her mother was surprised and dropped the last piece of watermelon, "It's true that Dad has suspended your card, but he also hopes that you can do something useful. For example, go to the company to help him, or open your own shop. He doesn't want you to go to a place like the entertainment industry where there are all kinds of people."

"Mom." Kimberly held the glass of water in her hand and said disapprovingly, "Didn't you both agree a few days ago?"

"You're still in a love variety show? A few days ago, you told me that you broke up because you liked James. Why are you going to participate in a love variety show again?"

"No." Annie frowned and told her, "You can't go. I'd rather you stay at home."

Kimberly pouted aggressively. "Why, Mom? I'm already 25 years old. I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions now."

"Either you get married and have a family, then I won't care about you anymore, or you get a career, rely on yourself and I won't control you. Now that you're eating and living with us, I won't allow you to mess around."

"But you guys promised me before. I haven't asked you for a single cent these few days." Kimberly decided to fight for her case.

"Then you should also think about it. I didn't ask you for accommodation and food."

"I...I..." The more Kimberly thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She didn't understand why her mother, who was initially fine, had changed her mind again. She even completely denied her own efforts and plans. She wanted to live a new life. She just wanted to be a better version of herself.

She almost ran back to her room in tears. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. While her mother was eating fruits downstairs, she walked to her room and took her account book, intending to go out.

"Where are you going now? Your eyes are still swollen, but you only know how to run around. Come back."

"To get married."

"Hey, why did you run away to get married? If you do so, don't ever think you of coming back for the rest of your life."

Kimberly only took her phone and her account book, then she left the house. When she ran to the shopping mall nearby, she found that she did not even have a napkin to wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry, do you need it?" A handkerchief was handed to her. The back of a lean and fair hand immediately attracted her attention.

Kimberly took the handkerchief in a daze and wiped her tears. She didn't forget to thank him in a low voice. When she looked up, following the back of that hand, she found that this person was actually James Perkins.

"James...James Perkins?" Kimberly's tongue was almost tied. She didn't expect that a familiar person would see her in such a sorry state. "What...What a coincidence..."

He smiled lightly and narrowed his eyes. "I didn't expect to see you again."

His clear and magnetic voice instantly left a good impression. She thought of the argument that had just happened and subconsciously said, "Do you want to marry me?"

"Huh?" Even James did not expect Kimberly to suddenly say this. He hesitated for a moment and repeated, "Marry?"

Kimberly felt that she had never been so humiliated in her life. However, her words were like water that had been poured out, and she could not take it back. She closed her eyes and said firmly, "Yes, get married."

"With me?" She did not know if it was her imagination, but she felt that James's voice carried some interest.

"Yes, right now, get married immediately!"
