
Chapter 0: Introductions

Welcome, and thank you for joining me in my first fictional writing! I hope you will enjoy reading along as I and my characters improve and grow :)

A general overview of My Hybrid Life is that it is a slice of life based around the Academy for Humans and Hybrids, a high school level institution our MC will be attending throughout the series.

**WARNING** This series is based in a society where both people and anthropomorphic animals (yes, furries) of all varieties coexist; there will be occasional violence, age-sensitive topics, and drug/illegal substances mentioned. Appropriate warnings will be in the heading of every chapter including any of these themes, and will be clearly labeled once more where it starts and stops for potentially sensitive readers. I apologize in advance to any and all reading this all the way through and you have my genuine thanks for doing so.


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The story begins in chapter one, see you there!