
My husband isn't human

"R18 Taboo Love Between a Human and a Human-Headed Snake Creature" “A man-faced serpent creature and a beauty/The Dominant Serpent and the Tender, Caring Maiden" Scarlett, the female lead, finds herself abducted and delivered into the hands of Asher, the male protagonist, after hitching a ride in an illegally operated private car. Serving as a nanny, Scarlett gradually grows accustomed to life with Asher, fostering a deepening bond between them. Over time, Asher's initial dominance softens, giving way to genuine affection for Scarlett. Despite his formidable abilities, Asher's essence reflects a youthful simplicity. In the presence of someone he admires, he tends toward assertiveness, shielding his vulnerabilities while fervently safeguarding his loved ones. His intentions are pure; however, his understanding of morality is limited due to a lack of guidance.

AnnaShelly · Urban
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85 Chs

chapter22 Touch

"He was watching her, arms crossed over his chest, his intense gaze fixated on her.

Scarlett felt his stare like a dagger, making her uneasy. The coconut milk wasn't mixed right, too much sugar went in, and the rice ended up too mushy. In a rush, she managed to cook it up, but just looking at it made her feel like she'd messed up.

Before Scarlett could even taste it, Asher wanted a try. Feeling awkward, she admitted, 'Didn't quite nail it today.'

Asher shrugged, 'Looks decent enough. Let me have a taste.'

He wanted her to feed him, giving her a nod. Scarlett, feeling a bit shy, complied, blowing on the spoon before offering it to him. Asher watched her, a slight grin on his face.

He took a bite, the coconut milk smelled good but was too sweet. Despite that, he grinned and said, 'Tastes pretty good, keep 'em coming.'