

I was dressed in a white handless ball gown and I was wearing the longest veil in the kingdom. 50 people had to carry my veil. Today was THE DAY!! I was going to marry a devil. Just then the wedding bell rang and it was time for me to come to the altar. My brother and my parents obviously came to see how sad I was because I was going to marry a man I never loved. My dad walked me to the altar. I pretended to be happy but deep down I kind of felt really happy. I don't know why. "We are here for the union of two Royal loving couples. But first, any objection?" I was just there waiting for someone to object but no one did. "There are no objections priest. Please continue" my mother said "Isabella Hallinton do you take Emperor Lucian Shalingham to be your loving husband in sickness and in health, fit or fat as long as you both shall stand" "I.....I do" I responded "Lucian Shalingham do you take Princess Isabella Hallinton to be your loving wife in sickness and in health, fit or fat as long as you both shall stand" "I do" Lucian said "You may now kiss the bride" the priest said. Just then Lucian pulled me close to him and we..... didn't kiss? We were pretending to kiss. He put his hand over our lips so it looked like we were kissing but we weren't. "What are you doing?" I whispered "Close your eyes" "Why? what the heck is going on?" "Don't you trust me??" Lucian said "No. Why would I trust a Devil" "Okay. I get your point. But please just listen to me and close your eyes" I decided to listen to him and I closed my eyes. I began to have butterflies. We were so close I could feel his breath. "Bella..... we're done now" Lucian said and everyone began to cheer after our "kiss". I opened my eyes in embarrassment. I was lost in thoughts I didn't even realize when he let go of me and we were done. "I now pronounce you husband and wife" everyone began to cheer and then I and Lucian entered the Limo and we drove to the venue for the wedding reception.

When we arrived Lucian and I got down and we began to walk on the red carpet towards the huge building. I put my hand over Lucian's arm and we walked in and sat on the Royal seats. First, they had to crown me as the new Empress so I went forward and knelt down and Lucian's chief guard came forward with a crown "HAIL EMPRESS ISABELLA!!" "HAIL!!" Responded the crowd "HAIL EMPRESS ISABELLA!!" "HAIL!!" then he placed the crown on my head and everyone cheered till I reached my seat. "How do you feel?" Lucian asked "Normal.....I guess" "Pfft Normal?? you're meant to feel great and mighty" "Yeah right" I said.

After all the entertainment it was time for the bride and groom to dance. Lucian stood up and took my hand and brought me to the center of the place and they began to play a romantic song. That was my favourite song. "Do you like it?" "I love it. This is-" "You're favourite song? I did this especially for you" "Thank You so much." Just then Lucian took my two hands and put them on his shoulder and then slowly put his two hands on my waist and we began to dance. What was going on?? Instead of feeling uncomfortable I liked the feeling of his touch. I had butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks turned bright red. He looked into my eyes and brought his face closer. Was he going to kiss me?? I closed my eyes and Lucian came closer "What are you thinking about?" I opened my eyes immediately"NOTHING!!" The song ended and everyone cheered. The party was over. I was actually married to a devil now.