
My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm

# SPATIAL # DAILYFAMILYLIFE After a car accident, a modern loving couple, Zhou Ying and Gu Chengrui, both transmigrated through space. Zhou Ying became a jinx everyone despised and had difficulty getting a full meal. Gu Chengrui became the son of a wealthy, cold, and violent family. They hated him and were indifferent to his wife. With no one to love or care for the couple, they made a decision. They decided to split up from the family! They were penniless in their new house, which had nothing. But there's nothing to be afraid of! They had their interspace and wisdom to get rid of poverty and get rich in minutes! As the days started getting better, trouble came knocking on their door. The family wanted them to go back to being their mule? No way! The couple stood united and called them out on it, refusing to go back! Their old rival, a father-daughter pair, wanted to steal their house? The couple rolled up their sleeves and clashed with them head-on! After much difficulty, they finally had peace, but then a disaster that happens once every thousand years came...

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1024 Chs

Chapter 101 Causing Trouble (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

On the other hand, after the patriarch went back and interrogated the few people and got their confessions. He sent a beggar with a letter to the Qiao family, asking them to pay the ransom with silver or else they would send these people to the county officials.

Qiao Mu couldn't make up his mind after receiving the letter, so he took the letter to find Elder Qiao.

After reading it, Elder Qiao's face turned green. He immediately grabbed the teacup on the side and threw it at him angrily, "Idiot. You can't even handle such a small matter. You even left such big leverage on us from the Gu family. "

The teacup just so happened to hit Qiao Mu's head, and the tea spilled all over him.

However, Qiao Mu didn't dare to retort and could only obediently stand there with his head drooped. He cautiously asked, "Master, what do we do now? Are we going to pay them?"