

"I thought you said you love me?" "Yes I do love you I have always loved you and I will keep loving you because you are my wife and I can't live without you" "Where is this love you speak about? huh? tell me Mr Kane James I can't see it neither can I feel it all I hear is the words I love you! Be a man and put them into action!"

Boyong_Lydia · Fantasy
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Emily crying all day in her room nonstop her door opens slowly....

"Who is at the door! Emily asked curiously "It's okay hon am the one. Oh mom please try knocking next time,you shouldn't have come here you should have sent Marsha to call me you know you aren't feeling too well so you... Emily's mom cuts her short "you worry to much I was only in my room which is just beside yours so why should I be disturbing your sister? by the way I came to ask you why you have been in your room all day crying and refused to come out?"

"Mom am sorry I just miss my dad so much and...." Emily's mom cuts her short again

"I know you miss your dad don't forget he is my husband too and I miss him so much but God is a Provider and a Keeper we thank Him for all". "Mom you do you know why I love you?" " No hon why?" "because you always find a way to make me happy when I'm sad I love you so much Mom" her mom smiled and blushed "Oh come on my darling give me a hug everything is going to be all right okay?" "yes mom".

Doorbell rings Emily walked slowly to check who was at the door she discovered it was Kane so she quickly rushed to her room and and tried to fix her self up. Kane is Emily's childhood friend but she sees him to be more than that not only a brother but maybe one day her future husband. When Emily went back to the sitting room, she saw Kane sitting on the couch relaxing himself waiting for her to show up.

"Oh! Kane hi you're here ummm... how are you doing? I didn't know you were here,can I get you anything to drink? Is it my mom who opened the door for you? Oh my God I'm not talking too much or..."

"Calm down why are you so nervous and why are you sweating as if you saw a ghost? and yes you're talking too much is there something wrong? wanna talk?"

"yes yes yes I..I..I need someone to talk to I'll just freshen up and meet you here right now okay. yes sure I'll be right here waiting for you but please hurry up I need to take you somewhere". Emily blushed.

Emily rushes quickly to her room takes her bath and put on a simple makeup speaking to herself in the mirror saying "What if he doesn't like the makeup??" she asked her self anxiously. She rushes to her mother's room and asks her mom if the simple makeup she did was good and her mom said "you look beautiful hon but don't you think you're taking this Kane thing too far? why don't you just approach him and tell him how you feel so you can know if he feels the same way for you?

"No mom I can't". "Okay fine I won't argue about this with you any longer sit let me do your hair". While styling her hair she says "Emily you know you used to be my little girl but now you have grown up and now you are having a crush or maybe should I say falling in love Oh God I miss my little girl"

"Oh mom you're making cry I'll spoil my makeup so please stop"

"Hahaha Emily!"."But am speaking the truth I don't feel like crying cause I don't want to ruin in makeup hahaha ". " Am done hon!you look good". "thanks mom" she smiles "but remember" Emily answers immediately "that I should be back before 8:00pm I get it mom".

"Good! so see you later bye hon!". She accompanies Emily and Kane to the gate reminding Kane to take good care of her daughter and bring her home at her usual time.They went for a walk and Kane took Emily to a restaurant and later on took her for some ice cream and then brought her to beach where Emily told him why she wanted to talk to him. She explained how she feels anytime she thinks about her late father. He consoled her and told her everything was going to be Okay and gave a warm hug. After their discussion,they went into the water and played like kids forgetting they had to go home early. While they were playing Kane remembered he had to take Emily home so he took his phone and checked the time he said " Emily do you know what time it is?" she replied running towards him "no I don't" . "it's 8:15pm your mom will definitely kill me".

He ordered a taxi online which took them home. When they arrived, Mrs Jane was waiting for them impatiently.