
My Human Love became an Alpha of My Pack

A young woman named Phelan is a werewolf who has just been named the new Alpha of her pack( The moon pack). She is determined to protect her pack from the vampires who are threatening them, but she also has to deal with the challenges of being a young woman in charge. Phelan meets a human man named Ethan, and they quickly fall in love. But their relationship is forbidden, as werewolves and humans are not supposed to be together. Phelan and Ethan must keep their love a secret, but it is hard to do when they are constantly drawn to each other. As their love grows, so does the danger to their pack.

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4 Chs

The New Luna

Phelan stood at the edge of the forest, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the clearing below. It was here, in this very spot, that she would be named the new Alpha of her pack.

As the daughter of the previous Alpha, Jake Phelan had always known that this day would come. But the weight of the responsibility now resting on her shoulders was almost suffocating. She had always been strong-willed and determined, but being a young woman in charge presented its own set of challenges.

The pack had been facing a growing threat from the vampires who lurked in the shadows, their insatiable thirst for blood driving them to encroach on the werewolves' territory. Phelan was determined to protect her pack at all costs, but she couldn't help but feel a flicker of doubt. Would she be able to lead them to victory? Would she be strong enough?

As the moon's silvery light bathed her, Phelan took a deep breath and stepped forward. The pack members, their eyes filled with a mix of respect and anticipation, watched her every move. Her father, Jake the former Alpha, stood beside her, pride shining in his eyes.

She stood in the center of the clearing, her heart pounding in her chest. She was the new Alpha of the Moon pack, and she was about to lead them into battle against the vampires.

With a voice that quivered only slightly, Phelan addressed her pack. "My fellow wolves, today marks a new era for us. We have faced countless challenges, but together, we have persevered. Now, it is my honor and duty to lead you as your leader. I promise to protect each and every one of you with every fiber of my being."

A chorus of howls and cheers erupted from the pack, their loyalty and support evident. Phelan's heart swelled with gratitude and determination. She would not let them down.

The vampires had been threatening the pack for years, and Phelan knew that they had to be stopped. She had been training hard, and she was determined to lead her pack to victory.

The vampires were led by a powerful vampire named Vlad. Vlad was a ruthless and cunning enemy, and Phelan knew that he would not give up easily.

Phelan took a deep breath and continued to raise her voice. "We are the werewolves of the Moon Pack," she said. "We are strong, we are united, and we will not be defeated."

The other werewolves cheered, and Phelan felt a surge of confidence. She knew that they would win this battle.

"Let us go..." She said.

"We go!" The rest of the wolves shouted in one voice as they moved to face the Vampires.

The vampires charged, and Anya and her pack met them head-on. The battle was fierce, and neither side gave an inch.

Phelan fought bravely, and she soon found herself face-to-face with Vlad. Vlad was a tall and powerful vampire, with sharp teeth and claws.

When Vlad saw Phelan, his eyes burned with hate. He bellowed—a sound that was somewhere between a yell, a moo, and a really loud belch. "Hey, Phelan," She then shouted back. "Didn't I kill you already?" He pounded his fist into the dress she wore, and it crumpled like aluminum foil. A few dracaenae threw flaming javelins at her. She knocked them aside. A hellhound lunged, and she sidestepped. She could have stabbed it, but She hesitated. "This is not Mrs. O'Leary", Vlad said to himself. This is an untamed wolf. It will kill me and all my Vampires.

Phelan pounced again. This time, Vlad brought Riptide up in a deadly arc. The hellhound disintegrated into dust and fur. He had prepared for this midnight of the moon, for he had the news already at hand. He could see More wolves surged forward—snakes and giants and telkhines—but the wolf roared at them, and they backed off, "One on one?" He called. "Just like old times?" Phelan's nostrils quivered. She seriously needed to keep the safety of her Moon Pack. Her nose was wet and red and pretty gross. She unstrapped her dagger and swung it around. It was beautiful in a harsh. "I'm~going~to-gut~you~like~a~fish way". Each of its twin blades was shaped like an omega: —the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Maybe that was because the sword would be the last thing her victims ever saw. The shaft was about the same height as the wolf, bronze wrapped in leather. Tied around the base of each blade were plenty of bead necklaces. Vlad realized they were Camp Half-Blood beads—necklaces taken from defeated demigods. Vlad was so mad, as he imagined his eyes glowing just like the wolf's. He raised his sword. Phelan's army cheered for her from behind as she could only get the voices, but the sounds died when Vlad dodged her first swing and sliced her dagger in half, right between the handholds. "Wii" she whimpered. "AAAA!" Vlad spun and kicked her in the snout.

She staggered backward, trying to regain her footing, then lowered her head to charge. But She never got the chance. Vlad's sword flashed—slicing off part of Phelan's right arm, then the other. She tried to grab him with a lot of energy, but she couldn't. He rolled away, picking up half of her broken dagger. The other wolves barked, backed up in stunned silence from as far as she could only hear the voices, making a circle around her. Phelan bellowed in rage. She was never intelligent to begin with, but now her anger made her reckless. She charged Vlad instead, and He ran for the forest towards the moom Pack's entrance, breaking through all the lines. Phelan smelled victory. She thought that Vlad was trying to get away. Her minions cheered. At the edge and fine corners of the Pack, Vlad turned and braced the sword against the trees to receive his charge. Phelan didn't even slow down. CRUNCH.

She looked down in surprise at the dagger handle sprouting from his breastplate. "Thanks for playing," Vlad said in a low, victorious voice. He then lifted her by her legs and tossed her over the side of the fire that was set. Even as she fell, she was disintegrating, turning back into a weak normal person. Don turned towards her army that was around. It was now roughly one hundred and ninety-nine to one from the voices he had as well. He did the natural thing. Charged them. "You're going to ask how the "invincible" thing worked: if I magically dodged every weapon, or if the weapons hit me and just didn't harm me. Honestly, I don't remember. All I knew was that I wasn't going to let these wolf win over me. I sliced through armor like it was made of paper." Vlad whispered as he turned back to locate his master.

Aside the fire. Phelan crawled on the ground like a snake that was already destroyed, and she was clearly weak. From a distant, someone with sympathy could clearly say that she lost. Or even she never deserved to be fought for she was never a wolf or whatsoever. Suddenly, her anger arose again as she tried to recollect her energy. Growling and whimpering on the ground, anger arose, and this time she could not control it. By her fists, supported her whole body as she rose from the ground with power and her eyes turning from golden-yellow to red.

With her two fiats she held Vlad's throt tearing them apart. Separating his head from the neck she was finally able to defeat him. She drove her claws through his heart, and Vlad fell to the ground, dead.

The other vampires saw their leader fall, and they fled. Phepan and her pack had won the battle.

Pain shot up on Phelan's arm like fire. She cringed. It exploded in her head with a blinding whiteness. It made her dizzy. Not only that, but it made her reel. The pain was like needles that had been dipped in alcohol had been jammed through her skin, like her arm had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into her spine. There was a bitter taste in the back of her mouth that she couldn't seem to get rid of. Her thoughts broke up and all she could say were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down her face, and she squeezed her eyelids shut in the hope hers tears would stop. Her choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time, and she stood there against the trees, unmoving.

She attempted to raise her hands against the trees of the chamber so as she could support herself by them and try to move out of the place. Her eyes were red, full of tears that broke through to her nostril. Sweat was drizzling as well, blood dropped from her left palm. Leaving bloody marks on the ded leaves she. Suddenly, she was unable to stand again neither support herself against the trees of the dark forest as she shivered, her legs became weak, ears sharp. She felt her energy lost. She stood for a while, breathing heavily, held her thighs with both of her hands, leaving on them drops of blood that penetrated to her fine skin.

She almost surrendered to the ground, as she looked weaker than she was a minute ago, when she hard a voice cheating up on her.

Phelan turned to her pack that cheated her up, something that made her smile. "We did it," she said. "We defeated the vampires."

The other werewolves cheered, and Phelan felt a sense of pride. She had led her pack to victory for the first time, and she had proven herself to be a strong and capable leader.

But the battle was not over. The vampires would be back, and Phelan knew that she would have to be ready for them.

As Phelan and her pack celebrated their victory, they heard a noise in the woods. They turned and saw a group of humans approaching, armed with torches and pitchforks, ready for a fight...