
My Household is Full of Assassin Maids

Art Cover by: https://twitter.com/asagi_0398 "Where did my happy normal life go? When my family suddenly hired a group of maids, it seemed like a welcome change, but appearances can be deceiving. Little did I know that these maids were not ordinary household servants. Unbeknownst to the world, my family carries a dark legacy as skilled assassins, and these maids are no exception. Trained in lethal arts, they wield their tea trays and meal trays with deadly precision, eliminating those who become targets. "Welcome back, Young master~" The maids greet me with seemingly gentle smiles, but behind their eyes lies a world of secrets and danger. Ahhh... I wish these maids were just normal.

Yamiru · Realistic
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Transfer Students

After everything I had been through, I was finally back at school. It had been a while since I last attended classes, I entered the classroom. However, I soon noticed some of my classmates staring at me, their curiosity piqued.

Then three boys approached me, eager to ask questions.

"Hey, hey, Sorata-san, is it true that you have maids in your home?!"

"A-are you being preferred as 'Master' or 'Sama'?"

"Man, you must be really lucky, huh."

I gritted my teeth, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention. These classmates didn't know the reality of the situation—how having maids at home wasn't as glamorous as they thought.

Just this morning, as I woke up, I felt the eerie sensation of being watched while I was in the shower. Then, I noticed the weight of my backpack, and when I opened it, I found a handgun, an "m1911."

I sighed, trying to maintain my composure. "So... who said?" I asked the three boys.

The three exchanged glances before one of them spoke up. "There was a maid who came by here and took a seat at your desk. She started taking notes and seemed pretty serious about it."

Great, they're already making themselves known at my school.

I knew it wouldn't be easy to keep the presence of twenty maids in my home a secret, especially when some of them were attending the same school as me.

But I had hoped to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to myself. Now it seemed like that was impossible.

As I walked to my desk, I noticed a small note left behind by the maid who had been sitting there

It simply read, "Please let me know if you need any assistance, Ryo-sama." At least they were trying to be helpful.

With a heavy sigh, I took my seat and prepared myself for the day ahead.

After a few minutes, our adviser, Akiko, came into the classroom and looked at me. "Oh? I see that you're finally here, Sorata-san."

"Good morning," I replied politely.

"Anyway, anyway, be quiet, everyone!" Akiko raised her voice to get the class's attention.

"Today, we have two transfer students who will be joining us!" she announced.

Transfer students? I glanced around the classroom, curious to see who they were. It wasn't uncommon for new students to join our school, but I had a feeling that these transfers might be more than just ordinary students.

As the door opened, two girls walked in, capturing everyone's attention.

One of them had an androgynous appearance with messily tied silver-cerulean hair that partially covered her right eye, giving her a mysterious aura.

The other girl had straight black hair, a dazzlingly beautiful face with gray eyes, and a curvaceous figure that drew the eyes of the boys in the classroom.

Wait... These two... I felt like I'd seen them before.

"My name is Kaya Mizuki," the girl with the androgynous appearance introduced herself with a confident smile.

The other girl with black hair stepped forward and greeted the class with a warm expression. "My name is Inaba Momo! Pleased to meet you all!"

The boys in the classroom couldn't help but clap and whistle, while some of the girls rolled their eyes and whispered to each other.



"This always happens whenever a transfer student is a girl."

But amidst the varied reactions, the two transfer students turned their attention toward me, and their smiles grew even brighter.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

And so the class went by until it was lunchtime. The two transfer students, Kaya and Momo, were already surrounded by my curious classmates, bombarding them with questions and compliments. Meanwhile, I decided to slip out of the classroom to buy some lunch for myself. As I walked around, my mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of their faces, and it didn't take me long to realize the truth.

"They are my maids, aren't they?"

"That's right."

I turned around to face them, "Good afternoon, Ryo-sama. Where are you off to?" Kaya inquired.


Momo stepped forward, twirling her skirt slightly and revealing her black underwear. "More importantly, Ryo-sama, how do you like our school uniforms?"

I quickly looked away, feeling my face flush. "They are fine, I guess."

"Fufu~ Flustered, are we?" Momo teased.

"Shut up," I muttered.

So, do you mind if we also come with you?" Kaya asked.

"...Yeah, sure... as long as you don't attract everyone."

"I see. Then we'll try my best," Momo said with a mischievous grin.

"Thank you..." I sighed.

And so the three of us walked to the cafeteria together. However, as soon as we entered, I noticed people whispering and staring at us. It was clear that their presence was already attracting attention.

"Great, just what I needed," I muttered under my breath.

Kaya and Momo didn't seem to mind the attention and instead smiled confidently as they walked alongside me. It was like they were enjoying the spotlight.

As we got our lunch and found a table, the whispers and glances continued. I tried to focus on my food and ignore the curiosity of my classmates, but it was easier said than done.

"You have a way of drawing attention, don't you?"

"We can't help it, Ryo-sama. We're just that captivating," Momo said with a playful wink.

I shook my head, not sure if they were being serious or just teasing me again.

And then a good-looking student named Masaki Minori sat down beside Momo.

"Yo, My name is Masaki Minori. Do you know about the Minori Corporation?" he introduced himself.

The two girls looked at him with a blank face.

"Ha? Who are you? Also, did we permit you to sit here?"

"Urgk." Minori looked at them in disbelief. "You two, don't you know who I am?"

The two girls shook their heads.

The students around us started whispering even more.

"They don't know him?"

"He's from that famous family with a good reputation."

"Isn't he rich? What is he doing in a public school?"

I looked at the two girls and sighed.

That's right... The Minori Corporation is known in Japan for having the best-selling technology. They are known for their cutting-edge products and innovations.

Momo and Kaya, however, seemed unfazed by Minori's fame or wealth. It was clear that they were not easily impressed by such things.

"We're sorry if we're not familiar with your family's corporation," Kaya said nonchalantly.

Minori looked taken aback for a moment before regaining his composure. "Well, now you know. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in getting to know someone as successful and important as me."

Momo chuckled. "Thanks, but we're good."

"I bet Sorata-sama is much better," Kaya muttered under her breath.

Minori looked at me with disdain. "This plain-ass-looking guy? Hmph, I bet I can just use my money to overthrow him."

I glared at him, feeling irritated by his arrogance.

"What's so good about this guy anyway? He's just pathetic..."

Before he could continue insulting me, Momo immediately grabbed the fork I was holding and pointed it at his neck, while Kaya pulled out a pen from her skirt pocket and pointed it at his face.


"You two, stop it now." I sighed deeply. "My fork, Momo."

The two snapped back to reality and quickly put the fork back in my hands, while Kaya returned her pen to her skirt pouch.

"W-Who are these girls? They're so fast... I can't believe I didn't even see them grab those tools."

"That's right, Mr. Rich Guy. These two are not ordinary girls that you can just flirt with," I said with a smirk. "So if I were you..." I glared at him. "I would give up on them and leave them alone."

"E-Eek!" Minori stood up and quickly left.

The cafeteria was once again filled with whispers as they looked at us.

I sighed. "There goes my normal life..."

As lunchtime continued, I looked at the two maids who seemed to be feeling guilty about the whole situation.

"You two."

"Y-Yes, Ryo-sama?"

"Yes, Ryo-sama."

"...Thank you."

The two looked up at me and smiled. "Hehe... Is Ryo-sama a tsundere or something?"

I sighed. "I take back everything I said earlier."

"Eh?! I-I was just kidding though!"

And so, lunchtime ended, and my normal school life was forever changed. The other students couldn't look me in the eye after witnessing such an event during lunch.

The whispers and stares followed me throughout the day, making me realize that things would never be the same again.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a mysterious figure was observing Ryo Sorata from afar.

"Yeah, I found him... Ryo Sorata, the son of that shadow devil. He looks plain to me, to be honest."

The earpiece crackled with a voice of authority. "Don't underestimate him. He's the son of the devil, after all."

"Yes, Master."

The earpiece crackled again. "Good. Continue blending in with the students and make sure to grab his attention... then kill him."

"Yeah, I won't fail you."