
My Hot Stepfather

Author: Bosy Elselhdar
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 233.1K Views
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What is My Hot Stepfather

Read ‘My Hot Stepfather’ Online for Free, written by the author Bosy Elselhdar, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "If you lose your virginity to any guy, you'll never see me again." I had no idea my stepfather had such strong feelings...


"If you lose your virginity to any guy, you'll never see me again." I had no idea my stepfather had such strong feelings for me until he yelled those words at me. When he met my mother, he was a well-known football player at his college. He was born into a wealthy family. His smile brightened my mother's day and made me happy. As I grew older, I developed into a hot beauty. My stepfather and I, on the other hand, were deeply attracted to each other, as if something had invaded our souls and blinded us to the fact that he was my stepfather.

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