
Chapter 756


Located in a scenic sea area, a luxurious yacht with dozens of beautiful women, dressed in bikinis, with different skin color and hair, was playing.

On the top deck, there was a man wearing beach pants, with black curly hair and a big belly, with a blonde beauty in his arms and flirting with the woman. On the other side, under the service of a servant, he was smoking water smoke.

"Booner!" The man shouted, "I haven't cooked my lunch yet!? I'm so hungry!!"

Not long after, a tall and thin man in a white chef's suit and chef hat came to the deck. The man had two curly beards. His cheeks were thin and his hands and feet were very long.

He was holding a particularly large silver disk in his hand. The heavy plate was light as if it was nothing on his hand.

"Prince Lykid, these are the lamb chops with caviar sauce and the white truffle mushroom soup that you want." Abode respectfully put down the plate and opened the lid.