
Chapter 135


  Chen Ya said indignantly, "I think he should have a good attitude toward his work. The day before yesterday, he didn't go to work on time, and there is no reason. Letting him go like this will bring bad influence to the company..."

  Su Qingxue paused for a moment. "What do you think we should do?"

  Chen Ya was stunned. It was rare for Su Qingxue to ask for her opinion instead of making a quick judgment?

  "Fire him!" Chen Ya answered immediately.

  "No." Su Qingxue immediately refused.

  Chen Ya lowered her head in disappointment and asked in a low voice, "Is it because... does he know Master Alich?"

  "No," Su Qingxue explained. "But... he's not going to be fired yet."

  "But he..."

  "How about this?" Su Qingxue thought for a moment and said, "You should arrange some work that requires time and energy for him. Don't let him be idle."

  Chen Ya bit her lower lip, but since Su Qingxue said so, she couldn't say anything more.