
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Miss Fairy Tail

I woke up with a jolt of excitement. Today was a special day at the guild, and I could hardly contain my anticipation. The moment my eyes fluttered open, I sprang out of bed, my mind racing with the possibilities of the day ahead.

First, I headed to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to fully awaken myself. As I brushed my teeth, I couldn't help but grin at my reflection. The thought of spending the day at the guild, surrounded by friends and participating in the festivities, was exhilarating.

After my morning routine was complete, I slipped into my favorite outfit—a comfortable yet stylish ensemble perfect for a day at Fairy Tail. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toast wafted through the air as I made my way to the kitchen. I quickly prepared a simple breakfast: a couple of slices of toast, scrambled eggs, and a hot cup of coffee. As I ate, I could feel the excitement building within me.

With breakfast done, I headed out the door, eager to get to the guild. The streets of Magnolia were bustling with life, but my thoughts were solely focused on the guild and the events to come. I walked briskly, practically skipping as I neared the guild hall.

Upon arriving, I was greeted by the sight of a large crowd already gathered outside the guild. The atmosphere was electric, filled with chatter and laughter. As I pushed my way through the crowd, I could see Max Alors standing on a makeshift stage, preparing to host the contest. 

"Welcome, everyone, to the Miss Fairy Tail contest!" Max's voice boomed, capturing everyone's attention. "Our first contestant is Cana Alberona!"

Cana strutted onto the stage, a confident smile on her face. She held up her Magic Cards and, with a flourish, transformed into a swimsuit. The crowd erupted into cheers and whistles. I couldn't help but laugh at the spectacle, Cana always knew how to put on a show.

Next up was Juvia, who stepped onto the stage with a dreamy expression. "This performance is dedicated to my beloved Gray!" she announced, causing many in the crowd, including myself, to chuckle. Despite her over-the-top dedication, Juvia's performance was impressive, manipulating water to create beautiful shapes and patterns.

I found myself laughing out loud. "I'll never understand what she sees in that exhibitionist," I muttered to myself, shaking my head in amusement.

Following Juvia, Mirajane took the stage. Despite being the guild's poster girl and incredibly popular, she decided to use her Transformation Magic in a rather unexpected way. She changed her head to look like Happy's and then Gajeel's. I thought it would be funny, but seeing it in real life was a whole different experience—it was absolutely hilarious. Happy was delighted, but the rest of the crowd seemed a bit disappointed.

Erza was next. She used her Requip magic to change into a Gothic Lolita costume, which drew a lot of attention. Erza always had a knack for turning heads, and today was no different. She looked stunning, and the crowd's reaction was overwhelmingly positive.

Levy McGarden followed, using her Magic to write intricate designs and words in the air behind her. It was a beautiful and mesmerizing display, showcasing her creativity and skill.

Bisca Mulan then stepped up, her sniper rifle in hand. She performed an incredible feat, shooting four coins in the middle with a single shot. The precision and skill involved were breathtaking, and the crowd cheered loudly for her.

As I continued to watch the performances, Gray approached me with a smile. "So, Jade, who are you going to vote for?" he asked, his tone playful.

I scratched my head, feeling a bit conflicted. Earlier, Juvia had given me 1000 Jewels, pleading with me to vote for her, and I had accepted with a grin. "Well, I think I'll vote for the best one," I replied with a smile, trying to keep my promise to Juvia without giving anything away.

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lucy on the stage. She was the last contestant, and she planned to perform a cheer routine with her Celestial Spirits. Just as she was about to begin, Evergreen from the Thunder God Tribe interrupted.

"The contest is over because I am the winner," Evergreen declared arrogantly, stepping onto the stage.

Lucy protested angrily, despite Gray's warnings. "You can't just declare yourself the winner!" she shouted.

Evergreen's eyes glinted dangerously. "You should watch where you're looking," she said coldly. In an instant, Lucy was turned to stone, much to everyone's horror.

Evergreen continued, "I've done the same to all the female Mages in the contest."

The rest of the Thunder God Tribe and Laxus revealed themselves. Laxus stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention.

"We're going to hold a contest to see who the strongest Mage in Fairy Tail is," Laxus announced, his voice filled with authority. "Magnolia will be the battlefield. All Mages must battle one another, including the four of us. The last one standing will be the winner. You have three hours to do so. After the time limit, the statues of the girls will turn to dust."