
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Laxus defeated

Natsu charged at Laxus with reckless abandon, his fiery aura blazing as he unleashed a series of relentless attacks. But Laxus, with his mastery of Lightning Magic, effortlessly repelled each strike, a disdainful smirk playing on his lips.

"You're trash," Laxus sneered, deflecting Natsu's flames with ease.

Natsu gritted his teeth, his determination undeterred. "I'm not done yet!" he roared, igniting his fists with Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. But Laxus proved to be an impenetrable force. He caught Natsu's arm mid-strike, electricity crackling around his grip.

"Stay down," Laxus growled, landing a powerful lightning punch that sent Natsu crashing to the floor.

Natsu lay on the ground, defeated in a single blow. The force of Laxus's attack had been overwhelming, and the air around them crackled with residual electricity. I glanced at Natsu's unconscious form, knowing that the battle was now entirely up to me. Before Laxus could attack again, I created a clone of light that would take Natsu to safety. The clone picked him up, and although Natsu struggled to break free, the clone swiftly knocked him out and carried him away from the cathedral.

As I watched my clone disappear with Natsu, I saw Gajeel arrive at the entrance. He took one look at the situation and smirked. "You better show him what you're made of and put him in his place," Gajeel called out, his confidence in me clear.

"Don't worry, I've got this," I replied with a laugh, though my heart pounded with anticipation.

Laxus's eyes narrowed, electricity sparking around him as he shifted into Lightning Dragon Slayer Mode. His entire demeanor changed, becoming even more intimidating. "You think you can handle me?" he taunted, his voice a low growl.

"I'm about to show you just how strong I am," I responded, summoning my katana. My appearance transformed: my hair turned completely white, angelic wings unfurled from my back, and my eyes glowed a vibrant gold. The air shimmered with light magic, surrounding me like an ethereal aura.

Laxus wasted no time, raising his clenched fist. "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction!" he chanted, and a massive bolt of lightning descended upon me. I dodged swiftly, the ground where I had stood exploding into debris.

In response, I unleashed a barrage of Light Arrows, the air filled with streaks of luminous energy aimed directly at Laxus. He raised a hand, creating a barrier of lightning that deflected most of the arrows, but a few managed to pierce through, grazing his skin.

Laxus roared in frustration, gathering lightning in his mouth. "Lightning Dragon's Roar!" he bellowed, releasing a concentrated blast of electricity. I barely had time to react, raising the Guardian's Shield just in time to absorb the impact. The sheer force pushed me back, but I held my ground.

"You're not bad," Laxus admitted, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. "But let's see how you handle this." He raised both hands, generating a massive spear of lightning between them. "Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd!" He hurled the spear at me with tremendous force.

I took to the air, my wings propelling me upwards as the spear shattered the ground below. Hovering above, I gathered celestial energy into my blade. "Celestial Slash!" I shouted, diving towards Laxus and striking with all my might. The blade of pure energy clashed with his lightning, resulting in a brilliant explosion.

Both of us were thrown back, but neither yielded. Laxus, his eyes filled with fierce determination, charged at me with lightning-imbued fists. "Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!" he cried, aiming a powerful punch at me. I parried with my katana, the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

We exchanged blows, each strike echoing through the cathedral. "Celestial Chains!" I invoked, summoning chains of light to restrain Laxus. They wrapped around him, but with a surge of power, he shattered them.

"You'll have to do better than that!" he sneered, raising his fist again. "Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist!" A gigantic fist of lightning shot towards me. I narrowly dodged, feeling the heat of the electricity as it passed by.

Realizing the need to escalate, I concentrated my energy. "Celestial Nova!" I unleashed a massive explosion of light, aiming to overwhelm Laxus. He braced himself, the sheer brightness of the attack searing his vision.

For a moment, it seemed like I had gained the upper hand, but Laxus emerged from the light, slightly battered but far from defeated. "Not bad, but now it's my turn!" He channeled lightning into his fists and struck the ground. "Lightning Dragon's Iron Hammer!" The ground erupted in a torrent of lightning, catching me off guard and knocking me off balance.

I hit the ground hard, struggling to rise. Laxus approached, ready to deliver the final blow. "Lightning Dragon's Jaw!" he shouted, his hands joined and charged with lightning as he prepared to strike down from above.

Before his attack could land, I felt a surge of power. The world around me faded, and I found myself in a vast, white space. A figure appeared before me, radiant and serene.

"Jade," the figure spoke, her voice gentle yet powerful. "It is time for you to learn a secret technique. ."

"Seraphina," I whispered,

"This technique is called the Black Sun Veil," she explained. "It is an ancient power, given only to the most deserving mages. Use it wisely."

In an instant, knowledge of the technique flooded my mind. The white space faded, and I was back in the cathedral, just as Laxus's attack descended upon me. With newfound strength, I deflected his strike, creating a shockwave that pushed him back.

Laxus looked surprised, but he quickly recovered. "What is this?" he demanded.

I smiled, raising my hands. "Black Sun Veil!" I invoked the ancient power, summoning a black sun surrounded by an intense halo of light. The cathedral was bathed in darkness, the light of the black sun absorbing all illumination.

Laxus staggered, caught off guard by the sudden shift. "What is this sorcery?" he shouted, his voice tinged with fear.

Within the void of darkness, illusions of terror began to manifest, attacking Laxus's mind. He swung wildly, trying to dispel them, but the more he fought, the stronger the illusions became. Outside, the halo of light burned with intense heat, preventing any escape.

Laxus fell to his knees, paralyzed by fear and overwhelmed by the contrasting forces of darkness and light. Seizing the opportunity, I prepared the final strike. "This ends now!" I declared, my voice echoing with authority.

Channeling all my remaining energy, I launched a final, devastating attack. The combined force of light and darkness tore through Laxus's defenses, striking him with such power that he was lifted off his feet and thrown across the cathedral.

He hit the ground with a resounding thud, the black sun dissipating as I released the technique. Laxus lay there, defeated, his body twitching with residual electricity.

Gajeel, having watched the entire fight, approached with a grin. "I knew you had it in you," he said, offering a hand to help me up.

I took his hand, exhausted but victorious. "Thanks, Gajeel," I said, my voice heavy with relief.