
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Celestial Nova

Gadjeel and I stood there, catching our breath. My wings slowly retracted, and my hair returned to its normal color. "We did it," I said, a sense of relief washing over me.

Gadjeel nodded, a satisfied grin on his face. "Yeah. That was one hell of a fight."

We exchanged a look of mutual respect. The battle against the dark mage had tested us both, pushing our abilities to their limits. We knew we had to report back to the merchant in Marigold, and perhaps negotiate a bit more compensation given the unexpected challenge.

As we made our way back to the village, the moonlight bathed the path in a soft, silvery glow. The villagers were still awake, anxiously awaiting our return. When they saw us, they erupted into cheers and applause.

The merchant hurried over, his eyes wide with gratitude. "You did it! The bandits are gone, and that dark mage... you saved us all!"

"There was more danger than we anticipated," Gadjeel said, his tone serious. "That dark mage wasn't part of the original agreement. We believe the reward should reflect the increased difficulty."

The merchant nodded fervently. "Of course, of course. You both went above and beyond. I'll increase the reward to 500,000 Jewels. It's the least we can do for saving our village."

He handed us a heavy pouch, and the weight of it felt satisfying in my hand. "Thank you," I said, genuinely touched by the villagers' gratitude.

With the extra reward secured, we began our journey back to Magnolia. The walk was peaceful, the night air cool and refreshing after the intensity of the battle. Gadjeel and I talked about our next steps, about how we would continue to grow stronger and take on more challenging missions.

By the time we reached Magnolia, it was late, and the city was quiet. The streets were empty, lit only by the occasional streetlamp casting long shadows. We decided it was best to head home for the night and meet at the guild hall the next day.

"See you tomorrow, Jade," Gadjeel said, giving me a nod before heading in the direction of his place.

"Goodnight, Gadjeel," I replied, waving as we parted ways.

I made my way to my apartment, feeling a pleasant exhaustion settling in. Inside, the cozy warmth of my home welcomed me. I quickly prepared a simple dinner, savoring the quiet and the solitude. After eating, I took a long, hot shower, letting the water wash away the remnants of the battle.

Feeling refreshed, I changed into comfortable sleepwear and slipped into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt the pull of sleep, and within moments, I was drifting off.

In my dreams, I found myself back in the serene temple where I had first met Seraphina. The celestial glow of the place was calming, and the air was filled with a gentle, soothing energy. Seraphina appeared before me, her radiant presence a beacon of light.

"Welcome back, Jade," she said, her voice like a melody. "You have grown stronger since our last meeting."

I bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Seraphina. The recent battle pushed me to my limits. I need to improve further."

Seraphina smiled, her eyes filled with kindness. "That is why you are here. There is much for you to learn, and I will guide you."

We moved to the center of the temple, where a large, ornate circle was inscribed on the floor. The symbols glowed faintly as we stepped into it, filling the space with a hum of energy.

"First, let us refine your existing techniques," Seraphina said, gesturing for me to prepare. "Focus on your light arrows. They need to be faster and more precise."

I nodded, summoning my magic. "Light Arrow Barrage!" I called out, launching a series of arrows towards a distant target. The arrows glowed brightly, but Seraphina's discerning eye caught the flaws.

"Good, but not enough. Feel the magic flowing through you. Let it guide your aim, your speed," she instructed, her voice gentle yet firm.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I felt the magic within me, the light coursing through my veins. With a deep focus, I released another volley of arrows. This time, they moved with greater speed and precision, hitting the target dead center.

"Better," Seraphina said with a nod. "Now, let's move on to a new spell. This one will require a deep connection with your celestial magic. It is called 'Celestial Nova.'"

I listened intently as Seraphina explained the intricacies of the spell. "Celestial Nova is a powerful offensive technique. It harnesses your celestial energy to create a massive explosion of light, capable of obliterating even the toughest foes. It requires concentration and immense control."

She demonstrated by summoning a ball of light between her hands, which then expanded rapidly, filling the space with blinding radiance before imploding with incredible force. The ground shook, and the light dissipated, leaving behind a scorched area.

"Now, you try," she said, stepping back to observe.

I focused, feeling the energy gather in my core. I held out my hands, and a small orb of light began to form. It pulsed with power, growing larger and more intense. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I concentrated, keeping the energy stable.

"Celestial Nova!" I called out, releasing the energy. The orb expanded rapidly, filling the temple with brilliant light. The explosion was deafening, and the force shook the ground. When the light faded, I was left breathless but exhilarated.

"Excellent," Seraphina said, her approval evident. "You have a natural talent for this spell. With practice, it will become one of your most formidable techniques."

We continued to practice, refining my control over the new spell. Seraphina's guidance was invaluable, her wisdom and experience helping me to understand the deeper connections of my magic. We moved on to another technique, one that required even more finesse and precision: 'Celestial Chains.'

"Celestial Chains is a binding spell," Seraphina explained. "It allows you to summon chains of light to restrain your enemies, rendering them powerless. It requires precise control and a strong will."

She demonstrated, summoning glowing chains that wrapped around a target dummy, holding it firmly in place. "Now, you try."

I focused, visualizing the chains in my mind. I felt the magic gather around me, forming into luminous chains that extended from my hands. They shot forward, wrapping around a nearby pillar and holding it tightly.

"Good," Seraphina said. "Now, try to control their movement. Direct the chains with your mind."

I concentrated, feeling the connection between myself and the chains. Slowly, I willed them to move, to tighten around the pillar and then release. It took immense focus, but with practice, I managed to control their movements more fluidly.

"Very good," Seraphina said, her smile encouraging. "You are progressing well, Jade. Your dedication and hard work are paying off."

We spent hours in the temple, practicing and refining my skills. Seraphina's patient instruction and my determination drove me to push my limits, to explore the depths of my celestial magic. Each technique, each spell became more fluid, more powerful.

As the dream began to fade, Seraphina placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Remember, Jade, your strength lies not just in your magic, but in your heart. Trust in yourself, and you will continue to grow."

I nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Seraphina. I will continue to strive to be worthy of your teachings."

With a final, reassuring smile, Seraphina's form dissolved into light, and I felt myself waking up. The temple, the dream, all began to fade, but the lessons and the new spells remained with me.

I woke up in my bed, the morning light streaming through the window. The dream had felt so real, and as I stretched, I could feel the new strength and knowledge coursing through me. The Celestial Nova and Celestial Chains were now a part of my magical arsenal, thanks to Seraphina's guidance.

The events of the previous day, the battle with the dark mage, and the training in my dream left me feeling invigorated. I got out of bed, ready to face whatever challenges the day would bring. With new strength and confidence, I knew that I was becoming a force to be reckoned with, a true mage of Fairy Tail.

After getting dressed, I made my way to the guild hall. The journey to becoming stronger was a continuous one, and with each step, I was becoming more and more the mage I aspired to be.