
How Many Tycoons?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Martin Green said, "I invited her here."

Ling Yan felt displeased inwardly but she had to wear a smile on her face.

She was the signed spokesperson that was signed by MG, but she, an outsider, came to try the dress on. What was she thinking?

Her agent stepped forward and asked angrily, "Mr. Green, Miss. Ling is the MG spokesperson, are you confused?"

The two top managers of MG came over to Martin Green and asked with a small voice.

"Martin, we have already signed Ling Yan, you mustn't do anything more about it."

Martin Green pointed at Gu Weiwei who was in the galaxy dress and said, "She is the perfect spokesperson for MG!"

Ling Yan's smile stiffened. So he was telling her right to her face that Mu Weiwei was the perfect spokesperson?

One of the top managers of MG reminded him. "Martin, we have already signed Miss. Ling as the spokesperson, we must obey the contract."