
My Hero adventure

This Story is about a man recarnated into the world of MHA. Given one skill buy god and the appearance of Anos Voldigoad will he survive or die

ChronoDragon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

[ Read Author notes at the end of the chapter please]

Anos and Izuku open the Door to class 1A, when they enter the class they see a four eyes yelling at bomb boy. Iida comes to Izuku and starts talking, Anos just left Izuku so he didn't haved to hear him speak. Anos looked around and happened to not see grape head any where in the class. This gave Anos a smirk as although he did hate grape fruit it was nice to not have him in class.

Anos found a seat almost at the very back in front of Momo. He was gonna say hi but then thought that be weird. So Anos just sat down and thought about his decision to become a hero. When getting reborn into this hero world he wondered if he really wanted to become a hero. As he thought about it more and more he convinced himself that he wanted to help people, so this is the best way. He also thought how crazy his quirk is, before he got his quirk, he believe he would get a quirk related to sound as his skill for singing. When he didn't get a sound quirk he questioned Truck-kun decision but ultimately decided his quirk is still the best.

Anos was still in his thoughts when a voice broke him out of it.

< It took you guys eight seconds to shut up, rational student would understand that. Hello I'm Shoto Aizawa, your teacher. Right let get to put these on and head outside. > Aizawa said in a monotone voice

Anos the got his uniform and started to undress in class, he already had his shirt off when Izuku started to talk.

< woah uhh Anos what are you doing > Izuku asked

" I'm putting on my uniform what does it look like I'm doing "

< That cool and all but shouldn't you do that when we are in the locker room, we are in the middle of class right now. > Izuku said

Anos then looked around and saw everyone looking at him, his face went red from embarrassment and quickly put on his shirt. He did see though a lot of the girls kept on looking at his abs. Anos had a six pack so it was very much so eye candy to any of the girls. The reason why Anos didn't realize what he was doing was because when he lived in the orphanage, everyone had share two bathrooms so it was very common to change in front of each other to save time before school. Anos was so used to that he didn't even realize he was doing it in the middle of class.

In the girls locker room they were talking about Anos and how he looks pretty handsome, but they were also calling him a pervert.

Anos quickly left the classroom and found himself to the locker room, he quickly change and went outside trying not to think of the embarrassing thing he did. Aizawa arrived in front of the class and started to say his spiel. Anos mostly toon it out, untill he noticed Bakugo walking to the circle. He then had the ball in his hand and started to throw it with his explosion reaching a bit above 700 meters. The class started to get excited at the being able to use their quirks.

< So this looks fun huh, you have three years to become a hero, you thinks it all gonna be games and play time, idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential, whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately > Aizawa said with a smile.

The test began and the first one was the 50 meter dash.

Anos was Observed as Iida was one of the first to run, he got a fast speed of 3.04 seconds. Anos was next up for the test paired with Momo, Anos put the shadow around his body and got into a starting position. Anos heard the gun shot and started to run, but as soon as he did he fell. The reason for Anos falling was because his quirk was active and didn't expect to go slow. Anos then looked at Aizawa.

" Why did you erase my quirk " Anos asked

The class was confused by what Anos meant when they the put two and two together. There teacher was Eraser head.

< I said to try your hardest didn't I, When you were about to run you were already slower the when I saw you in the practical exam. If you aren't gonna try what it the point if this test. I'll give you one more chance to run, if you don't try I'll give you a zero. > Aizawa said

Anos was a little angry at what Aizawa said, but what he said do make sense. Anos and Momo got back to the starting line, this time Anos actived his shadow and got on all fours. This time when he heard the gunshot he blitz to the Finnish line getting 2.16 seconds. The class was surprised by this, as they thought Iida would be the fastest since his quirk is based on speed.

The second test is Grip Strength and the third was sand pit jump and the four side stepping. In the grip test Izuku did a little better from what Anos saw since he could control 3 percent of OFA.

The next test after those was the ball throw, Anos was thinking on how to throw the ball, has there was two ways he could do it. One was throw the ball and channl his darkness power into the ball to control it, but the thing was he never tried to control something with his darkness without direct contact with the thing. The second option was to channl all the darkness into his body and strengthen himself to the max and throw the ball, then stop time to punch the ball as hard as he can to give it an added boost.

Anos decided to do the first option because he didn't know how much control he would have over the ball. Anos went to the circle and got into a throwing stance, he then charged as much darkness as he could into his body. He then started to wind up and threw it as hard as he could. When he didn't feel the ball anymore, time began to slow down untill it came to a stop. Anos then went to the ball and punch around 4 time before time began to move again, when it did Anos went to one knee and started to huff and puff. Using the time stop for now used around half of his energy. The class was a little worried as for them all they saw was he threw the ball and Anos fell to one knee.

969 meters the Aizawa said as that was the last ball throw. The next couple of test were sit-ups, distanced run, and toe touch.

When the Tests were over, Aizawa put up the score board showing he student there score and where they stand in the class. Most of the 1A student already realize who would be the top student. Number one on the leader board was Anos, followed by Momo in second and Todoroki in third. Anos saw that Izuku was still in last place, even give him a little boost did nothing.

< And I was lying no one is going home, that was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the test. > Aizawa said

< I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry I guess I show have said Something> Momo said

The class started to relax seeing that there was no actual danger. Expect Anos had something to say.

" Yo Teach, why are you lying to everyone "

The class was confused to what Anos was talking about, even Momo was puzzled.

< What are you talking about Anos > Aizawa acting totally obvious

" What you said about rational deception, and Momo explain she knew it was fake. It wasn't, while Momo deduction would have been correct if any other teacher working here would be correct. I did a little digging on who would be teaching class 1A this year, and saw you were the teacher, you have expelled and entire class so why not Izuku."

The class looked at Aizawa, thinking he will deny the allegations and say he was lying, since they feel like school year would be hard.

< Well I don't know where you found that information as it is supposed to be secret, but as to why I didn't expel Izuku you could say I see potential in his quirk if he trained > Aizawa said annoyed

With that Aizawa left , he also gave Izuku a note for the nurse. Izuku in fact stilled ended up breaking his finger trying to get a better score for the ball throwing. Anos then got back in his normal uniform and waited for Izuku to be released form the nurse. On there walk out of school they were just talking and how Izuku never been to Anos's house. Anos said the next time we hangout we can go there. That when Iida came to them.

<how is the broken finger> Iida said

Izuku explained what happen and that when another person came to there small little group Ochaco. They all walked together but as they were leaving , Anos parted ways as he didn't get on the station to go home. When he got to his motorcycle he felt the same presence someone was watching him on the entrance exam. When he looked around he saw no one, so he just got on his bike and left.

Someone from the shadows got out and looked at Anos when he was leaving.

< Soon we meet for the first time in this world my love> The Stranger said before disappearing in a flash of light.

Thank you for everyone who stayed with this fan fic after 2 months of not up loading. I have stayed up to 2 am writing this just so I could get it out to you guys. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will try and write once a week so you guys could reading but I get very lazy, but it also so fun writing and seeing your reactions. Thank you for those who read this and check out my other fanfic " Eyes Of A Different Uchiha"

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